Elatia & Beta Curling "Finger" Rabbit Vibrator Review

My first time test­ing these vibra­tors went by quick­ly, but not for the rea­son I expect­ed. I came with­in sec­onds on Elatia, feel­ing it flex on my walls.

Tracy's Dog Elatia and Beta "come hither" bending rabbit vibrators

The cli­max­es showed no signs of stop­ping as long as the motors were on.

Elatia by Tracy's Dog is quite the con­trap­tion, with two “fin­gers” that bend in split time — when one curls for­ward against my G‑spot or A‑spot, the oth­er straight­ens out.

Even the (buzzy) out­er por­tion was tan­ta­liz­ing — prob­a­bly because the inter­nal motor did so much heavy lift­ing that a fairy exhal­ing near my cli­toris would have tak­en me over the edge again.

And it’s no won­der — the firm “fin­gers” were a feast for my fornix­es and deep spots.

Tracy's Dog Elatia alternating curling "fingers" rabbit vibrator top view

Elatia’s Exotic Internals & Unexpected Ecstasy

This dual stimulator’s 5” of insertable length is enough for me because it’s so firm and focused for tap­ping on my front wall and cervix.

Think less thrust­ing and more “come hith­er” — those who go gaga over the glo­ry of fin­gers know what I’m talk­ing about.

While I had my trep­i­da­tion about how the motor would hold up against my goril­la grip coochie, it was strong enough, moved fast enough, and with enough range of motion to make me reflex­ive­ly clench and cum and cum and cum.

And that makes sense when you con­sid­er that not every­one needs aggres­sive fingering.

(Need a stronger G‑spotter? Consider the Velvet Thruster Prime Nanci, Teddy GS, njoy Pure Wand, or Pipedream Icicles No. 69 or 70.)

Precision mat­ters more to me than speed here.

Tracy's Dog Elatia alternating curling "fingers" rabbit vibrator side view

Who Is Tracy’s Dog Elatia Massager For?

I’d rec­om­mend the Tracy’s Dog Elatia rab­bit vibra­tor to those who:

  • Crave five inch­es of for­ward fin­ger­ing with small movements
  • Prioritize inter­nal stim­u­la­tion over exter­nal stimulation
  • Don’t mind a buzzy, eas­i­ly stalled cli­toral motor

Considering the price, I don’t have much room to com­plain about the last point. It’s enough for me, but it might not be for you. You’d have to be a fin­ger­ing fiend — which I am — to adore Elatia.

I came with­in sec­onds on Elatia, feel­ing it flex on my walls.
The cli­max­es showed no signs of stop­ping as long as the motors were on.

Tracy's Dog Elatia and Beta "come hither" bending dual stimulation massagers

Tracy’s Dog Elatia Measurements & Specs

  • 9.75” total length
  • 5” of insertable length
  • 1.5” max­i­mum diameter
  • 4.25” cir­cum­fer­ence
  • Best for 0.75” to 1.25” dis­tance between cli­toris and vagina
  • 3 but­tons con­trol 3 motors
  • “Come hith­er” motion: 2 steady speeds, 4 patterns
  • Buzzy inter­nal vibra­tions: 3 steady speeds, 4 patterns
  • Buzzy exter­nal vibra­tions: 3 steady speeds, 4 patterns
  • IPX5 splash­proof

Reviewing rab­bit vibra­tors is such a roller coast­er. They’re high­ly anatomy-​specific, mean­ing one shape and size far from fits all. But my bits have, luck­i­ly, aver­age mea­sure­ments — at least, as far as my clit-​vag gap tends to line up with dual stim­u­la­tion mas­sagers.

Tracy’s Dog Beta (Why Air Pulse Rabbits Ain’t It)

It’s anoth­er sto­ry when you throw in vari­ables like G‑spotting and air puls­ing, though.

Tracy's Dog Elatia and Beta rabbit vibrator clitoral stimulators

While the Beta suc­tion rab­bit looks more con­ven­tion­al­ly “safe” and sim­ple for pleas­ing the mass­es, it’s an engi­neer­ing monstrosity.

An air pulse rab­bit’s exter­nal prong needs to:

  • Be a suit­able length for the dis­tance between the cli­toris and the vagina
  • Have a fit­ting open­ing diam­e­ter to cov­er the clitoris
  • Sit at a good angle for seal­ing around the clitoris
  • Be pow­er­ful enough to be orgas­mi­cal­ly stimulating

Tracy’s Dog Beta doesn’t line up with me quite right — its “mouth” is too far up for my cli­toral glans. Its exter­nal motor is just okay regard­ing pow­er, but if it doesn’t fit my bits well, that doesn’t mat­ter. Its inter­nal neck is too flex­i­ble, and the motor is too weak for the “come hith­er” motion to do much for me.

Tracy's Dog Beta air pulse rabbit vibrator flexibility

At that point, I’d rather rec­om­mend mix­ing and match­ing sep­a­rate inter­nal and exter­nal toys. Dame Products’ Aer and We-Vibe’s Melt are out­stand­ing exam­ples of pair­ing air pulse mas­sagers with penetration.

Tracy’s Dog Beta Measurements & Specs

For those who are con­sid­er­ing the Tracy’s Dog Beta and think it might be a good fit for them, here are its measurements:

  • 9” total length
  • 4.5” of insertable length
  • 1.4” max­i­mum diameter
  • 4.5” cir­cum­fer­ence
  • Best for 1.5” to 2.0” dis­tance between cli­toris and vagina
  • 3 but­tons con­trol 3 motors
  • “Come hith­er” motion is so eas­i­ly stalled that it doesn’t mat­ter how many set­tings it has
  • Buzzy exter­nal air puls­es: 3 steady speeds
  • IPX5 splash­proof

Tracy’s Dog is full of cheap thrills. Elatia brings budget-​friendly fun that’s well worth it for the hard­core fin­ger­ing fanat­ic. Beta, mean­while, feels a bit too basic for the price.

Tracy's Dog Elatia and Beta "come hither" bending rabbit vibrators

This post was spon­sored! Opinions expressed are my own.

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