Pink Punch Peachu Review: Bluetooth Air Pulse Massager

Eggplant and cucum­ber dil­dos prac­ti­cal­ly designed them­selves. Now it’s the peach emoji’s turn to shine — in the form of an air pulse cli­toral massager.

Pink Punch Peachu in charging dock next to packaging

These suck­ing and thrum­ming thrills were once clinical-​looking con­trap­tions in the mid-​2010s but now come in shapes like thicc chicks, ros­es, peach­es, and more.

The Rose mas­sager — com­bined with the very nature of social media mar­ket­ing — launched air pulse stim­u­la­tors into the mainstream.

Now you’re here because you want to know how the Pink Punch Peachu per­forms when it steps up to the plate. It’s juicy and soft, and its D‑shaped noz­zle looks vague­ly like an open grin­ning mouth, but does it have sub­stance beyond cuteness?

Pink Punch Peachu Peach-Shaped Air Pulse Massager in Hand

Pink Punch Toys’ users want some­thing cute, but their ide­al audi­ence doesn’t over­lap that much with the Rose beyond that. The Rose’s claim to fame is the raw inten­si­ty with min­i­mal con­trol, while the Pink Punch Peachu is quite the opposite.

Who is the Pink Punch Peachu for?

The Peachu air pulse mas­sager features:

  • Some pow­er that won’t bul­ly the user’s clit by going from 0 to 65 to 100 to 110 miles per hour right away. (More on the inten­si­ty com­par­isons later.)
  • Ease of adjust­ing speed set­tings and tight­ly con­trol­ling them. If you’re sen­si­tive after orgasm but can (and want to) have mul­ti­ple, the Rose is not for you. Something you can turn up and down quick­ly is more your jam.
  • Some ele­va­tion and squish for easy rid­ing and humping.
  • Short-​range and long-​range Bluetooth con­trol capa­bil­i­ty — use­ful for solo play (you don’t have to adjust your mount­ing posi­tion to press the but­tons) and hel­la fun for part­ner play.
  • An unfor­tu­nate­ly teeny-​tiny nozzle.

As such, the Peachu's machin­ery is not for near­ly every­one drawn in by its play­ful pre­sen­ta­tion, styl­ish stand, and bright hue.

Pink Punch Peachu Air Pulse Suction Nozzle Shape

If you decide to get one, take 30% off Pink Punch Toys with code CY30

My first impressions of the Peachu

Pink Punch’s pack­ag­ing warmed my cold, cal­lous heart.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. ”It’s adorable AF,” and, ”Dammit, the app’s alien planet-​themed graph­ics won me over!” I wrote in my Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom review. And it comes with stickers?!

The Peachu is way soft­er than I expect­ed, but that makes sense. Bullet and love egg-​style vibra­tors per­form bet­ter with a hard shell (or a thin sil­i­cone lay­er at most) so that vibra­tions trans­fer through. Meanwhile, pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors do bet­ter with some flex­i­bil­i­ty around the “lips” of the open­ing so they can seal around the clitoris.

Its flesh’s gold­en gra­di­ent tran­si­tions from orangey to pale yel­low, like there’s a translu­cen­cy over the hard white shell, fol­lowed by a milky lay­er of near-​clear sil­i­cone. The over­all unit is about 3” in diam­e­ter and most­ly round, except for the defined peachy point and flat­tened base, where its con­tacts click into the charg­ing dock.

Pink Punch Peachu Peach-Shaped Pulse Vibrator in Charging Dock


Pink Punch Peachu specifications

Overall toy exterior

  • Toy diam­e­ter: 74 mm (about 2.9”)
  • Nozzle open­ing: 13 mm width x 14 mm height x 13 mm deep

This massager’s noz­zle doesn’t go very deep before you encounter the pulse plate, mean­ing it’s ide­al­ly used on some­one with a cli­toral glans on the small side — no big­ger than an eras­er atop a pencil.

