Velvet Thruster Prime Self-Thrusting Dildo Comparison: A Detailed Guide & Ranking!

The Velvet Thruster Prime seri­ous­ly feels like an instant dopamine dispenser.

And many of its mod­u­lar attach­ments leave me drool­ing and starry-​eyed — explore the options galore for your cave's cravings!

Velvet Thruster Prime comparison: Sammie, Edward, Nanci, Frankie, Jackie, Walter

I cer­tain­ly have my favorites, so let's tour which ones max­i­mize the self-​thrusting pen­e­tra­tion sensation.

Its under­ly­ing wham-bam-oh-gosh-oh-fuck-thank-you-ma'am machin­ery pum­mels my pussy at 136 thrusts per minute, with a 3‑inch stroke length, super robust motor, and long-​lasting bat­tery! Thirty min­utes of charg­ing gets you up to 8 hours of play­time and 300 hours of stand­by time.

Whether you'd rather have anal play or you reaaaaal­ly want to go deep vagi­nal­ly, the Velvet Thrusters keep on keep­ing on and hold up super well com­pared to com­peti­tors’ com­pact fuck­ing machines.

If you want to read more on what I love about the base unit, read my Velvet Thruster Prime Edward review first. Then, come back here for my detailed rank­ings of the best Prime dil­do top­pers, all of which can be popped on or off the self-​thrusting unit.

Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie with topper taken off the fucking machine base unit

These are all accord­ing to my pref­er­ences: cervix stim­u­la­tion dur­ing vagi­nal use, tex­tures, and going big or going home. Everybody is dif­fer­ent, though, and I high­ly rec­om­mend read­ing each Velvet Prime attach­ment descrip­tion and decid­ing what works for you!

As always, you can take 25% off Velvet Thrusters with code SUPER25

Sammie XL

Why is it so thick? There's so much of it! THIIIIIICCCCCCCCC.

Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie wrist comparison with lipstick prints all over it

The Velvet Prime Sammie is girthy — 2” across, with almost 8” of insertable length and veiny tex­tures along the dor­sal shaft. It's a crowd-​pleaser over on my Instagram — every time I think I've shown all my fol­low­ers how Sammie looks next to my fore­arm, some­one responds with heart-​eyes emo­jis and asks to get it!

I've said the fol­low­ing about the Sammie XL before:

…that dip under the coro­na and the vein­ing pull at my G‑spot and front wall like crazy. I come. I clench. The G‑spotting is inten­si­fied. I come again near­ly imme­di­ate­ly. I clench harder.

Continue the feed­back loop with ample stretch­ing and yum­my cervix mas­sage. I'm usu­al­ly a fiend for deep pen­e­tra­tion — and get much of that with the Sammie — but that some­how takes the back­seat. It's dyna­mite for front wall stim­u­la­tion, in charge with its spell­bind­ing inter­nal cli­toral pres­sure.

My walls love grab­bing the girth and gra­tu­itous vas­cu­la­ture, and my cervix just aljfls­d­hgkjfd­shgd­kf ungngggggh­h­h­hh AAAAAAAAAA when the smooth tip bot­toms me out. I almost hes­i­tate to call Sammie “real­is­tic” when the veins are so rugged and extra — not to men­tion it's huge and above aver­age for a human cock. I can feel every artery; this dil­do is ide­al for tex­ture sluts.

Velvet Prime Sammie semi-realistic vein textures with lip prints

For any­one else, Velvet's Prime Sammie can be a bit much for every­day use — despite its flex­i­bil­i­ty at the top 3” of the 8” long shaft. Yet, the sen­sa­tion is glo­ri­ous, and every­thing I love when I want to get rekt by a machine. Thus, I'm putting it as #1, tied with Edward.

Velvet Prime Sammie detailed measurements

  • 7.7” insertable length
  • 1.9” max­i­mum diam­e­ter across the head
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter under the coro­nal ridge
  • 2.8” across the mid-shaft
  • 2.0” across the base of the shaft
  • 20A Shore hard­ness — very hard for a dil­do, with just a lit­tle bend!

