BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands!

A hand holding the BMS PalmPower Recharge and California Exotics Couture Collection powerful compact massagers

I see you, California Exotics; you're keep­ing tabs on the com­pe­ti­tion and releas­ing your ren­di­tions of pop­u­lar prod­ucts years lat­er. You can be hit-​or-​miss some­times, but damn, when your ver­sion is good, it's aaAaaAahh — some­times bet­ter than the original.

You did it with the yas­si­fied Empowered Queen lick­ing and suck­ing pussy pump. And you've done it again with your Couture Collection Body Wand Kit — a clear copy of BMS Factory's PalmPower Recharge.

Fuck, they're both pow­er­ful. Both melt me into a san­guine, pant­i­ng pud­dle of oxy­tocin, sweat, and tears. Both make me shake all over, imag­in­ing some­one forc­ing me to cum again and again, even when it's almost too much, telling me how hot I'd look with my brains fucked out.

The Couture Collection, PalmPower Recharge, and cord­ed PalmPower are all:

  • Super petite and pow­er­ful, at 7.5" long by 1.6" wide
  • Far stronger than the Magic Wand Mini — albeit not as rumbly
  • Not as strong as the full-​frills Lovense Domi 2 — but far more affordable
  • Not as strong as the Doxy 3 Rechargeable — but water­proof and lightweight

Yes, both the Couture Collection wand and PalmPower Recharge are both IPX7 water­proof — ful­ly sub­mersible. And California Exotics’ ver­sion also has less of a seam and is entire­ly cov­ered in sil­i­cone, mak­ing its head insertable in full clit-​rattling glory!

BMS PalmPower Recharge and California Exotics Couture Collection wand — a pair of rechargeable massagers with silicone heads
Cal Exotics' ver­sion is ful­ly silicone-​coated, while BMS's has a sil­i­cone cap atop ABS plas­tic parts

That's just one of a few fea­tures where they diverge.

BMS PalmPower Recharge vs. California Exotics Couture Collection

Head Shape

So, how does it feel to insert the Cal Exotics Couture Collection Wand?

For one, its head is 1.6" across, mak­ing it the thick­ness of an above-​average cock.

Second, its curves caress my G‑spot, hug­ging it, pulling it, thrust­ing hard against it if I want to. With the vibra­tions turned on, it feels like a ball of elec­tric­i­ty against my front wall, radi­at­ing through my body and throb­bing when I clench.

It ham­mers and thrash­es at my clit from the inside — and when I think I've had enough, it's all too tempt­ing to switch from quak­ing my inter­nal clit to my exter­nal clit. Refractory peri­od? I don't know her.

So, as a stand­alone wand, I pre­fer the Cal Ex Couture Collection Body Wand Kit.

Two California Exotics Couture Collection wand massager attachments and the compact silicone wand in a glass bowl


If you plan on using attach­ments, though, the PalmPower Recharge or cord­ed PalmPower might offer you more ver­sa­til­i­ty. And that's why there's a seam at the head — where you pop the sil­i­cone attach­ments on and off the hard plas­tic base.

In addi­tion to the default round cap, four sil­i­cone heads are avail­able for the com­pact BMS PalmPower:

  • PalmSensual Accessory Kit
    • PalmBelow gen­er­ous­ly swoops for intense G‑spot stimulation.
    • PalmDual is a dual stim­u­la­tor for G‑spot and cli­toral massage.
  • PalmBody Accessory Kit
    • PalmFinger is intend­ed for mas­sag­ing the hands
    • PalmCurve is designed to add options for pin­point body massage

Cal Exotics basi­cal­ly said, “I see your dual stim­u­la­tion attach­ment and raise you triple stimulation.”

Two attach­ments come with the Couture Collection Body Wand Kit.

A blue California Exotics Couture Collection silicone wand with a triple penetration attachment on a crystal plate shaped like a vulva

The two-​pronged attach­ment — a copy of the PalmFinger — is mas­ter­ful­ly bal­anced between firm and flex­i­ble. No, I don't use it for hand mas­sage — I splay the tips for rub­bing my clit and teas­ing my vagi­nal open­ing at the same time.

There's a triple stim­u­la­tion attach­ment for G‑spotting com­bined with cli­toral stim­u­la­tion and anal vibra­tion — and I don't care for it. It's too bendy for my clit and doesn't quite fit my bits or align right for opti­mal pressure.

Hence, I'd much rather insert the straight-​up wand: head, not-​too-​flexible neck, much of the shaft handle.

Speed Range

There's a clear win­ner as far as these wands' speed ranges go:

  • The Couture Collection Wand's set­tings are all on the high end — 105–135 Hz
  • The BMS PalmPower Recharge has rumbly options and doesn't go up as high — 47–110 Hz

If you want to go straight for pow­er, get the Couture Collection Body Wand. If you want more options to suit more moods, get the PalmPower Recharge or cord­ed PalmPower.

