Fun Factory Laya II lay-on clitoral vibrator review

I have gift­ed the Laya II to my child­hood best friend as her first recharge­able vibra­tor. Once upon a time, this clit vibe was the deluxe option for beginners.

[Image: the Fun Factory Laya II has a curved silhouette, contoured to fit along the pubic bone or under the balls]

Fun Factory's motors are bomb, their design­ers know what they're doing, and their col­or palettes are vibrant. Everything about Fun Factory is fun. They're a lux­u­ry sex toy com­pa­ny that doesn't take itself too seri­ous­ly.

As with all of Fun Factory's vibra­tors, the Laya II has a dis­tinct­ly purring quiver, like a bass wob­bling, "voom voom voom voom," among the bot­tom three inten­si­ty set­tings. On the high­est of the four steady speeds, though, the Laya II's low throb­bing becomes a more uni­form buzz. It's a sol­id choice for begin­ners or those who want adjustable, low-​pitched vibra­tions with medi­um amplitude.

UPDATE: There's a new, stronger Fun Factory Laya III that I'd even more read­i­ly rec­om­mend to readers!

Where the Fun Factory Laya II excels

[Image: Fun Factory Laya II 3/4 view]

For com­par­i­son, the Fun Factory Laya II is dis­cernibly more potent than oth­er lay-​on vibes like the Vibease and the Dame Pom. When I dip the vibrat­ing tip halfway in water, there's some splash. Just don't expect it to have the same thud­dy G5 gus­to as say, their Big Boss (a rumbly, beloved clas­sic that some would say no longer needs addi­tion­al hype). Power queens will find the Laya II lack­ing in depth.

When choos­ing between the Fun Factory Laya II and Dame Pom, there are trade-​offs. The Laya II's curved and con­toured body is rigid. Its forté is hands-​free pres­sure— crush­ing it against my cli­toris under my weight, with a pil­low for ele­va­tion. Or use it as a hand­held clit vibe. Or let it curve to cup a partner's balls and per­ineum. Pom, in con­trast, is flex­i­ble and thin for more com­fort­able sand­wich­ing between bod­ies dur­ing ventro-​ventro inter­course. Its oth­er strength is the pin­point "beak" for focus­ing the vibrations.

Where the Fun Factory Laya II falls short

[Image: top view of the Fun Factory Laya II's buttons and control panel]

I find that the Laya II's round­ed tip is more than focused enough for me, so long as I apply pres­sure. If you need a vibra­tor with more con­cen­trat­ed pow­er, though, stick with the We-​Vibe Touch. Perhaps in a cou­ple of years, there will be a Laya 3 with a more pow­er­ful Fun Factory G5-like motor and more options for steady speeds.

I know, I keep ask­ing for more. The Fun Factory Laya II is a well-​made toy, and it's one of the company's best­sellers for a rea­son. It has the deep rum­bling tone that Fun Factory fans know and love— at least, on the bot­tom three set­tings. But I want their trade­mark tim­bre to shine even brighter.

UPDATE: The Fun Factory Laya III is rum­bli­er and stronger, plus you get micro-​adjustable speed set­tings and way bet­ter patterns!

My verdict on the Fun Factory Laya II lay-on clitoral vibrator

Maybe it's too much to ask for a mini-​vibe to live up to its big­ger G5 sib­lings. But I believe that if any sex toy company's recharge­able external-​only vibra­tor can over­take the We-​Vibe Touch, it's Fun Factory. For that, I'm ambiva­lent about the Laya II only because I have high expec­ta­tions of an oth­er­wise impres­sive prod­uct. One that isn't in the top tier of bul­lets, but worth the price and bet­ter than pret­ty much any oth­er lay-​on vibrator.

UPDATE: The new­er Fun Factory Laya III's vibra­tions are almost G5 level!

Thank you to SheVibe for send­ing me the Fun Factory Laya II! Check it out, along with oth­er Fun Factory good­ies, among SheVibe's wide selec­tion of body-​safe toys.

[Image: SheVibe | Vibe Responsibly banner]

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2 Responses

  1. G says:

    It always amazes me how beau­ti­ful your pic­tures are.

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