Blush Novelties Avant D4 Review: "Sexy in Pink" Striped Silicone Dildo


The Avant D4 by Blush Novelties is the dil­do ana­log of Marge Simpson's pink Chanel suit: ele­gant, bold, and a steal for how gor­geous it is.

Blush Avant D4 and Temptasia Elvira

With the volup­tuous curves feel­ing as fun as they look, this striped sil­i­cone dil­do is an instant clas­sic. It quick­ly goes down in his­to­ry as one of my favorites, mas­ter­ful­ly mas­sag­ing my A‑spot and G‑spot with its girthy (1.9" aver­age diam­e­ter) goodness.

This dil­do fea­tures pink and black stripes along its undu­lat­ing shaft and ridicu­lous­ly strong suc­tion cup. Aside from the col­or, every­thing I love (and don't love) about the Avant D4 also applies to its coun­ter­part in Blush Novelties' Avant line: the Avant D3.

Both have the same slopes and sin­u­ous curves as the Real Nude Suko but in a firmer, single-​density sil­i­cone. The Avant D3 (named "Summer Fling") boasts a sun­nier pur­ple, pink, and orange palette.

And they're all fuck­ing sexy.

Blush Novelties Avant D4 Review: "Sexy in Pink" Striped Silicone Dildo 1

In this review:

How does the Avant D4 feel?

For me, it's just a sol­id all-​arounder; the boxy head and the shaft's bumps feel like many penile heads mas­sag­ing my A‑spot and G‑spot at the same time. Pressure changes give my walls a thor­ough­ly sat­is­fy­ing pop with every thrust.

The Blush Novelty Avant D4's head is very boxy and defined. This makes it the perfect A-spot and G-spot dildo for me.

A‑spot stimulation

While I've been BFFs with my pos­te­ri­or fornix (the area behind my cervix) for years, the Avant D4 tru­ly awak­ened my A‑spot (in front of my cervix).

For A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, I cred­it the Avant D4's girth, angled head, and the sol­id shaft. I can eas­i­ly tilt the toy so that the tapered tip slips in front of my cervix. The promi­nent coro­nal ridge digs into— and seizes the atten­tion of— both my front vagi­nal wall and the front of my cervix.

Other toys have left that eroge­nous zone feel­ing rel­a­tive­ly neglect­ed, but now I utter­ly can­not ignore it. And even though I know I'm always on a learn­ing jour­ney, the mem­o­ry of a time when A‑spot stim­u­la­tion did noth­ing for me feels so distant.

Blush Novelties Avant D4 Review: "Sexy in Pink" Striped Silicone Dildo 2

G‑spot stimulation

When it comes to G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, jig­gling the head in place just past my pubic bone works won­ders. I still love my bul­bous toys; the Avant D4's head is still too flat to do much when thrust­ing into my G‑spot. However, the coro­nal ridge is very pro­nounced, pulling on and dig­ging into my G‑spot instead.

I don't care for grad­u­al­ly tapered G‑spot toys that pull, and the head on the D4 is quite the oppo­site of grad­ual; it just juts out so sharply that it inevitably into my ure­thral sponge. I say "dig" instead of press because it's very sharp and specific.

And that's noth­ing short of mag­i­cal when I come and clench around the tip, press­ing it into my G‑spot even more, com­ing hard­er, clench­ing more, com­ing hard­er, clench­ing more, and so on. Indeed, tiny thrusts are all I need to keep that orgasm plateau going.

Pssst! If you want the short­er, "lite" ver­sion of the Avant D4, con­sid­er the Temptasia Elvira. It's short­er but has a sim­i­lar head shape and costs even less.

Avant D4 standing upright, with focus on the rounded suction cup base and the side-to-side ridges on the bottom hump.

Vertical ridges

The two up-​and-​down ridges on the hump clos­est to the base are heav­en to twist against my front wall. I know I said that about the Avant D5, but I'm much more emphat­ic about the D3 and D4.

The Avant D5 was pleas­ant to twist and add to exter­nal stim­u­la­tion, but it couldn't get me off by itself. The Avant D4, how­ev­er, actu­al­ly can make me come just by twist­ing if I'm already turned on. It's like the dip encap­su­lates my ure­thral sponge and the raised areas gen­tly nudge the legs of my inter­nal clitoris.

The girth and intensity aren't for everybody, though

For better or worse, the Avant D4 does not mess around!

I have to be aroused to appre­ci­ate this dildo's inten­si­ty. With 6" in cir­cum­fer­ence (an aver­age of 1.9" diam­e­ter) around the fullest part, I didn't expect the Avant D4's chunky girth to chal­lenge me. After all, I've tak­en toys far larg­er, with near­ly the cir­cum­fer­ence of a soda can.

