Category: Dildos

Reviews of the best dil­dos for G‑spot, A‑spot, and cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion… plus hon­est reviews if a dil­do I try isn't great. All of the sex toys through­out Super Smash Cache are made of body-​safe mate­ri­als like sil­i­cone, glass, and metal.

3 Skull-Themed Dildos For Spooktacular Nights In 5

3 Skull-Themed Dildos For Spooktacular Nights In

Mix chills, thrills, eerie excite­ment with these hand-​​picked spooky dil­dos. The macabre mar­vels range from sub­tle to severe. Raise your spir­its with some spine-​​tingling sil­i­cone. Creature Cocks Tower of Doom…

Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo 7

Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo

Slick, smooth, sub­lime sen­sa­tions for my slit and cervix. I love it deep, and I was enchant­ed when Luscious Playthings cus­tomized this glass dil­do to my spec­i­fi­ca­tions for stroking my…

Solina Mega Dildos Review: Dual-Density HYPER-REALISM! 9

Solina Mega Dildos Review: Dual-Density HYPER-REALISM!

I've been dream­ing of the Solina Mega cock line: hyper-​​realistic dual-​​density dil­dos with deli­cious squish, gradient-​​painted tips, and ver­dant veins — all at mod­est prices. (Solina's XXL dil­do retails for…

Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixskin Johnny Review: Girthy Realism 10

Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixskin Johnny Review: Girthy Realism

SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING BLUE Uberrime's Maxime dick­ma­tizes me into an alter­nate state, Googling “visions dur­ing inti­ma­cy” short­ly after fuck­ing myself (and fol­low­ing the search sug­ges­tion to “tran­scen­den­tal intimacy”).…

Cute Cruelty Indigo Deep A-Spot Dildo Review 11

Cute Cruelty Indigo Deep A-Spot Dildo Review

This deli­cious­ly deep-​​dicking sweet treat won’t dent your wal­let. I thank it for its ser­vice for my cervix. Cute Cruelty’s Indigo A‑spotting dil­do has a love­ly length of 8 insertable…