Category: Kink & Banter

Boobs vs. Butts & Bisexual Lighting 1

Boobs vs. Butts & Bisexual Lighting

"In the end, boobs are noth­ing more than fake ass­es. And if I had to choose between the orig­i­nal and the imi­ta­tion, of course I would choose the orig­i­nal." — Kangoku Gakuen /​​ Prison School Ch. 68 So much of perceived…

PMDD: A Life-Threatening Mental Illness 2

PMDD: A Life-Threatening Mental Illness

Getting my peri­od is sweet, sweet psy­cho­log­i­cal relief — and not because I'm avoid­ing preg­nan­cy. The begin­ning of men­stru­a­tion for me marks the end of the worst phase of my cycle. My ill­ness gave me a 1 in 3 chance…

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas 5

4 Commandments for Size Queens With Vaginas

"Let's just say she's 'open' to new things," some­one com­ment­ed on a viral video of my sex toy col­lec­tion. Big dil­dos are among the most polar­iz­ing and stig­ma­tiz­ing toys for women. Strangers have made all sorts of rude remarks and…

6 Reasons Chastity Cock Cages Can Be Hot 6

6 Reasons Chastity Cock Cages Can Be Hot

Chastity play and cock cages may seem bru­tal and oth­er­world­ly to the vanil­las. "Do peo­ple ACTUALLY get turned on by that?" one might think. But the kink is more com­mon than peo­ple real­ize. Just like any­one you walk past could…

5 Ways Companies Screw Over Reviewers & Cam Models 9

5 Ways Companies Screw Over Reviewers & Cam Models

The busi­ness of blog­ging involves alliances and col­lab­o­ra­tions with com­pa­nies. How do you nav­i­gate that? Though many sex shops are delights to work with, psy­chic vam­pires also run ram­pant in the indus­try. They feed on the unsus­pect­ing, try­ing to squeeze…

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What? 17

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What?

I went on dates with 22 peo­ple with­in 13 months between rela­tion­ships. People get exhaust­ed, just hear­ing that sta­tis­tic. While meet­ing peo­ple to date is often sim­ple, it’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly easy — I don’t want to min­i­mize the time and ener­gy it…

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear 18

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear

Selling used panties and bed­room props is a legit way to earn some extra spend­ing mon­ey, espe­cial­ly if you're an attrac­tive woman. I briefly touched on the prac­tice in my pre­vi­ous post about sexy side hus­tles (beyond reviews), but this…

4 Shitty Dating Advice Marketing Ploys I'm Sick of Seeing 20

4 Shitty Dating Advice Marketing Ploys I'm Sick of Seeing

I'm grossed out by preda­to­ry online mar­ket­ing towards women deal­ing with con­fu­sion and heartache. I get that, when you're strug­gling, a quick web search here and there can be ther­a­peu­tic for know­ing you're not alone. But it doesn't take long…

5 Characteristics of the Best Sex Shops 27

5 Characteristics of the Best Sex Shops

I've worked with many great sex shops over the years, and many shit­ty ones. It's no mys­tery: the retail­ers I link to over and over again are the ones who give back to their work­ers, shop­pers, and com­mu­ni­ty. Find out…

7 Ways to Create a More Realistic Masturbation Experience 28

7 Ways to Create a More Realistic Masturbation Experience

I get to live at the same time as auto­mat­ed fuck­ing machines and VR porn — doo­dads that peo­ple in past decades only dreamt of. My boyfriend can stick his dick in a mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve that auto­mat­i­cal­ly strokes up and…