Yet, it took me a few tries to get con­sis­tent­ly com­fort­able with insert­ing the severe head, for a com­bi­na­tion of rea­sons. If I put the Avant D4 in with the ridges fac­ing front, the angled head dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly places pres­sure on the front wall of my vagi­na and my ure­thra. The firm sil­i­cone and its drag­gy mat­te fin­ish don't help. However, I did find ways to reduce the discomfort.

Blush Novelties Avant D4 Review: "Sexy in Pink" Striped Silicone Dildo 3
Photo for size com­par­i­son (click to zoom). Left to right: Tantus Uncut #2, Blush Avant D5, Blush Avant D4Tantus Cush O2

Handling the intensity of the Blush Novelties Avant D4

Turn the dildo sideways!

From the front view, it's 1.75" wide, but it's 2" from the side view. I find that when I turn the dil­do side­ways so that the bumps face the side of my vagi­na, entry is a lot smoother. Turn it whichev­er way you want once it's inside.

And turn it side­ways again to take it out! I find that if I don't, the pro­nounced head snags on my pubic bone and I strug­gle to get it out.

Use more lube (and better lube) than you think you'll need!

Sliquid Sassy Booty Lube in a bottle with a pink label

Apply it to your­self, a huge glop to the tip before you insert, and a huge glop to the shaft after it's already in. Then let the thrust­ing dis­trib­ute the lube fur­ther. It sounds like com­mon sense, but real­ly: the bumps and ridges demand a lot of lube for me, and I can't empha­size that enough.

Invest in a thick­er for­mu­la if you can. I recommend:

  • Sliquid Sassy — it con­tains extra cel­lu­lose to thick­en the con­sis­ten­cy, so it's extra slippery
  • Sliquid Silk — hybrid lubes like Sliquid Silk are most­ly (~90%) water-​based and con­tain a small amount of sil­i­cone… not enough to dam­age the toy's sil­i­cone sur­face, but enough to stay slip­pery for way longer. Essentially, it has the con­sis­ten­cy of snot or jizz.

It's not for the faint of orifice.

This dil­do is very intense, even for me. If you con­sid­er your­self faint of vagi­na (or anus, if you're look­ing for an anal toy), then absolute­ly do not get the Avant D4. I'd steer you towards the Blush Novelties Real Nude Suko instead. The Suko is made from the same mold as the D4 and has the same entic­ing curves, but its dual-​density body is much more forgiving.

Who would like the Blush Novelties Avant D4?

I recommend the Avant D4 to people who…

  • love girthy and fill­ing toys
  • enjoy big struc­tur­al bumps
  • like deep pen­e­tra­tion with some G‑spot stim­u­la­tion at the same time
  • like exag­ger­at­ed, non-​representational heads

Blush Novelties Avant D4 - Pretty in Pink striped silicone dildo

Blush Novelties Avant D3 - Summer Fling

Blush Novelties Real Nude Suko Thumbnail

I don't recommend the Avant D4 to people who…

  • want a for­giv­ing and pli­able dildo
  • are look­ing for fine sur­face textures

If your tastes are like mine, though, you'll absolute­ly love the Avant D3 (costs slight­ly less) and Avant D4. You can buy either one from Spectrum Boutique and get 10% off with coupon code SUPERSMASH10


Blush Novelties Avant D4 Review: "Sexy in Pink" Striped Silicone Dildo 4

I received this prod­uct in exchange for my freely-​given, hon­est review from Spectrum Boutique, an inclu­sive sex shop based in Detroit. Thank you, Spectrum Boutique! All views expressed in this post are entire­ly my own. Believe me, if I don't like a toy, I'll tell you (even if the dil­do is real­ly pret­ty, like the Avant D5).

If you want to see more reviews, you can help sup­port me at no extra cost to you, by clear­ing your cook­ies and buy­ing sex toys via my links.

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6 Responses

  1. Michael Perkins says:

    Very smooth one, looks good for anal

  2. DizzyD says:

    I’d love to get my hands on one of these. The col­ors and shape are great and the price isn’t bad.…..

  3. Trix says:

    Sounds too intense for me, but it's cer­tain­ly pretty!

  4. Jay says:

    I love that Blush Novelties is mak­ing more afford­able body-​safe dil­dos, but I wish that their toy shapes had more vari­ety. Both of their girthi­er dil­dos, the D4 and D5, are so straight that I don’t think I would like either. Maybe one day they’ll make a curved, girthy toy because I real­ly want to try out the suc­tion cups

  5. Kalliopeia says:

    The col­ors on these are love­ly. I dig the stripes.

  6. Clara says:

    They’re all so gor­geous I need them all ?? thanks for the review!!

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