4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared!

Horny level: "Show me all your double penetration dildos."

Yep! All of my picks from SheVibe for the quar­ter were sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­dos — and my vagi­na eager­ly engulfed them.

Silicone double dildo size shape and size comparison

In order from the small­est to biggest double-​ended dil­dos pic­tured above:

I also got the Pris Toys Gemini (the mar­bled one on the far left), which isn't mar­ket­ed as a dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion dil­do, but I can (and do) use it that way. 

More recent­ly, Ryde by Fun Factory just came out, too!

4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 1

What makes these dou­ble dil­dos so special?

Body-Safe Double Dildos

Double dongs are hard­ly a new con­cept. If any­thing, sex toy snobs might view them as cheap, low-​class relics of the 90s, when tox­ic mate­ri­als like jel­ly were more ram­pant. Therein lies the issue.

When peo­ple think of dou­ble dil­dos, they usu­al­ly imag­ine the trans­par­ent, giant gum­my worm-​looking ones that melt and smell like show­er cur­tains. Such a com­bi­na­tion doesn't exact­ly scream "lux­u­ry."

Your first line of defense? Know the properties of toy materials.

All of the dou­ble dil­dos men­tioned in this review are made of sil­i­cone — non-​porous, easy-​to-​clean, and san­i­ti­z­able by boil­ing or using a 10% bleach solution.

Body-safe silicone double dildos and dongs

The same is true for glass and met­al toys, but sil­i­cone is top-​tier in hygiene as far as soft sex toy mate­ri­als go. Just make sure to use water-​based lube with it since liq­uid sil­i­cone can degrade sol­id silicone.

And that's before even unpack­ing the stig­ma and mis­in­for­ma­tion around large inser­tions.

You can do double penetration safely if you're savvy and well-prepared:
  1. Stick to body-​safe mate­ri­als (like sil­i­cone!)
  2. Use an ade­quate amount of (orifice-​appropriate) water-​based lube
  3. Follow my guide­lines for how to insert HUGE dildos
  4. Listen to your body (and your doc­tor, where applicable)
NS Colours DP Pleasures, Cal Exotics AC/DC, Blush Ruse 18 inch silicone double dildos/dongs

Size Isn't The Only Important Factor

Consider dildo shape and silicone firmness, too!

I've had two part­ners' cocks simul­ta­ne­ous­ly stuffed in my vagi­na before. Hot? Yes. Intimidating? Not any­more, despite both phal­lus­es being above aver­age girth.

Surely, insert­ing sim­i­lar­ly thick dil­dos wouldn't be that much more effort, right?

W R O N G !

That expe­ri­ence didn't trans­late to ease double-​stuffing myself with toys — for two big reasons.

NS Colours DP Pleasures and California Exotics AC/DC silicone body-safe double penetration dildos
Left to right: NS Colours DP Pleasures and Cal Exotics AC/​DC dou­ble dildos

First, the firm­ness. The small­er options (the AC/​DC and Colours DP Pleasures) were quite stiff for main­tain­ing their steep U‑shapes.

In par­tic­u­lar, the Cal Ex AC/​DC was FUCKING HARD — more than twice as hard as the Blush Rusé dou­ble dil­dos and almost twice as hard as the Colours DP Pleasures. And even the soft­est of the bunch was hard­er than a flesh-​and-​blood cock.

That's not nec­es­sar­i­ly a bad thing. If your goal is to use one end vagi­nal­ly and the oth­er anal­ly, a firmer dou­ble dil­do can bet­ter retain its shape for thrust­ing. The sta­ble cur­va­ture also gives it way more poten­tial for G‑spot focus.

And though all these sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­dos can bend, some were eas­i­er to squeeze the ends togeth­er than oth­ers. That's a mat­ter of firm­ness and the dildo's default shape at rest.

I'll note which ones are best for what pur­pose in the fol­low­ing mini-​reviews. Some are bet­ter for use in dif­fer­ent holes, while some are nice for solo play and oth­ers for part­ner play.

Colours DP Pleasures Double Dildo by NS Novelties

Versatile for one-​person DP — double vaginal, double anal, or both holes

The Colours DP Pleasures dou­ble dil­do is juu­u­ust right in so many ways. Its girth is about aver­age, and the sil­i­cone is nei­ther too squishy nor too firm. As well, I can eas­i­ly squeeze the ends togeth­er to fit in one hole, and it's flex­i­ble enough to pull apart for two holes if you don't mind the angling.

California Exotics AC/DC double-ended silicone dildo and NS Novelties Colours DP Pleasure double penetration dildo
Cal Ex AC/​DC and Colours DP Pleasures again!

