CLITMAS SPOTLIGHT: XL Sammie Prime thruster, clitoris ornaments, and more!

Here's how Velvet Thruster and I celebrated Christmas 2022.

We gift­ed sex toys (girthy good­ies for the maybe not-​so-​good) sex-​positive merch, and plen­ty of Clitmas spir­it to two lucky read­ers, and I love how the pho­tos turned out!

Did you dream of a white Christmas, too?

Giveaway prizes: Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie handheld fucking machine, 3D clitoris ornaments, Bob the Alien vibrator by La Boutique Voila, MAKE ME FERAL AGAIN hat, and clitoris t-shirt


  • SAMMIE PRIME (a.k.a. the LORGE Velvet Thruster)
  • Voila BOB THE ALIEN glow-​in-​the-​dark bul­let sleeve

The Sammie Prime's insertable por­tion mea­sures 7.25" long by 1.85" max­i­mum diam­e­ter, and it thrusts up to 136 times per minute. It's pret­ty much the best hand­held girthy fuck­ing machine you could get. See my full Sammie Velvet Thruster Prime review.

And if that's not enough of a stretch, I'm also giv­ing away a Bob the Alien vibra­tor from La Boutique Voila. It mea­sures 2.2" across the head and was def­i­nite­ly not designed for inser­tion. Nevertheless, I told myself, "If it fits, I sits on it."

Shop Velvet Thruster Prime builds and La Boutique Voila.

As always, you can use my dis­count code, SUPER25 for 25% off Velvet Thrusters!

Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie XL girthy handheld fucking machine dildo attachment and glow-in-the-dark alien vibrator


  • “MAKE ME FERAL AGAIN” truck­er cap
  • Clitoris design T‑shirt

I hand-​sculpted these cli­toris Christmas orna­ments with epoxy "clay" and love, with added foliage and rib­bon loops for hang­ing. One is smol (about 1.5" tall) and the oth­er is even more itty-bitty!

Epoxy "clay" clitoris Christmas ornaments I hand-sculpted with love!

As well, I've been one to declare my fer­al state (espe­cial­ly when ovu­lat­ing). If that's you, too, you can have your own embroi­dered truck­er cap in red or black. If you dare go out in pub­lic with the red one, I don't know what to tell you; you have big­ger balls than I do.


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Use my dis­count code, SUPER25 for 25% off Velvet Thrusters. Alternatively, check out my sex toy sales page for more deals and sex toy dis­count codes!

This post was spon­sored, which means I got paid for this post. Thank you to Velvet Thruster for also donat­ing their Velvet Prime Sammie and Bob the Alien as Christmas gifts!

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