Manwan Penis Vibrator Review: Evo vs Sub One

French finesse meets powerful penis pleasure.

Consider the Man.wand Evo an orgasm accel­er­a­tor for penis­es — deep, rumbly vibra­tions to wrap around an erection.

Manwan Evo and Sub One premium penis vibrators side-by-side comparison

I could make my part­ner cum damn near instant­ly with this penis vibra­tor if I want­ed to. The mem­o­ry replays of his dick tip rever­ber­at­ing in my mouth — Evo on his shaft and tongue against his frenulum.

Manwan's Evo is undoubt­ed­ly a con­tender for the best vibra­tor for penis stim­u­la­tion, espe­cial­ly after Satisfyer acquired Fun Factory (and its Manta blowjob vibra­tor design). And for us, Evo's ease of use leaves Sub One in the dust.

Luxury penis mas­sagers by Manwan break taboos while invit­ing us to share the sen­sa­tions. For one, who says vul­vas and vagi­nas get to have all the fun with sex tech? Second, just as mas­sagers for cli­torides can also be used on penis­es, plen­ty of penis stim­u­la­tion devices can also be used on the vulva.

Let's explore Manwan and how they “wow" ‑ed both me and him.

Manwan Evo vs. Sub One vs. Ryzer

Meet the Manwan Family: Evo, Sub One, Ryzer

If you're super into sex toys, you might rec­og­nize Lovely Planet as the biz brains behind Strap-​On-​Me, Love to Love, Dildoll, and Marc Dorcel. They also run Manwan, bring­ing that same French finesse to penis pleasure. 

Manwan offers sev­er­al dis­tinct approach­es to penis plea­sure tech:

  • Evo, a wand-​style penis vibra­tor, wraps around and leaves plen­ty of length for oral
  • Sub One also wraps around but focus­es its penis puls­es on the frenulum
  • Ryzer is a stud­ded soft sil­i­cone sleeve made for solo stroking and as a ribbed exten­der for part­ner play
  • Starter is the more light­weight and afford­able penis vibra­tor for beginners

We'll focus on the cream of the crop here: Manwan's Sub One is the most pow­er­ful in the line­up, but Evo's ver­sa­til­i­ty tops that. And my part­ner found Ryzer abra­sive, grip­ping too tight, like it “chose” a set amount of pres­sure for us that we didn't have much con­trol over.

While we're head over heels for some fea­tures and not oth­ers, your body might be Team Sub One or Team Ryzer. (More detailed Ryzer review anoth­er day?)

Let's break down what worked (and didn't work) for us so you can make your own informed choice.

Man.wand Evo penis vibrator with flexible wings in navy blue silicone

Man.Wand Evo Luxury Penis Vibrator Review

My part­ner pre­vi­ous­ly called the Fun Factory Manta an “arousal accel­er­a­tor” for how quick­ly it got him going. Manwan's Evo takes that to the extreme: it's even stronger, quick­ly get­ting him off.

I could make my part­ner cum damn near instant­ly with this penis vibra­tor if I want­ed to. The mem­o­ry replays of his dick tip rever­ber­at­ing in my mouth — Evo on his shaft and tongue against his frenulum.

Close-up of Man.wand Evo's flexible wing design around a dildo
Man.wand Evo wrapped around Uberrime Aptus real­is­tic dildo

When he said, "I'm going to cum soon,” I want­ed to savor the sen­sa­tions of his coro­na for longer — so I turned the vibra­tion inten­si­ty down and stopped suck­ing — just hold­ing the wand in place before turn­ing it way up.

Then I got a sec­ond heads-​up and met the taste of his cum.

And, of course, I used the wand's rumbly vibra­tions on myself. Manwan's Evo vibra­tion tim­bre starts at a purring sub-​bass 53 Hz — almost as rumbly as Fun Factory's Manta and cer­tain­ly more intense for couple's play.

The one trade-​off to the oomph is that some vibra­tions trav­el to the han­dle. I enjoyed it enough not to care about that, but it's worth not­ing if you're sen­si­tive to hand numb­ness. Or use the Man.wand Evo with the Holden suc­tion cup attach­ment in the show­er for hands-​free solo play!

