Category: Sex Ed

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review 1

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review

Upgrade your blowjobs with viva­cious vibra­tion, via Vim, Manta, and Bond! Of course, the options go beyond this post, since you can: However, vibrat­ing mas­sagers for penis­es are an incred­i­bly under­rat­ed fron­tier of plea­sure! Since the penis is more or less composed…

Best Thrusting Dildos vs. Gorilla Grip Coochie: Comparison of Contraptions 2

Best Thrusting Dildos vs. Gorilla Grip Coochie: Comparison of Contraptions

This cunt con­sumes colos­sal can-​​sized cocks and cracks fin­gers. The lat­ter abil­i­ty is a haz­ard at times — my walls crush thrust­ing toys like a vise, over­pow­er their func­tion­al­i­ty, and occa­sion­al­ly eject erec­tions. I would say to play the world’s…

Fingers curved along Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe to show how to finger a partner's shallow erogenous zones

Mastering the G-Spot's Mystique (To Unlock More Elation!)

MORE NUANCED WAYS TO UNDERSTAND (AND HAVE FUN WITH) THE G‑SPOT A dil­do tilt­ed just right can be starry-​​eye-​​inducing — and fin­ger flex­ing goes a long way in plea­sure if you know where to aim! This post focus­es on one of…

A collection of remote control panty vibrators arranged on holographic background

17 Remote Control Panty Vibrators, Compared & Ranked!

Remote con­trol wear­able vibra­tors unique­ly play with thrill, antic­i­pa­tion, and sur­prise — at least, on paper. In prac­tice, only a few are small but actu­al­ly mighty. Which Bluetooth panty vibra­tors are pow­er­ful enough for me per­son­al­ly to enjoy using? I'll…

Rumbly bullet vibrators from We-Vibe, Je Joue, BMS, and Blush, ranked and compared!

Best Bullet Vibrators: Tango X vs. Swan Maximum, Je Joue, and More!

Browse the bold bul­lets that shake up my plea­sure path­ways. “Does it get me off?” isn’t the met­ric here — instead, we’re gaug­ing, “Can the orgasms knock me out from exter­nal stim­u­la­tion alone? Will this plea­sure princess need a nap…

Breaking Chains: Defining BDSM & Reimagining Roles 3

Breaking Chains: Defining BDSM & Reimagining Roles

Fifty Shades of Grey. Secretary. Chains and whips in Rihanna's 2010 dance-​​pop hit, S&M. When the main­stream thinks of BDSM, they think of a neat bina­ry of: But BDSM is far more faceted and nuanced — with far more shades of…

Variants of rose sex toys: air pulse massagers of different color roses, brand comparison, and rose butt plugs

Rose Sex Toy Guide: Air Pulses, Colors, Variants, Plugs, and More!

The ele­gant­ly dis­creet Rose sex toy is here to stay. “Roses are a per­va­sive sym­bol of love. That makes it a can­di­date for gifts on Valentine’s Day, anniver­saries, etc.,” I told the writ­ers at Sexual Health mag­a­zine. Sex toy manufacturers…

7 Steamy Skills For Soft Dominant Dirty Talk 5

7 Steamy Skills For Soft Dominant Dirty Talk

Torment with plea­sure and dis­ci­pline with praise. Soft Domination can have a hard-​​hitting psy­cho­log­i­cal impact with tears of over­whelm and ecsta­sy — no chains or whips nec­es­sary. Our focus here is the brain and cun­ning lin­guis­tics. So you want to…

Wearable dual-stimulation vibrators and air pulse rabbit massagers

Rabbit Vibrator Trends: Air Pulse Dual Stimulators & More

My spir­it slight­ly sinks when­ev­er I see that damn U‑shaped Bellesa Airvibe pro­mot­ed on Instagram. It's not going to fit my anato­my — I can already tell from the shaft's flex­i­bil­i­ty in videos and pho­tos that it lacks the structure…

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?" 6

To Rock My World, Stop Asking, "Did You Cum?"

Your part­ner deserves bet­ter than flat­ten­ing inti­ma­cy down to a pass/​​fail grade. Go deep­er. You deserve play­ful teas­ing and ban­ter like, “Tell me what you want. Use your words. I know you can do it,” while watch­ing the oth­er person…