My cervix couldn't be hap­pi­er with this dou­ble dil­do com­bo. The Colours DP Pleasures slips into both my ante­ri­or fornix (A‑spot) and pos­te­ri­or fornix, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly mas­sag­ing my cervix from in front of it and behind it. I don't have to be super care­ful to hold it just the right way — the elon­gat­ed "U" shape is quite easy to work with.

The only poten­tial down­side is that the head shape isn't as defined or G‑spotty as the AC/​DC dou­ble dildo's.

Despite that, NS's Colours DP Pleasures is my top choice for a solo dou­ble vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion dil­do. Solo use, part­ner use, and three-​way use (one thruster, two receivers) dur­ing group sex are all options with this toy.

4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 2
My hands look so much more relaxed here. Yes, the NS Colours DP Pleasure dou­ble dil­do def­i­nite­ly wants to stay bent in a U‑shape, but it's far more pli­able and ver­sa­tile than the AC/​DC.

NS Novelties Colours DP Pleasures Measurements

  • Total length: 17" (44 cm)
  • Insertable length: 6.50" (16.5cm)
  • Head max diam­e­ters: 1.36" (3.5 cm) and 1.2" (3.1 cm)
  • Shaft diam­e­ters: 1.20" (3.0 cm) and 1.15" (2.9 cm)
  • Estimated Shore hard­ness: 10 A 
    • Firmer than gum­my can­dy but soft­er than a rub­ber band

Available in pur­ple and pink.

4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 3

Fun Factory Ryde

Ride it, grind it, plug it, bump it, vibe it

This asym­met­ric dou­ble dong has a har­ness­able base and two tex­tured dil­dos, measuring:

  • 1.1" across the head
  • 1.4" across the base of the shaft
  • 4" long on one end and 5" long on the other
  • 6" long and 2.1" wide when used for dou­ble vagi­nal penetration
4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 4

Squeeze RYDE’s prongs togeth­er for a big stretch. Once you get it all the way in, the cur­va­ture will make itself known against your front wall, while the tapered tip can be direct­ed in front of or behind the cervix.

When using RYDE this way, it has about 6” of insertable length. Go slow, or get dicked deep and hard.

Read more about fold­ing up RYDE for double-​stuffing my pussy or oth­er ways to savor the sen­sa­tions!

7 Reasons to Love Ryde, Fun Factory's Grinding Dildo
4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 5

Available in Wild Olive and Black.

Cal Exotics AC/DC Silicone Double Dildo

Slim and sturdy — best for simultaneous vaginal and anal penetration
Cal Exotics AC/DC slim double-ended dildo for double penetration

Based on size alone, you'd think the AC/​DC by California Exotics would be the most com­fort­able dou­ble dong for dou­ble vagi­nal. The small end is slim­mer than some bul­let vibra­tors I've tried, and the big one is only a lit­tle wider than two of my fin­gers. (And I'm quite thin.)

Indeed, the AC/​DC wasn't tough to insert. The agony start­ed when I pulled it out while not pay­ing atten­tion to keep­ing the prongs squeezed togeth­er. They sprung and splayed apart near the mouth of my vagi­na, like the specu­lum from hell.

Again, this dil­do has some flex­i­bil­i­ty but FEELS FUCKING HARD and stub­born. "Ultra-​soft and pli­able," said the pack­ag­ing. LIES. I would not rec­om­mend using both ends for one hole. The Cal Exotics AC/​DC sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­do is best used as a one-​handed tool for pen­e­trat­ing both holes simultaneously.

The design could also be fun for beginners!

You can also enjoy the Cal Exotics AC/​DC dou­ble dil­do by:

  • Inserting just one of the ends
  • Using the oth­er as a long, firm han­dle for added reach
  • Savoring the firm front wall pressure.

Those with mobil­i­ty issues may espe­cial­ly appre­ci­ate such a fea­ture. The two dif­fer­ent head sizes and low price also make it begin­ner exploration-friendly.

4 SILICONE Double Dildos For Body-Safe DP Play, Compared! 6
Have fun try­ing to straight­en it out or keep the ends squished together!

AC/​DC Double Dildo Measurements

  • Total length: 12" (30 cm)
  • Insertable length: 4.60" (11.7 cm)
  • Head max diam­e­ters: 0.85" (2.2 cm) and 1.36" (3.5 cm)
  • Shaft diam­e­ters: 0.65" (1.7 cm) to 1.00" (0.7 cm)
  • Distance between ends: 1.15" (3 cm)
  • Estimated Shore hard­ness: 25 A 
    • About as firm as a pink pen­cil eraser

Available in teal and hot pink.

Rusé 18" Slim Silicone Double Dong

Moderately thicc, versatile, and great for sharing with a partner

Don't let the name fool you: at 1.5" across, this dil­do by Blush Novelties isn't exact­ly slim. It's actu­al­ly quite fill­ing, con­sid­er­ing it's firmer than penis­es of a sim­i­lar size.