Man.wand Evo penis vibrator standing in Holden suction cup base adapter

What We Love About the Evo Vibrating Wand for Penises

  • Its strong vibra­tions trans­fer well through the “wings” that wrap around the penis, cov­er­ing more sur­face area than a wand alone
  • At just under a half pound, it's com­pact and super light­weight com­pared to a full-​sized wand — quite help­ful when angling it for a blowjob
  • Firmer and with more depth! It's eas­i­er for his (fat) dick to stay enveloped in the Man.wand Evo than in the Sub One
  • You can use the “wings” for stim­u­la­tion on the vul­va, too, or the non-​stroker side as a mini wand massager
  • Wider speed range and eas­i­er to con­trol than Sub One
  • IPX7 water­proof design! Use it in the tub or get the Holden suc­tion cup acces­so­ry for hands-​free show­er use
  • The sil­i­cone is more hygien­ic than TPE or TPR-​based wand stro­ker attachments
  • Overall, it does the job bet­ter for us while cost­ing less than Sub One
Man.wand Evo penis vibrator wrapped around dildo shaft

Man.wand Evo Quick Facts: The Stats That Matter

📏 Size & Shape

  • 8” long
  • 1.5” across the wand head
  • 1.5” across the inside of the stro­ker section 
    • Best for aver­age and above-​average penises
    • But its wings can be squeezed togeth­er or spread apart
  • 7.8 oz (about 220 g)

⚡ Power & Performance

  • Conventional rotary vibra­tor motor 
    • Heads up: some vibra­tions trans­fer to the handle
  • 5 inten­si­ty levels
  • 53 to 97 Hz timbre
  • 5 vibra­tion func­tions (1 steady, 4 patterns)
  • Not too loud, but noticeable
  • USB mag­net­ic charger
  • 1.5 hours of charging
  • 1.5 hours of playtime
Man.wand Evo and Uberrime Aptus size comparison

🛠️ Materials & Build

  • Body-​safe sil­i­cone head and flex­i­ble neck
  • ABS plas­tic under the sil­i­cone coating
  • IPX7 water­proof and submersible
  • 3 but­tons on the handle 
    • Cycle through speed settings
    • Cycle through patterns
    • On/​off
  • Color options: Velvet Red, Pine Grey, Black Plum
Man.wand Evo vibrator wrapped around silicone dildo demonstrating fit 1

🧼 Care & Maintenance

  • Clean with soap and water after every­day use
  • Use water-​based lube only for best results 
  • For more thor­ough dis­in­fect­ing (e.g., when shar­ing with a new part­ner), use a 10% bleach solu­tion fol­lowed by soap and water

🎯 Closing Thoughts

TL;DR: Powerful rum­bles, flex­i­ble fit for fel­la­tio, water­proof fun — the Man.wand Evo deliv­ers pre­mi­um penis plea­sure and vul­va vibra­tions at a rea­son­able price point. Minor buzz in the han­dle, but you prob­a­bly won't care.

Man.wand Evo vibrator wrapped around silicone dildo demonstrating fit 2

Sub One packs even more motor mus­cle — mak­ing it Manwan's most intense offer­ing so far — but while that sounds amaz­ing on paper, it didn't quite hit the spot for us. Here's why.

Sub One Penis Vibe Deep Dive: Tapping Tech & Raw Power

First things first: this tap­ping stro­ker puls­es against the penis with no subtlety.

Upon turn­ing on Manwan's Sub One, its low­est and slow­est inten­si­ty is about as strong as the Evo's third speed setting.

And you might be into that, but we're not.

When More Power Isn't Better

It's a lot. My partner's first impres­sion adjec­tives for it were “over­whelm­ing” and “aggres­sive.” We couldn't turn it down as much as we’d like.

Manwan Sub One powerful penis vibrator

Manwan's mar­ket­ing copy for Sub One claimed the “abil­i­ty to adapt per­fect­ly to your desires thanks to the Pleasure Assist func­tion,” and, um, no. Pleasure Assist sens­es how hard you squeeze the sides and vibrate faster when you apply more pressure.

Just as blast­ing death met­al while using a buzzy music-​activated vibra­tor isn't going to make it more intense than the high­est speed, Pleasure Assist isn't going to help us much when we need some­thing lower.

While it's pos­si­ble to hold it gen­tly enough to get some­thing slow­er, it's a pre­car­i­ous bal­ance and impractical.

We'd much pre­fer start­ing low on the Man.wand Evo, ramp­ing it up for orgasm, and turn­ing it back down when he's sen­si­tive after cumming.

As a stand­alone solo toy, Sub One is a no-​go for him.

Pairing it with a blowjob? Yes. “I like it bet­ter with you,” he said. Using a pat­tern set­ting for a slow build made it more man­age­able, but it took time to tol­er­ate the steady speeds.

Considering the price dif­fer­ence, we'd only rec­om­mend the Manwan Sub One to diehard motor mon­archs and rum­ble royals.

