Huge, Heavy, Heavenly: An XL Glass Dildo for Size Queens, et al.

It's like an “ORGASM NOW” lever when I tilt this thick glass dil­do against my front wall.

Kissing an XL realistic glass dildo

Intensity-​wise, Luscious Playthings’ XL dil­do is in a league all its own:

  • Wicked con­trast between the mushroom-​tipped head and smooth shaft
  • Curved for bound­less G‑spot and A‑spot bash­ing
  • 2.3” wide — like the top of a soda can — across the coro­na and 1.8” across the shaft
  • The unyield­ing borosil­i­cate glass ampli­fies that difference
  • It tow­ers at about 9.5” tall and weighs 2 pounds

In oth­er words: pre­pare to ascend to a high­er plane of existence.

Extra large realistic mushroom tip glass dildo in hand

How does this huge, realistic glass dildo feel?

Even though I didn't insert every inch of Luscious Playthings’ XL glass dil­do, this blud­geon­like babe still added to the hazy-​eyed, gasp­ing, clench­ing, cum­ming. Because what­ev­er doesn't go in can be used as a han­dle for tilt­ing right there, just like that, just like that.

(Watch this glass dil­do in action.)

And when it's so girthy and fac­ing so much resis­tance against the walls, every exter­nal inch I can lever­age is game-​changing for angling and aiming.

Extra large realistic mushroom tip glass dildo wrist size comparison

(Another case in point is that the njoy Eleven's length isn't because the mak­er expects users to con­sume eleven inch­es. It's meant to be insert­ed about halfway — or even less — while your hand holds the oth­er half.)

In the Luscious Playthings’ words, this vast glass dil­do is "backed by plen­ty of 1 3⁄4" diam­e­ter shaft to get it where you need it to go."

Once it's in, potent pres­sure for star­ry eyes is effort­less. Go deep and tilt it a lit­tle for the mind-​melding, head-​scrambling, woozy-​faced “FUUUUUUCK!” A‑spot mas­sage — or stay shal­low and tilt it a lot for G‑spot pound­ing. Both are divine.

It's like an “ORGASM NOW” lever when I tilt this thick glass dil­do against my front wall … pre­pare to ascend to a high­er plane of existence.

Extra large glass dildo with sculpted semi-realistic head

“Is it going to fit? I'll make it fit.”

“Effortless” only applies after get­ting the head in, though.

The ini­tial inser­tion took some preparation:

  • Lots of lube — for extra long-​lasting slip, you can use liq­uid sil­i­cone with glass
  • Conscious clench­ing when hold­ing it in place and relax­ing while going in — slowly
  • Pushing against the back wall, leav­ing a lit­tle slack at the front to steer clear of the urethra
  • Then, once the head is in, tilt it toward your bel­ly side and the base towards your back

Voila! Proceed to beat up your insides.

(Further read­ing: my guide to vagi­nal stretch­ing and huge dil­dos.)

Extra large realistic mushroom tip glass dildo in hand in front of impact toys on wall

Is Luscious Playthings’ XL glass dildo for you?

I ini­tial­ly typed, “If you've read this far, you've prob­a­bly already decid­ed whether a glass dil­do the size of my fore­arm is right for you,” — but that's only part­ly true.

'Cause my cunt has con­sumed more colos­sal cocks, but unbox­ing this gigan­tic glass dil­do was a semi-​emotional expe­ri­ence, like a metronome click­ing between “Oh fuck, that looks deli­cious,” and “Oh fuck, what have I done?”

2.3” diam­e­ter of squishy sil­i­cone is dif­fer­ent from 2.0” diam­e­ter stain­less steel is dif­fer­ent from 2.3” diam­e­ter of glass — yet I enveloped this ele­gant art piece and shud­dered and shook all the same.

My verdict on this extra large realistic glass dildo

For size roy­al­ty who want some­thing a bit more brutish than the njoy Eleven's engi­neer­ing, the Luscious Playthings XL glass dil­do was made to remix guts. This glass goliath is a mas­ter­piece of form and func­tion — an arti­sanal invest­ment in unfor­get­table orgasms — if you're ready for its mag­nif­i­cent proportions.

Extra large realistic mushroom tip glass dildo in hand above thighs

If you're equal­ly excit­ed and intim­i­dat­ed by this huge, real­is­tic glass dil­do, you have options for eas­ing into penetration:

  • Warm up with oth­er toys you love if that helps you relax
  • Maybe have a few cli­toral orgasms first
  • Slow down, pause, or back off as abun­dant­ly as needed
  • Get a dif­fer­ent glass dil­do sized to your specifications!

Most of Luscious Playthings’ glass mas­sagers are avail­able in sev­er­al sizes, so find the clos­est match and mes­sage the mak­er for slight adjust­ments as needed.

Personally? I'm a deep pen­e­tra­tion princess who doesn't always want girth — so in the past, I've request­ed a curved glass dil­do in the “Medium” diam­e­ter with the “Large” length.

Know your­self. And, with patience, prepa­ra­tion, and pre­ci­sion, you, too, can expe­ri­ence that mind-​melting, full-​body ecsta­sy that sol­id glass and steel pro­vide.

Extra large realistic mushroom tip glass dildo magnifying the word "dildos" in a book
Related reading:

This post was spon­sored! Opinions expressed are my own.

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