Corn Dildo Comparison: SquarePegToys vs. SelfDelve

Get ready to be husked and thrust into ecstasy. This corn will butter you up and make you cream faster than you can say "shuck."
SquarePegToys Cob A Squat vs. SelfDelve Corn on the Cob silicone dildos

Today’s corn stars are the SquarePegToys Cob a Squat — which I will endear­ing­ly call the Big Black Cob — and SelfDelve’s corn dil­do, which I reviewed in the past.

(If you’re tick­led to dis­cov­er a corn dil­do, con­sid­er that dil­dos shaped like revolvers and moon­shine bot­tles also exist.)

Sweet corn is always in sea­son here; let’s com­pare some vari­eties and their origins.

SquarePegToys Cob A Squat and SelfDelve Corn on the Cob dildos with creamy white lube

Meet the Maizes’ Makers


SquarePegToys’ strain orig­i­nat­ed in the United States in 2012. The mak­er host­ed a “make your own dil­do” work­shop as part of a char­i­ty fundrais­er, and a par­tic­i­pant brought — you guessed it — an ear of corn to copy. It “end­ed up being one of the best cast­ings I had ever done at an MYOD.”

A hand holding Squarepegtoys' Cob A Squat corn dildo

What makes SquarePegToys unique?

  • Started mak­ing large sil­i­cone toys as far back as 1997 — when cheap (and tox­ic) PVC used to dom­i­nate the market
  • Early inno­va­tors of SuperSoft sil­i­cone — some­thing that makes fat dil­dos oh so enjoy­able — yet we take it for grant­ed almost 30 years later.
  • The name is all but syn­ony­mous with anal fetish toys because they’ve been doing it for so long.

Befitting of the brand, SquarePegToys’ Cob a Squat is thick­er (2.1” diam­e­ter) and soft­er than SelfDelve’s Corn on the Cob (1.9” across). The for­mer also has a flared base serv­ing as a stop­per if used anal­ly. (If you’re using it vagi­nal­ly, it’s nice to have a han­dle to grab onto!)

SelfDelve Corn on the Cob dildo


In con­trast, SelfDelve’s German corn cul­ti­vars (and oth­er veg­gies) are more col­or­ful, glossy, and whim­si­cal. Their options include:

  • Two sizes for vagi­nal use
  • Exotic palettes and pat­terns (think 1980s neon leopard)
  • Hollow, fuck­able shuck­able sleeves for penises

I have the larg­er Corn on the Cob dil­do. It might sound gener­ic, but like most of SelfDelve’s toys, it has embed­ded ther­mochromic pig­ments and will shift from a gold­en hue to a brighter yel­low when exposed to heat. (Yes, that includes when it’s inside me.)

Selfdelve Corn on the cob large silicone dildo in a bowl

Oh, and SelfDelve real­ly loves tex­tures: “Nubs are great! They are unbeat­able as a mas­sage and hap­pi­ness maker.“

Silicone Corn Dildo Specs

SquarePegToys Cob a Squat

  • 9.2” total length
  • 8.7” insertable length
  • 2.1” max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter at the “neck”
  • SuperSoft sil­i­cone
  • Matte fin­ish

SelfDelve Corn on the Cob Large

  • 8.3” total length
  • About 7.0” insertable length
  • 1.9” max­i­mum diameter
  • Flexible, but still firm by indie standards
  • Glossy fin­ish
squarepegtoys cob a squat corn dildo supersoft silicone flexibility

Comparing the Corn in Use

Once I get past the ini­tial nov­el­ty fac­tor, I can sum up my review with one repeat­ed let­ter: “AAAAAAAAAAAA.”


My cunt clutched the corn ker­nels, feel­ing them con­form to my cave. Both spec­i­mens make me melt in dif­fer­ent ways. Which corn dil­do is bet­ter for your body depends on:

  • Which hole you’re using it in — if you’re savor­ing the sur­face with the sen­si­tive Meissner’s cor­pus­cles of the anus, the Cob a Squat’s flared, butt-​safe base is a no-​brainer. Just make sure you can han­dle the big black cob's girth.
  • How much cli­toral stim­u­la­tion you care for — so you decid­ed to use it vagi­nal­ly. SquarePegToys’ SuperSoft sil­i­cone allows you to bend the Cob a Squat’s shaft to slip and slide against the cli­toris while thrust­ing. Savor it inside and outside.
  • How sen­si­tive you are on the front wall — the flip­side is that the soft­er sil­i­cone sub­dues the knobbed tex­tures a lit­tle, espe­cial­ly when clench­ing and squish­ing around it. That may or may not be a good thing for you!
  • How much pre­ci­sion pres­sure you want — both will slip behind my cervix, but the Corn on the Cob mas­sages my cervix with resis­tance and gasp-​inducing thrusts.
  • Whether you care to have a “han­dle” to grab onto — I wish I could grip more of the SelfDelve corn dil­do and ram even harder!

In short, SquarePegToys’ Cob a Squat is bet­ter for anal use, cli­toral grind­ing while thrust­ing, and a gen­er­al soft stretch. It’s only a lit­tle big­ger and a lot more pli­able, mean­ing it can bend and flex in ways that SelfDelve’s Corn on the Cob can’t.

selfdelve corn on the cob and squarepegtoys cob a squat corn dildos with white lube drizzled

My pre­ferred way to thrust the Corn on the Cob is by tuck­ing my thumb and using its knuck­le to bump against my cli­toris with every thrust.

Overall, SelfDelve’s ver­sion is bet­ter for cervix stim­u­la­tion and front wall massage:

Hard enough to grat­i­fy but soft enough for com­fort and to con­form to my G‑spot. Clenching around it is “oof.” Insta-​cum … SelfDelve’s sil­i­cone is always a deli­cious bal­ance of intense and flex­i­ble … Intoxicatingly adap­tive springiness.


Where to Get a Corn Dildo

Get the SquarepegToys Cob a Squat in Bronze or Graphite swatch­es at Peepshow Toys. Use my code, SUPERSMASHCACHE for 10% off.

Get the SelfDelve Corn on the Cob in large or reg­u­lar size at SheVibe, or vis­it the maker’s web­site for more col­or swatches.

selfdelve curved cucumber dildo next to fly agaric plug, vegetable fridge magnet, and a bunch of teenie weenies

Further Reading

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