Velvet Prime Sammie self-​thrusting dildo pros and cons

The Prime Sammie is not for users who:
  • Need cur­va­ture or a defined head
  • Want any sub­tle­ty in terms of texture
  • Crave G‑spot stim­u­la­tion or tip drilling
Users who would loooove the Prime Sammie:
  • Are size queens and tex­ture sluts
  • Don't mind rock-​like rigidity
  • Just want it straight, hard, and deep!
Velvet Thruster Prime and Velvet Thruster Edward best handheld fucking machines

Deep focus is the name of Edward's game.


Are you the type to text, “Remix my guts, bby,” first thing in the morn­ing dur­ing ovu­la­tion week? Do you love hav­ing your insides rearranged? I do.

The Velvet Prime Edward is MY FAAAAVORITE for every­day use. I'm putting it as tied at #1 with the Prime Sammie.

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward attachment next to screw machinery

Edward's cur­va­ture digs into my front wall and gets right into my A‑spot. It's 8” long, like the Sammie, but not as thick — and you get more flex­i­bil­i­ty due to a hol­low chan­nel inside. Think less wall wal­lop­ing and more stead­fast ceil­ing sen­sa­tion. There's also cer­tain­ly some veinage, but noth­ing as dra­mat­ic as with the Velvet Prime Sammie.

I've said the fol­low­ing in my orig­i­nal Velvet Prime Edward review:

Its slight cur­va­ture and exag­ger­at­ed length do the fol­low­ing way bet­ter than the original:

  1. Massage the cervix if you bot­tom out
  2. Rub the deep front wall if you go into the ante­ri­or fornix
  3. Press against the inter­nal clitoris
  4. Combine the above and blur the A‑spot and G‑spot togeth­er with con­sis­tent, ded­i­cat­ed strokes.

The entire front of my vagi­na turns into one big hot spot. Aiming with this thrust­ing dil­do is effort­less. I love feel­ing the boun­ti­ful, buttery-​smooth sil­i­cone against my walls and grip­ping against the veins.

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward self-thrusting dildo with suction cup

Velvet Prime Edward detailed measurements

  • 8” insertable length
  • 1.5” max­i­mum across the head
  • 1.3” wide under the head
  • 1.4” across the mid-shaft
  • 1.6” across the base of the shaft
  • Shore 14A-​ish sil­i­cone — note that it's still firm by sil­i­cone dil­do stan­dards but soft­er than the Sammie!

Velvet Prime Edward pros and cons

The Prime Edward is not for users who:
  • Need a strong hook against their G‑spot (we'll get to the Prime Nanci in a bit!)
  • Crave unyield­ing pressure
  • Want intense tex­tures on the inner curve
Users who would loooove the Prime Edward:
  • Actively appre­ci­ate a lit­tle flexibility
  • Want to go deeeeeeeep
  • Care more about length than girth
Velvet Thruster Prime, Edward attachment, VixSkin Colossus, straight handle, suction cup

In oth­er words, if you enjoy cervix stim­u­la­tion or anal depth play, the Velvet Prime Edward will prob­a­bly be your favorite! Its cur­va­ture and 8” length, com­bined with the Thruster base, almost seem like it was made just for my vagina.


Lewis hits that sweet spot between Edward's pre­ci­sion and Sammie's stretch — pack­ing 1.8" of girth into a curved, uncut shaft that wor­ships both G‑spot and cervix in one stroke.

Velvet Thruster Prime Self-Thrusting Dildo Comparison: A Detailed Guide & Ranking! 1

Its claim to fame is breadth. The bulged head, the dip in girth just beneath it, and the veiny shaft push and pull all along the front wall. If you love girthy inserta­bles that tilt toward the G‑spot, it's a must-​have… It's intense whether I'm mas­sag­ing my cervix or tip drilling, both in terms of pound­ing pres­sure and tac­tile textures.

