Tagged: Flicking & Thumping

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 1

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator

This toy sounds like a dream on paper, with a puls­ing, pen­e­tra­tive por­tion and an exter­nal pres­sure wave motor — why wouldn't you want more, more, moar, MOAR, MOAR sen­sa­tion? Pressure wave stim­u­la­tors used to be lav­ish­ly priced and avail­able only to the most pro­fuse spenders. Nowadays, you can find a…

Lora DiCarlo Filare vs. LELO Ora 3 review & comparison 8

Lora DiCarlo Filare vs. LELO Ora 3 review & comparison

Hype mar­ket­ing is one hell of a drug. How do the new Lora DiCarlo Filare and LELO Ora robot­ic oral sex sim­u­la­tor mea­sure up to the claims? The Filare is one of Lora DiCarlo's many external-​​only toys, this time meant to mim­ic the sen­sa­tions of a "skill­ful partner's tongue." Two…

Review: Love Spun & Tilt-O-Whirl spinning "tongue" rabbit vibrators by Evolved Novelties 12

Review: Love Spun & Tilt-O-Whirl spinning "tongue" rabbit vibrators by Evolved Novelties

Receiving oral while get­ting pen­e­trat­ed is among the most enjoy­able of past-​​times. I'm no stranger to using sex toys with a part­ner! So what hap­pens when a vibra­tor com­bines both? Evolved Novelties' Love Spun and Tilt-​​O-​​Whirl dual stim­u­la­tion vibra­tors do just that. These rab­bit vibra­tors each fea­ture three sep­a­rate motors:…

Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball review: vibrator with flickering bead 14

Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball review: vibrator with flickering bead

It's a new decade! As time goes on, we'll undoubt­ed­ly see more toys that flick­er, suck, thrust, pulse, swiv­el, swirl, roll, and so on, more effec­tive­ly and at more afford­able prices. In that vein, the Internet (under­stand­ably) has a fas­ci­na­tion with cli­toral toys with tongue-​​like back-​​and-​​forth move­ments. No sex toy…

Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure: another tongue-flicking suction vibe review! 15

Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure: another tongue-flicking suction vibe review!

No oth­er sex toy has sent me on as much of an emo­tion­al roller-​​coaster as the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure. I have gone through every stage of Kombucha Girl. My ini­tial thought was, "Ew, a prod­uct by Pipedream." I usu­al­ly wouldn't accept prod­ucts from them for moral rea­sons. But…

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review 17

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review

One ques­tion fre­quent­ly asked of sex blog­gers is, “If you nev­er had sex with a part­ner again, what would you miss most?” I’d always answer, “Sex toys can’t self-​​wash.” The most pop­u­lar response, though, is “Oral sex.” I don’t think sex toys are any­where near replac­ing cun­nilin­gus. However, of the…

Fun Factory Volta review: pinpoint flickering "tongue" vibrator 18

Fun Factory Volta review: pinpoint flickering "tongue" vibrator

The first five lines in my notes about the Fun Factory Volta read: I HAVE DIED Looks like it belongs in the Little Mermaid's "Les Poissons" chef scene I don't get it External-​​only recharge­able toy that makes me squirt How???¿? Those three let­ters sum­ma­rize it: HOW? Its shape is shock­ing­ly effec­tive, with…

[Image: Zalo Sweet Magic Desire and Temptation thruster review]

Zalo Sweet Magic Desire thrusting dildo and Temptation bullet review

I can't just use my pow­er drill-​​sounding fuck­ing machine when­ev­er I want. One week, I'm liv­ing with my boyfriend, and the next, I'm in an Airbnb with a stranger and her 4‑year-​​old kid. Discretion mat­ters, friends. And self-​​thrusting dil­dos (also known as pul­sators) like the Fun Factory Stronic Real and…