Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos

Are these prices legit for body-​safe silicone dildos? And what the heck is SILEXPAN®?

"Made with a patent­ed rev­o­lu­tion­ary for­mu­la for a real­is­tic feel," boasts one of the Squeeze-​It dil­do prod­uct pages. The line con­sists of inex­pen­sive sil­i­cone and Silexpan basics.

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 1

I'm no stranger to afford­able dil­dos, espe­cial­ly dain­ty and sleek ones from the likes of Blush Novelties. There are plen­ty of ways to make a sex toy more afford­able with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty too too much.

At the same time, I'm wary of sex toys with:

  • Declarations of  "rev­o­lu­tion­ary" on the packaging
  • Unnecessary Capitalization in their mar­ket­ing (e.g., Thermo-​Reactive Technology).
  • Proprietary mate­r­i­al names

Consumers are right to raise an eye­brow when they see mys­tery mate­ri­als like “Sil-​a-​Gel,” “CyberSkin,” and (the worst!) “jel­ly.” Such sub­stances can house microbes, leech endocrine-​disrupting chem­i­cals, make your bits burn and itch, and more.

So, where do the Squeeze-​It Silexpan dil­dos fall on the spectrum?

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 2

 What's up with Silexpan dildos?

This review isn't my first time test­ing soft insertable toys that aren't full sil­i­cone. In the past, I've tried Gvibe's Bioskin butt plug, along with the Iroha Zen.

Here are the com­mon threads among them and XR Brands' Squeeze-​It line:

  • They have some unique core mate­r­i­al under the shell
  • They're adver­tised as being super squishy, soft, and some­times fleshlike
  • (Most impor­tant­ly!!!) Silicone encas­es the entire unit

I want to empha­size that last point. The shells on the Squeeze-​It squeez­able phal­lic dil­dos are body-​safe sil­i­cone. They're inert, safe to boil, and (unlike porous mate­ri­als), they real­ly don't want to melt or burn. When you set a porous toy on fire, the flame rapid­ly spreads and grows larger.

Below is a pic­ture of a Silexpan dil­do with the sil­i­cone shell cut open.

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 3

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 4

When I flame-​tested a Squeeze-​It dil­do, a thin sec­tion did catch fire — but it died out quick­ly and left behind pale gray ash that flaked off eas­i­ly. That's con­sis­tent with oth­er toys made from silicone.

Why might someone want to try the Squeeze-It dildo line?

There are plen­ty of afford­able toys on the mar­ket, so why Silexpan? The short answer: because the Squeeze-​It Silexpan dil­dos offer con­sumers more options for big-​ish, squishy, budget-​friendly dil­dos that are still body-​safe. It's that simple.

See, I've reviewed no short­age of cheap and body-​safe toys, but the qual­i­fiers to pay atten­tion to here are "big(-ish)" and "squishy." Though it's not an absolute rule, squishy sil­i­cone dil­dos tend to cost more than firm ones. And big toys cost more than small ones because of the amount of mate­r­i­al used.

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 5

Consider Silexpan a soft alter­na­tive to the rock-​hard ABS toys with sil­i­cone coat­ings. It's just a filler under the body-​safe layer.

In addi­tion to the soft­ness, Silexpan can also be heat­ed or cooled for tem­per­a­ture play — a prop­er­ty usu­al­ly reserved for hard mate­ri­als like glass and met­al.

Silexpan Thermo-Reactive technology?

According to the pack­age, you can heat the XR Brands Squeeze-​It dil­dos to make them soft­er. Microwave for 30 sec­onds or boil for 2 min­utes. Or, if you'd rather chill your dil, refrig­er­ate it.

One of the prod­uct pages for XR Brands' Fleshstixxx Silexpan dil­dos also says, "heat these dongs up to make them soft­er and eas­i­er to mold, then cool them down to hard­en them in your pre­ferred shape."

Oh, so you can melt the core, reshape it, and freeze it?

Well… kind of. Here's where the dis­ap­point­ment sets in.

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 6

Yes, you can squeeze the shaft under the coro­na to add slight def­i­n­i­tion to the mush­room tip. But that's about as much shape-​shifting as the Squeeze-​It dil­dos can han­dle — before they spring back to their orig­i­nal shape. The core will not stay in a steep C or S‑curve.

Don't expect clay under the sur­face. It's more like a hybrid between springy "rub­ber" and whipped mousse mem­o­ry foam.

If you want a soft and light­weight sil­i­cone dil­do that retains warmth or cold, try the Squeeze-​It dil­dos. However, if you want a dil­do that will bend and main­tain its shape dur­ing use, try a Dodil or Fun Factory Limba Flex instead.

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 7

How do the Squeeze-It dildos feel in use?

The mod­els I tried are as straight­for­ward as their names would suggest:

Squeezable Phallic Dildo
  • Total length: 6.4"
  • Insertable length: 5.8"
  • Maximum width: 1.5"
Squeezable Thick Phallic Dildo
  • Total length: 6.9"
  • Insertable length: 6.4"
  • Maximum diam­e­ter: 2"

In oth­er words, they stuff you, you squeeze them, and they get the job done — noth­ing more and noth­ing less. Both ver­sions have a defined enough head shape for my front wall. And the core is firm enough (at room tem­per­a­ture) for aim­ing at my deep eroge­nous zones.

Review: Squeeze-It silicone & Silexpan dildos 8

One down­side, though, is that the suc­tion cup bases are flim­sy and weak. So I don't rec­om­mend vig­or­ous mount­ing on the Squeeze-​It phal­lic dil­dos. Save the gus­to for your hands and harnesses.

Squeeze-It Squeezable Phallic Dildo verdict

If you want a dil­do that's soft, smooth, butt-​safe, and frill-​free, I can't com­plain for the price. Like, yes, I have reviewed full sil­i­cone dil­dos that are also 2" across and under $30, but they tend to be on the short and stout side.

With the Squeeze-​it Squeezable Thick Phallic dil­do (and its more mod­est sib­lings), you don't have to sac­ri­fice length, girth, body safe­ty, or price.

This post was spon­sored by Sassy Box Shop.

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2 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I’m strange­ly intrigued by the concept!

  2. G says:

    thank you for a good & hon­est review!

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