If your junk is larg­er than that, get a dif­fer­ent suc­tion toy. The open­ing is about the same size as the Rose’s: 13 mm wide and 13mm deep.

(Looking for alter­na­tives? I gotchu; read my mega-​guide to air pulse stim­u­la­tors.)

Pink Punch Peachu Charging Cord and Dock


  • Charge time: 2 hours
  • Playtime: 2 hours
  • USB‑C charg­ing cord included

The charg­ing cord is eas­i­ly iden­ti­fi­able: yel­low with the Pink Punch logo on the USB dongle.

  • Noise lev­el: 30ish dB
  • IPX7 water­proof toy
  • Splash-​proof charg­ing dock

The Pink Punch Peachu is rel­a­tive­ly qui­et. Its sound would be rec­og­niz­able to a col­lege dorm room­mate there with you, but using it under a blan­ket and behind a closed door is a non-​concern. Or use it in the bath­tub; it’s sub­mersible in up to 1 meter of water.

Pink Punch Peachu vs. Satisfyer and Womanizer


  • Motor inten­si­ty: 5/​14* on the high­est setting
  • Frequency range: 76 to 97 Hz (moderate-​to-​high pitch)
  • Air pulse qual­i­ty: buzzy, rel­a­tive­ly surface-level

*Why do I mea­sure air pulse stim­u­la­tor strength out of 14? Womanizer’s Premium 2 is the cur­rent gold stan­dard of the cat­e­go­ry, with the broad­est range of steady speed set­tings. Its top speed (the 14th) is also the strongest.

It's only par­al­leled only by the Rose’s high­est inten­si­ty. On the low end, the Rose is an 11 out of 14. It has no subtlety.

Meanwhile, the Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3 CONNECT is a 5.5 out of 14, just a hair stronger than the Peachu's 5/​14.

Pink Punch Peachu Button and Magnetic Charging Contacts

Settings & controls

  • Control pan­el: One but­ton on the unit itself, plus a Bluetooth app to access more
  • Speed set­tings: 5 steady inten­si­ties to click through via the button
  • Patterns: 4 rhythm set­tings, one con­tin­u­ous, plus slid­ers on the app for chang­ing intensity 
    • Naughty (cat) — 1–2‑3–4, with each note esca­lat­ing in pitch until the “mea­sure” is over
    • Peachu (peach) — adjust the fre­quen­cy of the con­tin­u­ous hum
    • Fizz (jel­ly­fish) — 1–2‑3–4444444444444 with the last, longer note being high­er in pitch
    • Mood trip (car) — alter­nat­ing low-​high dashes
    • Lottery (slot machine) — pulls the lever every 8 sec­onds or so and picks one of the above functions.

Get the Pink Punch Bluetooth remote con­trol via the app store or down­load the APK direct­ly for Android phones.

Screenshot of Pink Punch Peachu Patterns in Use on Bluetooth App

My experience with the Peachu

The Pink Punch Peachu suck­ing vibrator’s exte­ri­or is def­i­nite­ly dolled up, and it gets the job done while being super styl­ish. Buzzy? Yes, but strong enough.

Its unique shape is easy to mount com­fort­ably while it rolls against my vul­va with­out need­ing to add ele­va­tion to push it up against my hips. I can adjust the angling eas­i­ly and con­trol the Pink Punch Peachu with­out reach­ing down to click the but­ton — instead, I use my phone as the console.

My favorite func­tion, of course, is the con­tin­u­ous thrum. Use it solo or with a part­ner while they strum up and down, and watch your reac­tions. They can do that in the same room or by con­nect­ing from afar via the app. Turn it up. Cum. Turn it down as need­ed. Turn it up again. Repeat until you cry or pass out.

Aside from the steady set­ting, the Mood Trip is the only pat­tern I find notable. Its low-​high dash­es are short and con­sis­tent enough to orgasm on.