Velvet Prime Lewis detailed measurements

  • 8” insertable length
  • 1.8” max­i­mum across the head
  • 1.6” wide under the head
  • 1.9” across the base of the shaft
  • Shore 15A-​ish silicone

Velvet Prime Lewis pros and cons

The Prime Lewis is not for users who:
  • Crave some­thing with a slick­er surface
  • Need an sharp hook on the G‑spot
  • Are scared of a colos­sal cock

Velvet Thruster's Prime Lewis isn't as girthy as Sammie, but it comes close in diameter.

Velvet Thruster Prime Self-Thrusting Dildo Comparison: A Detailed Guide & Ranking! 2
Users who would loooove the Prime Lewis:
  • Enjoy broad dif­fuse stim­u­la­tion all along the front wall
  • Love girthy ver­sa­til­i­ty for the G‑spot and A‑spot
  • Crave grip­py rib­bing with veiny textures


Quadruple-​crowned, wicked­ly ridged under the tip, and so much fun to clench around.

The Velvet Prime Frankie thrust­ing dil­do is quite aver­age in size — about 6.2” insertable length by 1.4” diam­e­ter — but feels intense for a dif­fer­ent rea­son than the Sammie and Edward. It's suu­u­u­per tex­tured, and not in a surface-​level veiny way, and not in any way resem­bling real­ism. The coro­nal cor­ru­ga­tions are uni­form, like iter­a­tions of feel­ing the glans’ edge on repeat.

It's a lot, like a dain­tier, dis­tant cousin of the Uberrime Aqua-​King against my A‑spot. Frankie rubs against my front wall sur­pris­ing­ly well, giv­en the shape and size. Yes, it's straight-​shafted but firm enough to sit on it and lean back for G‑spotting.

Overall? I find the Velvet Thruster Prime Frankie great for both shal­low and deep pen­e­tra­tion. It's my top rec­om­men­da­tion for a Velvet Thruster attach­ment that gives bii­i­ig sen­sa­tion in a moderately-​sized package.

Velvet Thruster Prime Frankie textured dildo attachment next to handheld fucking machine screw machinery

Velvet Prime Frankie detailed measurements

  • 6.2” insertable length
  • 1.4” across the head
  • 1.2” between ridges
  • 1.4” across the shaft
  • 20A Shore hardness

Velvet Prime Frankie Thrusting dildo pros and cons

The Prime Frankie is not for users who:
  • Crave above-​average length or girth
  • Want tac­tile tex­tures all over the toy's surface
  • Don't do well with deep­er, sharp­er ribbing
The Prime Frankie best fits users who:
  • Crave rock-​hard but average-​sized cock
  • Prefer min­i­mal resis­tance at the base of the shaft
  • Want just a few strong but strategically-​placed bumps


Is this toy Velvet Brands’ ulti­mate, most intense­ly G‑spotty dil­do, or is part of the cro­chet tuto­r­i­al that got me banned from TikTok? Why not both?

Velvet Thruster Prime Nanci self-thrusting G-spot dildo attachment next to handheld fucking machine screw machinery

I sculpt­ed the Velvet Prime Nanci thrust­ing dil­do to hook against the G‑spot, and Velvet Brands mod­i­fied it to nar­row its spe­cial­ty fur­ther. Nanci's main draw for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion is how focused that sharp edge is and how it kneads, push­es, and pulls against the pubic bone and front wall.

Let me reit­er­ate: it is sharp, so make sure you love direct­ness first. This Thruster head is not fuck­ing around, and it makes me cum with­in seconds!

Beyond the head, it's pret­ty smooth. Think less sur­face tex­ture and more deep pres­sure at the head. Yes, it's sheet-​grippingly acute — even harsh in such a con­cen­trat­ed area. Consider pair­ing it with a strong clit vibe to round out the sensation.

