The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics.
The G‑spot is the area of, for many people, sensitive tissue on the front wall of the vagina, near where the pubic bone recedes. It's nicknamed such because Gräfenberg coined the name for it in the 1970s.
Bullshit claim: “The G‑spot doesn’t exist.”
When a reliable source says the G‑spot doesn’t exist, what it means is that it’s not a single structure, but rather the general area encompassing the urethral sponge and part of the internal clitoris.

The nub that we call the clitoris, the glans, is just the tip of the iceberg; to stimulate what’s known as the G‑spot is to stimulate the clitoris from a different angle. Nevertheless, that doesn’t change that it’s an erogenous zone for many vagina-owners.
Proponents of the G‑spot never fucking claim that it's a standalone organ. Most of the arguments about it not existing try to tackle that strawman.
If your science revolves around jumping through hoops to mansplain to women their bodies and strawman them, maybe you should rethink who you're really helping.
What confounds the topic is that scientists aren’t sure what to call it.
Some claim that calling it a “spot” implies a precisely located magic button. The erogenous zone is there, but it’s not anything magical or universal. This is true.
However, there’s so much variation among anatomies that hardly anything in sexuality is universal. It’s not in the same place in every vagina. The G‑spot's depth varies. It’s not a magic button for everybody, but rather another option you can seek out and experiment with for pleasurable sensations. As with any other sensitive area, it's pronounced and demystified when you do find it.
To praise the G‑spot isn’t necessarily claiming that it is a universal key to orgasm.
No, not every vagina is sensitive in this area, likes being stimulated there, can have orgasms from solely having this area stimulated, and knows how to find it. If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for you. By all means, find something that does work. If it works for you, great! You’ve found something to expand your sexual repertoire and opened a door for a plethora of sensations.
For many vagina-owners, including me, it does work. Curved or bulbous sex toys that stimulate this area are popular, and it would be disingenuous to say that all the women who buy them are merely liars or being duped. It’s true that there’s a lot of hype about the G‑spot. However, ultimately, these women are just doing what feels pleasurable to them personally. Your opinion on whether it exists has no bearing on their pleasure.

I don’t think to call it something else will catch on in everyday settings.
"Anterior internal clitoris" is too wordy, even if it is one of the most accurate and formal labels to call the G‑spot. Another term often used is the "CUV (clitorourethrovaginal) complex." This term conveys that: 1.) the clitoris's legs wrap around the vagina, and 2.) the urethral sponge is part of the sensitive set of structures.
However, ultimately, the term, "G‑spot" is just slang for the same thing. Further picking apart what label to put on it is pedantic semantics; a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
And beyond that, if your science revolves around jumping through hoops to mansplain to women their bodies and strawman them, maybe you should rethink who you're really helping.
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I love this post so much! And that conclusion, amen