Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand

This mini-​wand looks like a sparkling scepter in a cat girl shōjo ani­me about the pow­er of friend­ship and self-nurturing.

Double-Ended Pink Cat Ear Wand Vibrator

It fea­tures:

  • Cat ear-​like points on the head — both aes­thet­ic and func­tion­al as they focus the vibra­tions for pin­point stimulation
  • Stylized toe bean-​like but­tons and controls
  • Glowing red LED indi­ca­tor illu­mi­nat­ing through a tiny, cat-​face-​shaped window

Most impor­tant­ly, did it add mag­ic to this protagonist’s journey?

Well, my boyfriend did say, “Baby likes that one!” after watch­ing me use it and hold­ing me through anoth­er orgasm and anoth­er and another.

“It’s fine,” I replied. Its pow­er is mid, and its cute­ness doesn't come cheap.

Pink Cat Ear Vibrator With Wand Head & Gyrating Tongue Handle

A Double-Ended Magic Wand Massager

The Leten Dream Series cat ear wand has two motors: one vibrat­ing and one gyrating.

Vibration Quality

The con­ven­tion­al wand massager-​style end car­ries about the ampli­tude of a mid-​tier G‑spot vibra­tor. Set your expec­ta­tions accord­ing­ly: it won’t knock your socks off with a wild ride but might be fine for build­ing long, light orgasms.

If you need revving rum­ble, look elsewhere.

Personally? This pin­point princess enjoys hav­ing options for both broad stim­u­la­tion — across a 1.6” diam­e­ter head — and con­cen­trat­ing on the cli­toral glans with the point­ed ears.

Leten Dream Series Cat Ear Wand Massager Vibrations in Water

Notably, the neck is quite firm — you can be a lit­tle rough with it and feel it push­ing back against you, but remem­ber that wand necks with­out much bend will break more eas­i­ly. Treat it with rea­son­able care.

Gyration Sensations

The oth­er end is like a gyrat­ing “tongue.” You can turn on one motor at a time or both:

  • Perhaps for part­ner play
  • Or maybe you want to com­bine the “lick­ing” motion with vibra­tion (yes, that means that vibra­tions will trans­fer to the han­dle, which you may or may not be into)

Either way, you’ll want some­thing firm to anchor the han­dle to — whether by:

  • Keeping a tight, tight grip on it
  • Clamping it against your thigh
  • Propping pil­lows against it

The “tongue’s” squishy bit is maybe a half-​inch thick — not super pin­point, but it will hone in on the clit nice­ly, cir­cling and pul­sat­ing around it.

Pink Cat Ear Wand Vibrator With Gyrating Circling Tongue

This side’s spin­ning motor is juu­ust strong enough. It’s fast and refresh­ing and will make me cum, but I don’t love that it stalls and stops under pres­sure. Forget G‑spotting — this toy could nev­er stand up against my goril­la grip coochie walls.

Licking light cir­cles just out­side the vagi­nal entrance, though? Mmmmm.

If you need some vroom, stick to the tra­di­tion­al vibra­tions. The tongue end is for adding ampli­tude and slow, sen­su­al depth of movement.

Measurements & Specs

  • 1.6” x 1.6” x 1.6” mas­sager head
  • 9.5” total length
  • 4.5” “tongue” insertable length
  • 3‑button con­trol panel
  • 3 steady set­tings, 3 patterns 
    • One vibra­tion pat­tern is con­sis­tent enough for me to cum on
    • The oth­ers are more for adding vari­ety to the tongue movement
  • 2 motors — one vibrat­ing, one gyrating
  • Turn on just one motor at a time or both
  • Up to 60 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous playtime
  • IPX5 splash­proof — can han­dle low-​pressure drips and light splashing 
    • Please don’t use it in the bath
    • Maybe don’t use it in the show­er if you like your show­ers long and hard
Compact Kawaii Pink Magic Wand Vibrator With Cat Ears

My Verdict on the Leten Dream Series Double-Ended Cat Ear Wand

This recharge­able mini-​wand mas­sager brings back the nos­tal­gia of the California Exotics Embrace line from the mid-​2010s. It’s noth­ing ground­break­ing, but it’s cute, it’s just strong enough for me to cum again and again, its quiv­ers can be con­cen­trat­ed, and it light­ly laps at my labia and entrance.

Charming, reli­able, and aes­thet­ic, the Leten Dream Series double-​ended cat ear wand is noth­ing wild. Yet, its vari­ety stirs up smiles, sighs, and shak­ing thighs a‑plenty — at least for those seek­ing slight sensations.

Further Reading: Other Cute & Kawaii Clit Vibes!

This post was spon­sored! Honest opin­ions expressed are my own, as always.

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