And if I'm not in the mood for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, I can turn it around so the not-​hooked end press­es against my cervix and goes in deep­er. It's not quite made for that, though, and my per­son­al pref­er­ence is the main rea­son why the Prime Nanci isn't my favorite.

It's a fan favorite for focused G‑spot fiends, though — it's even been fea­tured in Marie Claire!

Velvet Prime Nanci detailed measurements

  • 7” insertable length
  • 1.6” max­i­mum head diameter
  • 1.0” neck diameter
  • 1.5” max­i­mum shaft diameter
  • 1.3” at the base of the shaft
  • Shore 20A hardness

Velvet Prime Nanci pros and cons

The Prime Nanci is not for users who:
  • Crave a tapered head for cervix sensation
  • Need surface-​level tac­tile textures
  • Want a broad-​rounded head for dif­fuse G‑spotting
Users who would loooove the Prime Nanci:
  • Adore G‑spotting that hooks on the pubic bone
  • Fucking rel­ish focused and pin­point­ed sensation
  • Just want max­i­mum spe­cial­iza­tion for shal­low penetration

If you want an even more com­pact ver­sion of this Thruster, try the Teddy GS! The Velvet Prime motor with the Nanci attach­ment will give you way more “juice” and cus­tomiza­tion, though!


An all-​around-​average in shape and size — stead­fast ser­vice for most!

Velvet Thruster Prime Jackie original dildo attachment next to handheld fucking machine screw machinery

The Velvet Thruster Jackie head was the first for a rea­son: it's a semi-​realistic, self-​thrusting dil­do that fits the aver­age vagi­na well and sim­u­lates inter­course. Yeah, Jackie is very middle-​of-​the-​road and still crack-​like wham-​bam (duh, it's on a fuck­ing machine) but just not as much as the others.

Maybe Nanci and Franki are too focused for you, Edward is just a bit much, and Sammie is a lot too much. While Jackie isn't exact­ly spe­cial­ized, there's much to love about its 6” length by 1.5” width.

Velvet Prime Jackie detailed measurements

  • 6” insertable length
  • 1.5” diam­e­ter across the head
  • 1.3” under the head
  • 1.6” max­i­mum shaft diameter
  • Shore 20A hardness


Self-​thrusting anal beads of grad­u­al­ly increas­ing size

Velvet Thruster Prime Walter self-thrusting anal beads attachment next to handheld fucking machine screw machinery

So you know Velvet Prime heads tend to be flex­i­ble sil­i­cone at the top 2 or 3” before the plas­tic skele­ton scaf­fold­ing starts? I'm such a peach ple­beian that Walter's head tend­ed to start buck­ling with the Velvet Thruster; I have a hard time get­ting it in.

In oth­er words, it's best for those who are already com­fort­able with mod­er­ate girth in their bum or at least can eas­i­ly make it past the 3rd bead, and that's not me. It works well, but just not like, $200 worth of enjoy­ment. That's just me, though! You do you.

Velvet Prime Walter detailed measurements

  • 6.2” insertable length
  • 0.8” across bead 1
  • 1.0” across bead 2
  • 1.3” across bead 3
  • 1.4” across bead 4
  • 1.6” across bead 5
  • Shore 20A hardness
Velvet Thruster Prime ranking: Sammie, Edward, Nanci, Frankie, Jackie, Walter

Let's wrap it up!

It was so hard to decide between the Velvet Prime Sammie and Edward, but I show­cased Sammie first since I had already fea­tured Edward recent­ly. And Sammie got so much air­time on my Instagram but not my blog. So now you know the best Velvet thrust­ing dil­do attachment!

It looks fuck­ing enor­mous next to my arm, and it might quick­ly become your favorite Thruster if you're crav­ing a colos­sal cock, with all the bang of a com­pact fuck­ing machine.

Don't for­get to use code SUPER25 for 25% off every­thing Velvet Thruster!

Velvet Brands spon­sored this post. Opinions expressed are my own.

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1 Response

  1. Ilah says:

    i have the blue vel­vet thruster and deep oh, boys!

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