Category: Reviews

Review: Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo by Creature Cocks 1

Review: Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo by Creature Cocks

This uni­corn horn dil­do isn't just tapered and tex­tured — Creature Cocks’ Moon Rider screws inside with its intense­ly helix-​​spiraled shaft. Get ready to be stretched and bot­tomed out with its cervix-​​servicing 7" of insertable length and 2.3" diam­e­ter near the base.…

Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator 2

Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator

It’s about damn time that thud­dy thump­ing toys received the recog­ni­tion they deserve. Experience clitoris-​​rocking rum­ble — with­out break­ing the bank. Could I sum up this Playboy vibra­tor’s effects on me? Sobbing, whim­per­ing, soak­ing my face with tears, ruin­ing my…

Uberrime Damn Alien dildos in UV green, UV pink, and glitter black with tightly marbled silicone

Uberrime Damn Alien Review: Beaded G-Spot Massager

“Why wear one string [of pearls] when you can wear two?” – Coco Chanel As my pussy wrapped the pletho­ra of pearls, I couldn't help but won­der: have I been enrap­tured by a benev­o­lent alien or a behind-​​bars body mod…

Review: Pelle Orange Slice & Gummy Worm Grinding Toys 4

Review: Pelle Orange Slice & Gummy Worm Grinding Toys

Soft candy-​​inspired cush­ions for pushin’ It was a sta­tis­ti­cal inevitabil­i­ty: squishy sil­i­cone grind­ing toys inspired by gum­my can­dy. Meet Pelle and Spectrum Boutique’s col­lab­o­ra­tion, Orange Slice and Gummy Worm. Think of them as an upgrade from fuck­ing your palm…

Fun Factory Nos, Duke, Tiger, and Limba Flex Medium

These Fun Factory Sex Toys Are Even Better Together

HAND-​​PICKED POWER COMBOS FOR CLIT COURTESANS, PENETRATION PRINCESSES, AND ADVENTUROUS AMAB AND BI BABES ALIKE. Fun Factory sex toys deliv­er rumbly AF, award-​​winning motors and a smor­gas­bord of shapes for just about every body. Choose your own adven­ture by…

Pussy Willow hybrid cum lube consistency

Sultry Body Care: My Favorite Lube, Massage, CBD, Pheromones & More!

Pairing potions and lotions with your gad­gets and giz­mos galore Whether you're driz­zling on dil­dos or lap­ping lube off a part­ner, you deserve to know the sex­u­al well­ness and body care prod­ucts I've: This mega-​​guide includes lubes, lotions, arousal…

Unihorn Wild Spirit unicorn with licking tongue vibrator vs. Karma Lilac's pulsating lips

Karma Lilac Unihorn Review: Unicorn Vibrator With Pulsing & Tapping

Feel this Unihorn’s cutie patootie snoot boop­ing at 4 puls­es per sec­ond — and its boot(y)’s buzzing. The face end puls­es back and forth, like light per­cus­sion, while the round rump deliv­ers vibra­tion. Fittingly, my favorite one’s trad­ing card…

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review 5

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review

Upgrade your blowjobs with viva­cious vibra­tion, via Vim, Manta, and Bond! Of course, the options go beyond this post, since you can: However, vibrat­ing mas­sagers for penis­es are an incred­i­bly under­rat­ed fron­tier of plea­sure! Since the penis is more or less…

Review: Uberrime Happy (Boner) Snowman Dildo 6

Review: Uberrime Happy (Boner) Snowman Dildo

This snow­man dil­do loves warm (and snug) hugs and won't melt away inside. Its mis­placed “car­rot” bon­er and bux­om booty make it a func­tion­al and fun dis­play piece — why not both?! The Happy Snowman’s pen­chant is pen­e­tra­tion, with just…

Fluttering rose vibrator in hand

BestVibe Fiona Fluttering Tongue Vibrator Review

Fiona is for fans of flut­tery flo­rals and light lap­ping. This double-​​ended, rose-​​shaped lick­ing vibra­tor fea­tures a slen­der “blade” of a tongue that flits back and forth for a pin­point sen­sa­tion. That’s the main draw. On the flip side…