Category: External Vibrators

BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands! 3

BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands!

PETITE. POWERFUL. INSERTABLE PERVERTABLE? I see you, California Exotics; you're keep­ing tabs on the com­pe­ti­tion and releas­ing your ren­di­tions of pop­u­lar prod­ucts years lat­er. You can be hit-​​or-​​miss some­times, but…

Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand 8

Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand

This mini-​​wand looks like a sparkling scepter in a cat girl shōjo ani­me about the pow­er of friend­ship and self-​nurturing. It fea­tures: Most impor­tant­ly, did it add mag­ic to this…

Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand 9

Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand

Thuddy AF thump­ing com­pet­ing with the gold stan­dard of recharge­able wands Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen com­bines wand-​​level pow­er with a point for more focused pussy-​​pounding. Rather than using the typical…