Rusé 18" Slim double dildo by Blush Novelties
The Blush Rusé 18" Slim has a shal­low­er C‑curve that you can straight­en out. Squishing the ends togeth­er takes some effort, though.

Both ends of the Rusé 18" Slim dou­ble dil­do can fit in my vagi­na, but it's not the eas­i­est option for that. The gen­tle curve makes it bet­ter for use as a han­dle or for shar­ing with a partner.

Since the U shape swoops through­out the toy, it's quite intu­itive to rock the Rusé 18" Slim dou­ble dil­do back-​and-​forth along the front wall — alone or for both par­ties. Cervix mas­sage is effortless.

Why I don't like this dildo for double vaginal

What hap­pens when I squeeze the ends togeth­er for dou­ble vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion, though? It's fine, at first, until my hand ends up either:

  • Too tired to grasp the Rusé in a vagina-​friendly shape
  • Too slick and lubed up — the toy then rotates and con­torts into uncom­fort­able positions

See how the cen­ter still wants to splay out?

Blush Novelties Rusé 18" Slim double dildo silicone flexibility
The tl;dr version

The Rusé 18" Slim dou­ble dil­do is adapt­able for many ways to play, but dou­ble vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion isn't one of them. If shar­ing a sil­i­cone double-​ended dil­do is on your radar, though, it's a fan­tas­tic choice. All of my vagi­nal deep spots sing for it.

Rusé 18" Slim Measurements

  • Total length: 18" long (46 cm)
  • Maximum diam­e­ter: 1.5" (3.8 cm)
  • Shaft diam­e­ter: 1.5" (3.8 cm)
  • Estimated Shore hard­ness: 10 A

Available in pur­ple and hot pink.

Rusé 18" Silicone Double Dong

Same as the previous section but squishier and DUMMY THICC

Given my issues using the "Slim" mod­el for dou­ble vagi­nal, I decid­ed not to con­sume both ends of the thick­er Blush Rusé 18" double-​ended sil­i­cone dil­do. However, using just one end is divine. It bot­toms me out while squish­ing ever-​so-​slightly against my cervix and pulling on my front wall with its satiny surface.

Overall, it's an 11/​10 replace­ment for sketchy jel­ly dil­dos of yore. This sil­i­cone dou­ble dil­do is BIFL — with prop­er care, it will last a life­time. I sure wish I had some­thing like it when I was younger!

Rusé 18" double dildo by Blush Novelties
The Rusé "lorge" has the same length as the slim mod­el, but a thick­er shaft and soft­er sil­i­cone den­si­ty. Its cur­va­ture has less resis­tance and straight­ens out slight­ly under the Rusé dildo's own weight.

Rusé 18" Slim Measurements

  • Total length: 18" long (46 cm)
  • Head max diam­e­ter: 1.7" (4.3 cm)
  • Shaft diam­e­ter: 1.75" (4.5 cm)
  • Estimated Shore hard­ness: 8 A 
    • Firmer than gum­my can­dy but soft­er than a gel shoe insole

Available in black and cerise red.

Silicone Double Dildo Measurements

Total LengthInsertable LengthHead Max DiameterShaft DiameterFirmness
CalEx AC/DC12"
(30 cm)
(11.7 cm)
0.85" (2.2 cm)
1.36" (3.5 cm)
0.65" (1.7 cm) to 1.00" (0.7 cm) 25 A
Colours DP Pleasures17"
(44 cm)
1.36" (3.5 cm)
1.2" (3.1 cm)
1.20" (3.0 cm) to 1.15" (2.9 cm)10 A
Rusé 18" Slim18"
(46 cm)
(46 cm)
(3.8 cm)
1.5" (3.8 cm)10 A
Rusé 18"18"
(46 cm)
(46 cm)
(4.3 cm)
1.75" (4.5 cm)18 A
(23 cm)
4" (10 cm)
5" (13 cm)
(2.8 cm)
(3.5 cm)
20 A

Shop these dou­ble dil­dos and more at SheVibe!

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5 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    What about for guys in the ass? I want the most life­like what­ev­er that would be. And I like the dif­fer­ent sized sides too, depend­ing on mood. Im get­ting old­er at 62 but want a good fuck­ing ounce in awhile too…


  2. Sm says:

    They are all so firm… you would thing they'd allow for more flex­i­bil­i­ty at least in the middle.

  3. G says:

    your writing's such a plea­sure to read and also i laugh in sym­pa­thy at "They sprung and splayed apart near the mouth of my vagi­na, like the specu­lum from hell."

  4. D. Dyer says:

    I have nev­er con­sid­ered a dou­ble vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion with toys exclu­sive­ly, I have a new goal.

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