Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo

Slick, smooth, sub­lime sen­sa­tions for my slit and cervix.

Hand holding a shallow curved glass dildo from Luscious Playthings

I love it deep, and I was enchant­ed when Luscious Playthings cus­tomized this glass dil­do to my spec­i­fi­ca­tions for stroking my deep­est spots:

  • A gen­tle curve 
  • 8 inch­es long
  • 1‑inch wide shaft — noth­ing too wild.

I just want­ed effort­less cer­vi­cal orgasms. I just want­ed to rock it all the way inside, focus­ing on near-​frictionless fuck­ing, with more pre­cise pres­sure and less pulling at my walls.

And I got my wish: easy aim­ing any­where I want­ed in my ante­ri­or and pos­te­ri­or fornix­es, bot­tom­ing myself out and just let­ting the slight­est nudg­ing send me shak­ing again and again.

Ball end handle of the Luscious Playthings curved glass massager probe

And if I reversed it, the 1.7” wide ball end of this dil­do locked right into my G‑spot. Whether I cir­cled it against my front wall or swayed my hips, this Luscious Playthings probe hit my clit from the inside.

It ticks all my box­es for what makes a mar­velous toy for cervix mas­sage — and then some.

Delicious. What a dream.

Blissed-​out oxy­tocin and flood­ing one­ness… I want it deep, I want it hard, I want it to melt my fuck­ing mind, and I want to feel like the uni­verse is love.

Luscious Playthings glass dildo storage pouch with tag saying, "handcrafted with love in the USA"

Premium, Semi-Customizable Glass Dildos

All made to order in the USA.

Sometimes, you love a toy's gen­er­al con­cept and cur­va­ture but want to make it a lit­tle more “you.” Ryan from Luscious Playthings was hap­py to accom­mo­date that, mak­ing a thin dil­do with extra length for me.

“Though we don't offer full cus­tom work, we do pro­vide slight alter­ations to our exist­ing items if pos­si­ble,” says the shop’s front page. “Just ask!”

Hell yeah.

Luscious Playthings is for those who love rock-​hard ham­mer­ing. If you want…

Hand holding a gently curved glass dildo from Luscious Playthings

And, of course, there are veined, phal­lic, and knobbed options galore.

Complete your cart with a pil­lowy pro­tec­tion pouch. Luscious Playthings’ stor­age bags are seri­ous­ly among the cushi­est I have ever encoun­tered — as they should be, from a glass dil­do arti­san who gives a fuck about giv­ing cus­tomers a con­ge­nial experience.

Grab your glass gear. Dig deep­er. Perfect your specs.

Borosilicate Glass vs. “Soft” Glass

Luscious Playthings has been flame-​working since 1998 — for over 25 years! He uses borosil­i­cate glass, which is dif­fer­ent from typ­i­cal soda-​lime glass.

For one, it’s durable — hard­er, more sta­ble, and less like­ly to break when heat­ed or exposed to chem­i­cals. “[That’s] why it's used for lab­o­ra­to­ry glass­ware” and some bakeware.

Luscious Playthings borosilicate glass dildo review

Borosilicate glass con­tains boron tri­ox­ide and sil­i­ca, among oth­er com­po­nents, adding to its dura­bil­i­ty com­pared to typ­i­cal soda-​lime glass. Additionally, knowl­edge­able glass work­ers anneal the glass — slow­ly decreas­ing the tem­per­a­ture in the kiln so that the inside and out­side of the glass cool con­sis­tent­ly. This process also adds to the glass’s stability.

With a mass man­u­fac­tur­er, you don’t know the glass com­po­si­tion you’re get­ting or whether it is annealed. Glass that cools down too quick­ly stiff­ens uneven­ly, mak­ing some parts more like­ly to stress (read: break or chip).

It’s eas­i­er to find a safe glass toy than one of a soft­er mate­r­i­al, but you get what you pay for. When it comes to cheap, import­ed glass sex toys, take pre­cau­tions like:

  • Steering clear of designs with skin­ny sec­tions, such as fin­ger loops
  • Guarding glass dil­dos from impact
  • Not putting them sud­den­ly, direct­ly into boil­ing water

Alternatively, shop small busi­ness­es if you can afford it. “Wouldn't you feel bet­ter sup­port­ing a hard-​working American who stands behind their prod­uct any­way?” added Ryan.

Holding the ball end of the Luscious Playthings curved borosilicate glass dildo

Closing Thoughts on Luscious Playthings & Glass Dildos

Glass is one of my favorite sex toy mate­ri­als, thanks to:

  • How effort­less­ly wham-​bam it goes towards all my inter­nal hot spots, both shal­low and deep. My cervix, G‑spot, and A‑spot are all spoiled.
  • How slip­pery it is. Glass dil­dos require lit­tle to no lube, and you can use longer-​lasting oil-​based and silicone-​based for­mu­las. (You prob­a­bly get it if you looooove long ses­sions where you fuck your­self for hours.)
  • How easy glass sex toys are to clean — non-​porous, dishwasher-​safe, boil­able, bleach­able, san­i­ti­z­able, you name it.
  • How it warms up to my body tem­per­a­ture (or, on the flip side, how read­i­ly it takes on and trans­mits cold sensations).

There’s so much to love about Luscious Playthings and oth­er glass mas­sager arti­sans — and if I had to start my col­lec­tion all over again, I’d still get a glass dil­do as my first sex toy.

Premium borosilicate glass G-spot massager with bulbous, ball-ended head

The hard­ness and pre­ci­sion helped me dis­cov­er cer­vi­cal orgasms via deep pen­e­tra­tion, tak­ing my ecsta­sy to new heights I didn’t even dare dream of before — blissed-​out oxy­tocin and flood­ing one­ness.

I want it deep, I want it hard, I want it to melt my fuck­ing mind, and I want to feel like the uni­verse is love.

All that was pos­si­ble with nim­ble nudg­ing and rock­ing with the right glass dil­do for me.

Find your fit at Luscious Playthings.

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That means I was paid for this post. However, as always, the writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

Many inde­pen­dent sex toy arti­sans are hav­ing a rough time with Etsy chang­ing TOS and crack­ing down on adult items. If that's you, and you want to be fea­tured on my blog, please see the fol­low­ing to get a feel for my work:

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