Category: Sex Ed

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?" 1

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?"

Your part­ner deserves bet­ter than flat­ten­ing inti­ma­cy down to a pass/​​fail grade. Go deep­er. You deserve play­ful teas­ing and ban­ter like, “Tell me what you want. Use your words. I know you can do it,” while watch­ing the oth­er person…

L'Acier Slide, Le Wand Contour, L'Acier Capo, njoy Eleven, Le Wand Arch, njoy Pure Wand metal dildos and vibrators

Top 9 Stainless Steel Dildos, Ranked (njoy, L'Acier, Le Wand)

The inten­si­ty of met­al dil­dos is hard to top — to the point where sex geeks have called them “mis­siles” or “snipers” for the inter­nal eroge­nous zones. They're mar­vels of plea­sure engi­neer­ing. I've said it before: my vagi­na is a…

Morgasm CBD-infused and original formula tubes

5 Ways to Intensify Sex With CBD Arousal Lube

Novelty and antic­i­pa­tion are vital to sala­cious thrills — and an arousal lube can lev­el up that explo­ration! Once you set aside the lin­ear rou­tine of kiss-​​foreplay-​​intercourse-​​ejaculation-​​done, you ele­vate your erot­ic ecsta­sy and open your­self up to a broad­er buffet…

13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything 2

13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything

I've tried over 350 sex toys, and yet, I still find won­der in Toyland. So many visu­als can be made phal­lic if you're cre­ative enough. And with the evo­lu­tion of soft cli­toral grind­ing toys, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are even more expansive.…

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them 3

Types of Dildo Bases ⁠— and 6 things you could do with them

Play with pen­e­tra­tion beyond lying on your back and hand-​​thrusting dil­dos, missionary-​​style. The non-​​insertable por­tion of a dil­do can make a more con­sid­er­able dif­fer­ence than you'd think. I’ve pre­vi­ous­ly writ­ten about mak­ing mas­tur­ba­tion feel more real­is­tic, which encom­passed a wide…

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 5

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared!

My vagi­na is made of the same mate­r­i­al as the inside of Mary Poppins’ purse. My vagi­na is made of the same mate­r­i­al as Mary Poppins’ purse. A soda can fits inside. Yet, a recent part­ner had a mere single…

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do! 6

16 Sex Toy Hacks & Conversions Anyone Can Do!

Sex toys can be so much more than phal­lic dil­dos inside and mini-​​vibes out­side! Here are 16 tips for con­vert­ing or improv­ing your toy box favorites. Mix it up and try some­thing new today! Dual Stimulation Tips Add a vibrating…

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title 7

"Pillow Princess": 5 Ways I'm Reclaiming the Title

The orgasm ratio between me and my male part­ners is eas­i­ly over 10:1 — 10 of mine for every one of theirs. I'm hav­ing a good time, and so are they. So why does the inter­net seem to hate Pillow Princesses…

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 8

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared!

“It is effi­cient at extract­ing orgasms, yes.” “That sounds about right for a German-​​made sex toy.” It’s hard to overem­pha­size Womanizer’s influ­ence in the sex toy indus­try. Their epony­mous cli­toral air pulse mas­sager was the first of its kind. Rather than…

Condoms 101: Choosing the Perfect Condoms For You! 9

Condoms 101: Choosing the Perfect Condoms For You!

It's a myth that stan­dard con­doms are uni­ver­sal and fit every­one. (Yes, even if your fore­arm can fit in one!) Using the right con­dom size is cru­cial for the wearer's com­fort and pre­ven­tion of preg­nan­cy and STDs. If the con­dom is…

5 Ways Sex Toy Companies Make More Budget-Friendly Toys 10

5 Ways Sex Toy Companies Make More Budget-Friendly Toys

Affordable sex toys are the future of the indus­try. Nowadays, you can eas­i­ly find a rumbly, body-​​safe vibra­tor with a vel­vety fin­ish for under $50. If you're cut­ting costs, it has to come from some­where. That could mean mate­ri­als, labor,…