Category: Reviews

Pussy Willow hybrid cum lube consistency

Sultry Body Care: My Favorite Lube, Massage, CBD, Pheromones & More!

Pairing potions and lotions with your gad­gets and giz­mos galore Whether you're driz­zling on dil­dos or lap­ping lube off a part­ner, you deserve to know the sex­u­al well­ness and body care prod­ucts I've: This mega-​​guide includes lubes, lotions, arousal…

Unihorn Wild Spirit unicorn with licking tongue vibrator vs. Karma Lilac's pulsating lips

Karma Lilac Unihorn Review: Unicorn Vibrator With Pulsing & Tapping

Feel this Unihorn’s cutie patootie snoot boop­ing at 4 puls­es per sec­ond — and its boot(y)’s buzzing. The face end puls­es back and forth, like light per­cus­sion, while the round rump deliv­ers vibra­tion. Fittingly, my favorite one’s trad­ing card…

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review 1

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review

Upgrade your blowjobs with viva­cious vibra­tion, via Vim, Manta, and Bond! Of course, the options go beyond this post, since you can: However, vibrat­ing mas­sagers for penis­es are an incred­i­bly under­rat­ed fron­tier of plea­sure! Since the penis is more or less…

Review: Uberrime Happy (Boner) Snowman Dildo 2

Review: Uberrime Happy (Boner) Snowman Dildo

This snow­man dil­do loves warm (and snug) hugs and won't melt away inside. Its mis­placed “car­rot” bon­er and bux­om booty make it a func­tion­al and fun dis­play piece — why not both?! The Happy Snowman’s pen­chant is pen­e­tra­tion, with just…

Fluttering rose vibrator in hand

BestVibe Fiona Fluttering Tongue Vibrator Review

Fiona is for fans of flut­tery flo­rals and light lap­ping. This double-​​ended, rose-​​shaped lick­ing vibra­tor fea­tures a slen­der “blade” of a tongue that flits back and forth for a pin­point sen­sa­tion. That’s the main draw. On the flip side…

Review: Rock Candy Refined Sweetensity Mini-Wand 3

Review: Rock Candy Refined Sweetensity Mini-Wand

Rock Candy’s Sweetensity isn’t for the faint of cli­toris. It’s for those who want to gasp, “Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh,” cum­ming over and over again — per­haps with a part­ner telling them, “You don’t get to stop…

Review: My Secret Butterfly Mini Rabbit Vibrator by Nasstoys 4

Review: My Secret Butterfly Mini Rabbit Vibrator by Nasstoys

To my mil­len­ni­al gal pals: was your 2000s-​​era MySpace most­ly pas­tel but­ter­flies, or was it more black and teal? Did you real­ize you were queer for serve Queen Fyora or Taelia in Neopets? Either way, Nasstoys’ My Secret Butterfly…

Best Thrusting Dildos vs. Gorilla Grip Coochie: Comparison of Contraptions 5

Best Thrusting Dildos vs. Gorilla Grip Coochie: Comparison of Contraptions

This cunt con­sumes colos­sal can-​​sized cocks and cracks fin­gers. The lat­ter abil­i­ty is a haz­ard at times — my walls crush thrust­ing toys like a vise, over­pow­er their func­tion­al­i­ty, and occa­sion­al­ly eject erec­tions. I would say to play the…

Mini-Reviews: Maia Shroomie & Naughty Bits Bone Head Skull Vibrator 6

Mini-Reviews: Maia Shroomie & Naughty Bits Bone Head Skull Vibrator

Today’s sil­ly sex toy shape themes are detri­tus and decom­po­si­tion, fea­tur­ing: That last bit is vital — vibrations-​​wise, the motors are accept­able, as with many “bespoke” sex toys that rely on com­pact cute­ness. And that’s fine for the price,…

Magic Wand Micro size comparison to keys and hand

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype?

The Magic Wand has a long-​​standing lega­cy of pow­er through its full-​​sized and icon­ic iter­a­tions. Does the itty-​​bitty cutie patootie Magic Wand Micro live up to that? This pocket-​​sized spec­i­men has its sib­lings' icon­ic col­ors and con­tours, but it's a…

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 7

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap!

This super soft sil­i­cone dil­do has one of the most fondle-​​worthy, realistic-​​feeling skin lay­ers I have ever tried — and it's super pret­ty with its curved, juicy watermelon-​​pink gra­di­ent tip, too! Yo?????? Observe me squish­ing this dil­do in the video…