Manwan Sub One vibrating sleeve device top view showing textures

Anatomy & Aesthetics: When Design Meets Reality

We also found that Manwan's Sub One wasn't an opti­mal fit for his penis specif­i­cal­ly. For one, the rigid por­tion cov­ers four inch­es of straight shaft — and the under­side of his cock curved away from the puls­ing motor.

“The ridges are fine,” he said, “But it's hard­er to keep con­tact with the pres­sure point.” We had to try hard­er to focus the puls­ing on a small section.

Meanwhile, we didn't get as much cov­er­age from the Sub One's flex­i­ble sil­i­cone side as we would have liked. Evo's flaps are firmer and sym­met­ric, wrap­ping and dis­trib­ut­ing vibra­tions more around the tar­get zone.

Lastly, a design quirk we noticed in the dark was how fuck­ing bright the Sub One's LEDs blink on the puls­ing por­tion, logo, and but­tons. We agreed to use it under the cov­ers — and then dis­cov­ered that the con­trols and set­tings left some­thing to be desired.

Manwan Sub One pulsing penis vibrator control panel

Closing Thoughts on Manwan's Sub One

TL;DR: Sub One deliv­ers intense tap­ping sen­sa­tions but may be too pow­er­ful for many users. While it packs the strongest motor in Manwan's line­up, its lim­it­ed speed con­trol, bright LEDs, and rigid design make it less ver­sa­tile than the Evo. Sub One is best for pow­er fiends who know they want intense stim­u­la­tion from the start.

Manwan Sub One Stats & Specs

📏 Size & Shape

  • 4.2” long
  • 2.2” wide on the outside
  • 1.4” across the inside 
    • Best for aver­age penises
    • Very flex­i­ble flaps

⚡ Power & Performance

  • Rumbly puls­ing motor
  • 5 inten­si­ty levels
  • 70 to 85 Hz timbre
  • Intense and pro­por­tion­al­ly louddddddd
  • 5 vibra­tion func­tions (1 steady, 4 patterns)
  • USB mag­net­ic charger
  • 1.5 hours of charging
  • 1.5 hours of playtime

🛠️ Materials & Build

  • Body-​safe sil­i­cone coating
  • Rigid ABS plas­tic under
  • IPX7 water­proof and submersible
  • 4 but­tons
    • On/​off/​Pleasure Assist
    • Decrease speed
    • Increase speed
    • Cycle through patterns
  • Color options: Velvet Red, Stellar Blue, Infinite Black

🧼 Care & Maintenance

  • Clean with soap and water after every­day use
  • Use water-​based lube only for best results 
  • For more thor­ough dis­in­fect­ing, use a 10% bleach solu­tion fol­lowed by soap and water
Man.wand Evo by Manwan penis vibrator next to Uberrime Aptus dildo

Manwan Evo vs. Sub One Key Features Comparison

Man.wand Evo

  • Moderately intense vibra­tions — very much packs the punch of a mini wand massager
  • Battery life: 1.5 hours of charge gets 1.5 hours of play
  • Noise lev­el: not too loud, but notice­able. Use it in the show­er behind a closed door.
  • Wing flex­i­bil­i­ty: firm but flexible

Sub One

  • Next-​level — go ahead and pul­ver­ize your peen if you're sure that's what you want
  • Battery life: 1.5 hours of charge gets 1.5 hours of play
  • Noise lev­el: loud­er than I'd like, but worth it for the intensity
  • Wing flex­i­bil­i­ty: very bendy
Man.wand Evo by Manwan premium male vibrator on Uberrime Aptus dildo

Man.wand Evo vs. Sub One Pros and Cons

Manwan's Evo is best for:

  • Gradual build-​up dur­ing inti­mate play with a part­ner who prefers con­trol­lable intensity
  • Beginners explor­ing penis vibra­tors who want adjustable settings
  • Couples incor­po­rat­ing vibra­tion into oral sex with­out over­whelm­ing sensation

Sub One is best for:

  • Intense stim­u­la­tion for expe­ri­enced users who know they enjoy pow­er­ful sensations
  • Getting looooots of pow­er on the frenu­lum while leav­ing just the head exposed for oral or anoth­er hand
  • Solo ses­sions focused on quick, intense orgasms
Man.wand Evo luxury penis wand vibrator stroker by Manwan

Man.wand Evo isn't for:

  • Users seek­ing extreme­ly intense stim­u­la­tion from the start
  • Those who want pressure-​sensitive controls

Sub One isn't for:

  • Beginners or those sen­si­tive to intense stimulation
  • Users want­i­ng pre­cise speed con­trol at low­er intensities
  • Those both­ered by bright LEDs dur­ing night­time use
  • Users with curved penis­es (rigid design lim­its contact)
Manwan Ryzer penis extension sleeve and stroker

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