Category: Reviews

Honest and detailed reviews of body-​safe dil­dosvibra­tors, and more— includ­ing G‑spot sex toys, A‑spot sex toys, and sex toys for cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion and the pos­te­ri­or fornix. Whether I love or loathe a toy, you'll def­i­nite­ly know!

Velvet Prime Lewis: Uncut & Thick Thruster Attachment 1

Velvet Prime Lewis: Uncut & Thick Thruster Attachment

Meet Lewis, Velvet Thruster's thick, curved, uncut cock attach­ment for front-​​wall bliss — one of the most ver­sa­tile real­is­tic thruster attach­ments in their line­up. Pop it atop the Velvet Prime for up to 136 thrusts per minute — long,…

Uberrime BIG Damn Alien: Tiered G-Spot & Depth Dildo 2

Uberrime BIG Damn Alien: Tiered G-Spot & Depth Dildo

“Oh, fuck,” I whim­pered at the Uberrime Big Damn Alien's first thrust against my cervix. The Big Damn Alien dil­do fea­tures not one, not two, but three tiers of out-​​of-​​this-​​world rib­bing and pearling. They lock into place along my…

Manwan Penis Vibrator Review: Evo vs Sub One 4

Manwan Penis Vibrator Review: Evo vs Sub One

French finesse meets pow­er­ful penis plea­sure. Consider the Man.wand Evo an orgasm accel­er­a­tor for penis­es — deep, rumbly vibra­tions to wrap around an erec­tion. I could make my part­ner cum damn near instant­ly with this penis vibra­tor if I…

Review: Valm Ultra Realistic Triple-Density Dildos 6

Review: Valm Ultra Realistic Triple-Density Dildos

I'm already hot and both­ered again, feel­ing up this cock. Its real­is­tic head yields between my thumb and fore­fin­ger — a deli­cious reminder of how it would caress my cervix — and its vas­cu­lar shaft skin slides almost like the…

COME TOGETHER Book Review: Reignite Intimacy and Desire 7

COME TOGETHER Book Review: Reignite Intimacy and Desire

Unlocking the Science of Long-​​Term Attraction with Insights from Come Together by Emily Nagoski I was hooked from the start: yes, research backs cer­tain keys to “keep­ing the spark alive” long-​​term, but no, they aren't about fre­quen­cy or novelty…

Top Rumbly, Powerful Rechargeable Wand Vibrators, Ranked [2025 Edition] 9

Top Rumbly, Powerful Rechargeable Wand Vibrators, Ranked [2025 Edition]

THE UPDATED ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SENSUAL, SEISMIC SORCERY It's true: the Magic Wand is a mys­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, enchant­i­ng users even more with its upgrades under new own­er­ship. But oth­er icon­i­cal­ly orgasm-​​obliging wands have entered the are­na, each with their…

Swirlii Review: Gyrating Vibrator for Shallow Penetration 11

Swirlii Review: Gyrating Vibrator for Shallow Penetration

I love a tongue at my cunt's entrance, cir­cling and swirling all 360 degrees. While gyrat­ing mas­sagers are noth­ing new, it's not often I try one in the shal­low­est part of my pussy. And why not? It's one of…