The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics.

The G‑spot is the area of, for many peo­ple, sen­si­tive tis­sue on the front wall of the vagi­na, near where the pubic bone recedes. It's nick­named such because Gräfenberg coined the name for it in the 1970s.

Bullshit claim: “The G‑spot doesn’t exist.”

When a reli­able source says the G‑spot doesn’t exist, what it means is that it’s not a sin­gle struc­ture, but rather the gen­er­al area encom­pass­ing the ure­thral sponge and part of the inter­nal clitoris.

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics. 1

The nub that we call the cli­toris, the glans, is just the tip of the ice­berg; to stim­u­late what’s known as the G‑spot is to stim­u­late the cli­toris from a dif­fer­ent angle. Nevertheless, that doesn’t change that it’s an eroge­nous zone for many vagina-owners.

Proponents of the G‑spot nev­er fuck­ing claim that it's a stand­alone organ. Most of the argu­ments about it not exist­ing try to tack­le that strawman.

If your sci­ence revolves around jump­ing through hoops to mansplain to women their bod­ies and straw­man them, maybe you should rethink who you're real­ly helping.

What confounds the topic is that scientists aren’t sure what to call it.

Some claim that call­ing it a “spot” implies a pre­cise­ly locat­ed mag­ic but­ton. The eroge­nous zone is there, but it’s not any­thing mag­i­cal or uni­ver­sal. This is true.

The G-spot is the front part of the internal clitoris

However, there’s so much vari­a­tion among anatomies that hard­ly any­thing in sex­u­al­i­ty is uni­ver­sal. It’s not in the same place in every vagi­na. The G‑spot's depth varies. It’s not a mag­ic but­ton for every­body, but rather anoth­er option you can seek out and exper­i­ment with for plea­sur­able sen­sa­tions. As with any oth­er sen­si­tive area, it's pro­nounced and demys­ti­fied when you do find it.

To praise the G‑spot isn’t necessarily claiming that it is a universal key to orgasm.

No, not every vagi­na is sen­si­tive in this area, likes being stim­u­lat­ed there, can have orgasms from sole­ly hav­ing this area stim­u­lat­ed, and knows how to find it. If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for you. By all means, find some­thing that does work. If it works for you, great! You’ve found some­thing to expand your sex­u­al reper­toire and opened a door for a pletho­ra of sensations.

For many vagina-​owners, includ­ing me, it does work. Curved or bul­bous sex toys that stim­u­late this area are pop­u­lar, and it would be disin­gen­u­ous to say that all the women who buy them are mere­ly liars or being duped. It’s true that there’s a lot of hype about the G‑spot. However, ulti­mate­ly, these women are just doing what feels plea­sur­able to them per­son­al­ly. Your opin­ion on whether it exists has no bear­ing on their pleasure.

I don’t think to call it something else will catch on in everyday settings.

"Anterior inter­nal cli­toris" is too wordy, even if it is one of the most accu­rate and for­mal labels to call the G‑spot. Another term often used is the "CUV (cli­torourethrovagi­nal) com­plex." This term con­veys that: 1.) the clitoris's legs wrap around the vagi­na, and 2.) the ure­thral sponge is part of the sen­si­tive set of structures.

However, ulti­mate­ly, the term, "G‑spot" is just slang for the same thing. Further pick­ing apart what label to put on it is pedan­tic seman­tics; a rose by any oth­er name would smell just as sweet.

And beyond that, if your sci­ence revolves around jump­ing through hoops to mansplain to women their bod­ies and straw­man them, maybe you should rethink who you're real­ly helping.

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2 Responses

  1. Clara says:

    I love this post so much! And that con­clu­sion, amen

  1. July 12, 2019

    […] Debates about the G‑spot’s exis­tence are pedan­tic semantics […]

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