Category: Reviews

Bestvibe kissing and vibrating massager with lips

Review: Biting Lips & Vibrating Tongue Oral Sex Simulator From Bestvibe

I’m shocked at how quick­ly this lit­tle oral sex sim­u­la­tor made me cum. Even with the buzzy tongue vibra­tions, the lips’ kiss­ing move­ment and place­ment incor­po­rat­ed some of what I had become accus­tomed to with oral sex. Here’s a less-​​known fact…

Variants of rose sex toys: air pulse massagers of different color roses, brand comparison, and rose butt plugs

Rose Sex Toy Guide: Air Pulses, Colors, Variants, Plugs, and More!

The ele­gant­ly dis­creet Rose sex toy is here to stay. “Roses are a per­va­sive sym­bol of love. That makes it a can­di­date for gifts on Valentine’s Day, anniver­saries, etc.,” I told the writ­ers at Sexual Health mag­a­zine. Sex toy…

Dorcel Double Do Self-Thrusting Double Dildo and Tantus Hook long dildo next to Double Do packaging

Review: Dorcel Double Do & Tantus Hook long dildos

My deep­est eroge­nous zones are so hap­py. These long dil­dos (18” and 10”) make me want to text a part­ner, “Thank you for your ser­vices for my cervix.” I am so sat­is­fied — a cud­dle pud­dle with these two…

Pink Punch Peachu in charging dock next to packaging

Pink Punch Peachu Review: Bluetooth Air Pulse Massager

Eggplant and cucum­ber dil­dos prac­ti­cal­ly designed them­selves. Now it’s the peach emoji’s turn to shine — in the form of an air pulse cli­toral mas­sager. These suck­ing and thrum­ming thrills were once clinical-​​looking con­trap­tions in the mid-​​2010s but now…

Wearable dual-stimulation vibrators and air pulse rabbit massagers

Rabbit Vibrator Trends: Air Pulse Dual Stimulators & More

My spir­it slight­ly sinks when­ev­er I see that damn U‑shaped Bellesa Airvibe pro­mot­ed on Instagram. It's not going to fit my anato­my — I can already tell from the shaft's flex­i­bil­i­ty in videos and pho­tos that it lacks the…

Twijoy Night Review: Spinning & Sucking Penis Stroker 3

Twijoy Night Review: Spinning & Sucking Penis Stroker

“Human vagi­nas don’t typ­i­cal­ly move like that [toy does], though you could pick me up and spin me. I’m light­weight enough.” “Oh, def­i­nite­ly,” my friend replied after test­ing the Twijoy Night spin­ning sleeve. Night by Twijoy is an automated,…

L'Acier Slide, Le Wand Contour, L'Acier Capo, njoy Eleven, Le Wand Arch, njoy Pure Wand metal dildos and vibrators

Top 9 Stainless Steel Dildos, Ranked (njoy, L'Acier, Le Wand)

The inten­si­ty of met­al dil­dos is hard to top — to the point where sex geeks have called them “mis­siles” or “snipers” for the inter­nal eroge­nous zones. They're mar­vels of plea­sure engi­neer­ing. I've said it before: my vagi­na is…

The RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide is about the same diameter as my wrist. Its core is on the firm side, but its skin is sooooo soft.

RodeOH Slyder Plus Wide Review: realistic dildo with sliding skin

“We love and stand by the prod­uct, but there’s no account­ing for taste,” a spicy affil­i­ate man­ag­er trailed off, star­ing into space. I rec­og­nized the glazed expres­sion. “You’re think­ing, ‘Ahhh, mem­o­ries,’ aren’t you?”  Indeed, she was. She adored the…