Category: Reviews

Evolved Gyro Vibe Review: WHAM-BAM Thumping Gyrations! 1

Evolved Gyro Vibe Review: WHAM-BAM Thumping Gyrations!

For when you and your part­ner both feel like bot­tom­ing. When I hold the Our Gyro Vibe, its motor jos­tles my fore­arm. Its cen­tral hub con­tains a weight that spins rapid­ly, deliv­er­ing a com­bi­na­tion of thrust­ing, pul­sat­ing, and vibrating.…

Sensualist 7" Vibrating Dildo Review 2

Sensualist 7" Vibrating Dildo Review

The Sensualist rotat­ing and vibrat­ing dil­do has quite a bit going for it: TL;DR EdenFantasys’ Sensualist is an afford­ably fun first phal­lus. While it doesn’t do every­thing it promis­es, it does the oth­er things well enough at the price for…

Translucent green Dream Bunny air pulse toy from Pink Punch and suction attachment heads

Pink Punch Dream Bunny Review: Air Pulse Finger Vibe

ENDEARING. AESTHETIC. OVERWHELMING. FORMIDABLE FINGER FLITTING. Is Pink Punch Dream Bunny the “first expe­ri­ence of love,” as the prod­uct page says? Maybe not — but it cer­tain­ly got me gasp­ing quite quick­ly. I found myself pulling it away from…

A hand holding a blue Snail Vibe Gizi vibrator

Snail Vibe Gizi Rabbit Review: Constant Clitoral Contact?

You’ve heard of the tor­toise and the hare; now it’s time for the rab­bit and the snail. Rabbit vibra­tors boast it all: inter­nal and exter­nal stim­u­la­tion with the flick of a wrist. And because vul­vas and vagi­nas come in…

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro Review: A Strapless Strap-On? 3

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro Review: A Strapless Strap-On?

Fun Factory’s Share Vibe Pro makes promis­es galore. This company’s lux­u­ry insertable vibra­tors are always bold­ly basslike, with a low-​​pitched flut­ter — and Share Vibe Pro stepped up to that stan­dard, replac­ing the old­er Share Vibe’s remov­able (buzzy) bullet…

Review: Uberrime Aveo vs. Splendid Dual-Density Dildos 4

Review: Uberrime Aveo vs. Splendid Dual-Density Dildos

SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING VEINY, SOMETHING BLUE. Uberrime's Aveo and Splendid Large mea­sure a meaty 8” long and 2” across — plac­ing these eye-​​catching spec­i­mens among the largest of their real­is­tic dil­dos. (It’s hard to argue that the…

Clandestine Mimic+ Plus Review: A Versatile AF Vibrator! 5

Clandestine Mimic+ Plus Review: A Versatile AF Vibrator!

How this Clandestine Devices redeemed itself in the eyes of inde­pen­dent sex toy review­ers The Mimic+ Plus cups my clit and its cru­ra, con­tours on my cunt, its sharp edges and point push­ing me to orgasm faster than many…

Review: Double-Stuffing My Pussy With Fun Factory Ryde 6

Review: Double-Stuffing My Pussy With Fun Factory Ryde

Even more adven­tures of a com­pact, high-​​capacity human. HOW MUCH DO I LOVE GETTING DOUBLE-​STUFFED? Every time I get con­ve­nience store hot dogs, I put two in one bun, take a pic­ture for my Instagram sto­ry, and link to…

Wicked Bunny Collection Review: Air Pulse & Toy Care Kit 7

Wicked Bunny Collection Review: Air Pulse & Toy Care Kit

Can you believe it’s been ten years since Womanizer launched its Pleasure Air™ Technology? Air pulse mas­sagers have become their own cat­e­go­ry since then, with more com­pact, aes­thet­ic (read: less thermometer-​​like!), dis­creet, and afford­able options than before. A dinosaur…

Why Is This INTENSE Compact Wand So Familiar? 8

Why Is This INTENSE Compact Wand So Familiar?

Yes, the EdenFantasys Sleek Power Wand lives up to the "Power" in its name. And yes, you might have seen this wand before. I called its twin “the opti­miz­er of forced orgasms, plea­sure dom­i­na­tion, and post-​​nut sen­si­tiv­i­ty. It’s one…

BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands! 9

BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands!

PETITE. POWERFUL. INSERTABLE PERVERTABLE? I see you, California Exotics; you're keep­ing tabs on the com­pe­ti­tion and releas­ing your ren­di­tions of pop­u­lar prod­ucts years lat­er. You can be hit-​​or-​​miss some­times, but damn, when your ver­sion is good, it's aaAaaAahh —…

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Review: Dildo Bigger Than Soda Can 10

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Review: Dildo Bigger Than Soda Can

I slide my thumbs over the swollen coro­na, its “meat” yield­ing just a lit­tle under pres­sure. Even just clean­ing Dee's Big Daddy Dallas — an act of devo­tion, wor­ship­ping the wind­ing vas­cu­la­ture wrap­ping the shaft — is enough to…