Control Panel

Last but not least, these wands’ con­trol inter­faces are quite different.

BMS PalmPower Recharge and California Exotics Couture Collection cordless ompact massagers with silicone heads

BMS's PalmPower Recharge has a con­tin­u­ous speed range:

  • Short press to turn the PalmPower Recharge on or off 
    • It always starts at the low­est speed setting
  • Hold the but­ton down to ramp up the intensity
  • The LED on the han­dle will keep blink­ing until you reach the high­est inten­si­ty — at which point it will stay lit even when you hold it down

You might looooove the option to micro-​adjust, though BMS con­trols can take some get­ting used to, because:

  • You'd be wait­ing about 10 sec­onds to ramp up to the high­est speed
  • The but­tons’ long press­es vs. short press­es do the oppo­site of what you might expect based on oth­er vibra­tors you've expe­ri­enced in the past

(Want the same kind of con­trols in a bul­let? Check out the BMS Swan Maximum!)

California Exotics Couture Collection wand next to BMS Factory PalmPower Recharge

Cal Exotics’ Couture Collection wand has more con­ven­tion­al controls:

  • Long press to turn the Couture Collection wand on or off 
    • It starts at the last set­ting you used
  • Short press to cycle through the 10 speed settings 
    • Once you get to the top and click again, it will return to the back to the slow­est speed

You might like the mem­o­ry func­tion if there's one main “favorite” set­ting you go back to repeat­ed­ly. However, you might find it mood-​killing if you're already at the top speed, click again, think­ing there's anoth­er one, and it goes back to the beginning.

That doesn't affect my play per­son­al­ly, but it might both­er you if you need con­sis­ten­cy and pre­dictabil­i­ty to cum.

California Exotics Couture Collection compact body wand massager attachments

Which Wand Would I Recommend?

I don't love either single-​button inter­face, but the PalmPower Recharge and Couture Collection are among the best, most pow­er­ful com­pact and cord­less wands you could get because:

  • They're water­proof — a lit­tle uncom­mon for wands in Toyland
  • They deliv­er wand-​level pow­er in a mod­est­ly sized pack­age — mean­ing eas­i­er use dur­ing inter­course or for hold­ing against your cheek dur­ing oral.
  • Smaller heads mean a more con­cen­trat­ed focus of vibra­tion — a per­son­al preference.

Some users would rather have big­ger, bold­er sen­sa­tions spread across the whole vul­va, while oth­ers would rather have it more cen­tered on one hot spot at a time. Petite but pow­er­ful wands are also great for relax­ing with a few orgasms before or dur­ing pen­e­tra­tion, prepar­ing the pelvic area for fist­ing!

Both more than get the job done for me.

BMS PalmPower Recharge and Cal Exotics Couture Collection body wand silicone massagers on a glass plate

Both the PalmPower Recharge and Cal Exotics Couture Collection set my body and brain on fire on repeat. Which one you get depends on:

  • Which one-​button con­trol pan­el you'd prefer
  • Whether the seam on the head is a big deal to you
  • Which attach­ments you'd prefer
  • Whether you want more speeds on the low end
  • Whether you care a lot about hav­ing the original!

The cord­ed PalmPower comes in two versions:

Other Wands to Try

If you need tighter con­trols and a lit­tle more luxe, con­sid­er the following.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen focused thumping oscillator

Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen deliv­ers thump­ing pul­sa­tions and has a full three-​button con­trol pan­el for click­ing up and down through speed set­tings for any mood. If you're on the high­est set­ting and click the “increase” but­ton, it'll stay on that top speed while pound­ing away. Plus, it's ful­ly waterproof!

Lovense's Domi 2 is super strong. It has a two-​button con­trol pan­el and full Bluetooth func­tion­al­i­ty for con­trol­ling it from your phone or computer.

The long-​range con­nec­tiv­i­ty means you could tie it to a submissive's crotch, leave them there with a phone on a tri­pod with Lovense's video chat open, and watch their reac­tions when you jolt them from afar.

Get it from Spectrum Boutique or direct­ly from Lovense.

Lovense Domi compact Bluetooth remote control wand massager

(I told a friend I didn't have the atten­tion span to tie some­one up — because what if I want­ed to get up for a snack in the mid­dle of the ses­sion? You blind­fold them and make your depar­ture and the on-​edge uncer­tain­ty of when you'll return part of the scene. That's what. Add inter­mit­tent, intense vibra­tion for suspense.)

There's no short­age of pow­er­ful and petite wand mas­sagers for any babe who loves it broad and brisk.

Further Reading:
A group of theeee besssttt compact silicone massagers

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