Pink Punch Peachu Air Pulse Massager In Hand

Peachu’s D‑shaped mouth isn’t for every­one, as you need the open­ing to form a seal around your junk to pulse air the way it was intend­ed. The squared notch­es can make that a lit­tle more fussy, and it would have been more ver­sa­tile if there were a thick­er, more pro­trud­ing rim.

However it's a non-​issue for me when rid­ing and crush­ing my weight against it.

Closing thoughts on Pink Punch Toys’ Peachu

You’re prob­a­bly here because cute­ness sways you quite a bit. It did for me (and my hips swayed on it.) While Peachu is not the most vig­or­ous air pulse mas­sager you can get for the price, it’s plen­ty for me to have mul­ti­ple orgasms — and quickly.

Your mileage may vary. If your clit is big­ger than a pen­cil eras­er, you'd be bet­ter served get­ting an air pulse toy with a deep­er tunnel.

Pink Punch Toys Peachu vs. Womanizer vs. Biird Obii

If you want a lit­tle more pow­er with a basic design and 2‑button con­trol pan­el, get the Womanizer Starlet 3; its top set­ting is a 7.5/14 com­pared to the Premium 2.

If you want the air pulse Bluetooth con­trols with­out fur­ther frills, the Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3 CONNECT is a great place to start. It goes up to a 5.5/14. The We-​Vibe Melt is also much stronger — the crème de la crème as far as Bluetooth air pulse mas­sagers go — but its lux­u­ry price also reflects that.

With my Pink Punch Toys dis­count code, CY30 at check­out, the Peachu is a lit­tle on the pricey side, but not exor­bi­tant. I think it's fine for a user with a small clit.

The sweet spot is to wait until there’s a 40% off sale — which hap­pens quite often. That nar­rows the price dif­fer­ence between the Peachu and Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen 3 CONNECT to rough­ly $15 (as of the day this post was written).

Pink Punch Peach Clitoral Suction Massager In Charging Dock Next to Case Cover

Pink Punch Peachu deliv­ers Satisfyer strength, but also:

  • A cuter, peach-​shaped pack­age with a soft exterior
  • A travel-​friendly, display-​ready, hard case
  • Versatility with charg­ing — a USB‑C phone charg­ing cord will do in a pinch

After the Rose’s rise to fame, and La Boutique Voila’s attention-​grabbing dis­play at Adult Novelty Manufacturers’ Expo, you can’t deny the demand for “bespoke” non-​representational toys is growing.

Alien vibra­tor? Corn dil­do? Peach air pulse mas­sager? There’s some­thing for every­one. This peach has the juice — but you could be the ripest juici­est peach, and there will still be some who hate peaches.

Use code CY30 for 30% off Pink Punch Toys.

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are my own.

Some of the best clitoral air pulse vibrators

Further reading

Elsewhere on the web

I've been inter­viewed for the Spring 2023 issue of Sexual Health Magazine about the Rose toy and viral social media mar­ket­ing! Click to page 32 to read the arti­cle — Generation Pleasure: a Look at the Move Toward Playful, Discreet Toys

Elsewhere on my blog

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6 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    It’s adorable, love the aes­thet­ic. Would prob­a­bly pre­fer a wider open­ing, sur­prised that it would be as small as it is

  2. Trix says:

    The wide body looks like it could add some extra sen­sa­tion, though lot­tery mode sounds terrifying…

  3. Alex says:

    OMG, that is so cute! The case even has a lit­tle stem on top! I do won­der why they went with the D‑shaped open­ing, I've only seen air pulse toys with round or oval open­ings. Maybe they were try­ing to echo the shape of the toy?

  4. D. Dyer says:

    This toy is espe­cial­ly appeal­ing because it is very cute, but ulti­mate­ly prob­a­bly not quite for me. But maybe a future iter­a­tion will have a bit more pow­er and a deep­er noz­zle. Anyway, thank you for such a thor­ough review.

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