Blush Novelties Gaia Eco review: cheap slimline vibrator

I'm so infat­u­at­ed with this vibra­tor. The Blush Novelties Gaia Eco has the best vibra­tions you could get for this cheap.

Blush Novelties Gaia Eco review: cheap slimline vibrator 1

Just buy it if you want some­thing pow­er­ful and dis­creet to explore with. I could end my review there, but that wouldn't do jus­tice to why I'm so in love with it.

The Blush Gaia Eco is rumbly

I'm not sugar-​coating my thoughts on a weak-​ass "begin­ner" vibe. Oh, no.  The Gaia Eco was a delight to turn on for the first time, set on a table, and hear the clat­ter­ing rhythm of gunshots.

That's a quick and dirty way to tell the dif­fer­ence between rumbly and buzzy: buzzy vibra­tions sound like a sin­gle pulse of a cell phone going off, while a more rumbly vibra­tor will have more dis­tinct, rhyth­mic taps as it pounds against the sur­face. Buzzy tick­les the sur­face, while rumbly vibra­tors shake the tis­sues on a deep­er level.

Still not sure what the dif­fer­ence between buzzy and rumbly is? See my pic­tures of vibra­tor motors when tak­en apart. Or look at the Gaia Eco's twin, the Blush Sweet Rush slim­line vibra­tor, splash in the water below.

The Blush Gaia Eco isn't just ade­quate, but actu­al­ly ample. It's more than enough, and it's mod­er­ate­ly rumbly, which is uncom­mon for a vibra­tor under of its price range.

How is the Gaia Eco's speed range?

"The pow­er lev­el is so good that if you have a sen­si­tive cli­toris and can orgasm fair­ly eas­i­ly from just fin­gers, it might be too pow­er­ful for you," wrote Lilly.

I'm inclined to agree; I def­i­nite­ly found myself wish­ing there were more speed set­tings on the low­er end. The Gaia Eco is more pow­er­ful than oth­er toys with sep­a­rate bat­ter­ies I've tried. I'd say it's com­pa­ra­ble to the low­er speeds on the Pillow Talk Sassy regard­ing pow­er but buzzi­er. As expect­ed from a not-​rechargeable toy.

There isn't much dif­fer­ence between the low­est set­ting and the high­est. Despite the lim­it­ed speed range, the price and pow­er still make it con­ve­nient for travel.

This vibrator easily fits in my makeup bag

The Gaia Eco vibrator is slim and frill-free

The slim­line design is basic and a classic:

  • cylin­dri­cal with a round­ed tip
  • 7" long by 1" wide
  • hard plas­tic
  • a dial to turn the speed up and down

Some might find the shape and size bor­ing for inter­nal use, but I get why it's like that. The basic bul­let shape is prob­a­bly cheap­er to make, help­ing to keep the price as low as it is.

It isn't use­less inter­nal­ly, though. The rigid­i­ty and slim pro­file make it a good inter­me­di­ate size step between fin­gers and a moderately-​sized penis. And even if you'd usu­al­ly find pen­e­tra­tion near your cervix uncom­fort­able, the Gaia Eco is long, slim, and rigid enough for deep explo­ration. It's nar­row enough to swirl around all 360 degrees of my cer­vi­cal os.

The Blush Novelties Gaia Eco vibrator is a dainty 7" long and 1" wide, with a turn dial

If you're explor­ing, the design also gives you a chance to see whether your inter­nal eroge­nous zones respond to vibra­tion. Since it's slim and kin­da pointy, you might be able to use it to find where the most sen­si­tive part of your clit is. And if you'd pre­fer to vibrate a broad­er area of your exter­nal cli­toris, you can still use the side of the vibrator.

Discreet and easy to care for

Whether this is someone's first toy or their fifti­eth, there are many rea­sons to love the Gaia Eco.

For one, it's dis­creet both con­cern­ing sound and appear­ance. It's qui­et enough that I can't hear the low­er half of the speed range when using it under my blan­ket. (With the faster set­tings, you might need to play some music.) You can also incon­spic­u­ous­ly fit it in a make­up bag or pencil-​case. To take it a step fur­ther, you can take the AA bat­ter­ies out so that it doesn't acci­den­tal­ly vibrate.

And, worst case sce­nario, if some­one in my house­hold finds it and throws it away, I'm not all that upset. It doesn't take much mon­ey to replace the Blush Gaia Eco!

The non-​porous nature of hard plas­tic also means it's easy to care for; soap and water is ade­quate. You can use any kind of lube you want with it, includ­ing sil­i­cone. When it's time to clean it, the Gaia Eco is splash­proof, suit­able for use in the show­er. Just don't sub­merge it!

Okay, but what makes Blush Novelties' Gaia Eco so eco-friendly?


Admittedly, sus­tain­abil­i­ty isn't some­thing I often think about when buy­ing sex toys. I'm glad Blush Novelties start­ed the con­ver­sa­tion around its starch-​based bio­plas­tic, though. For one, it takes less ener­gy and releas­es less CO2 to make. As well, it's recy­clable if you take it to a spe­cial­ized recy­cling facil­i­ty. There, they can heat it up and let spe­cif­ic microbes break it down.

For increased eco-​friendliness, I'd sug­gest try­ing it with recharge­able bat­ter­ies. Since recharge­able bat­ter­ies lose their "juice" over time, though, I'd only rec­om­mend this if you don't need all the pow­er you can get from this toy.

That's not a prob­lem for me; the Blush Novelties Gaia Eco is pow­er­ful enough that I know I won't need all the bat­tery juice.

About Spectrum Boutique

Blush Novelties Gaia Eco review: cheap slimline vibrator 2

Spectrum Boutique is a sex shop based in my city: Detroit! Literally all the sex toys and lubes at Spectrum Boutique are body-​safe and high qual­i­ty. I also stand for their com­mit­ment to edu­ca­tion and LGBT inclu­siv­i­ty as a com­pa­ny. What's more, the CEO is super approach­able and wel­com­ing, and all of the pho­tog­ra­phy is rad. Every sex shop should be as com­fort­able and a pos­i­tive place to shop at as Spectrum.


I received the Blush Novelties Gaia Eco in exchange for my hon­est and unbi­ased review from Spectrum Boutique. Thank you, Spectrum! All opin­ions expressed in this review are entire­ly my own.

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6 Responses

  1. G says:

    One of the most pos­i­tive bat­tery toy review I've read.

  2. Fascinated by the bio­plas­tic but it would be cool to see eco toys that are recharge­able too!

  3. Jay says:

    I do think sus­tain­abil­i­ty should be a big­ger top­ic of dis­cus­sion con­cern­ing sex toys. Vibrators don’t last for­ev­er and I nev­er know how to get rid of them, so I usu­al­ly just trash them. So good on Blush for design­ing an eco and bud­get friend­ly vibe.

  4. Kalliopeia says:

    I real­ly appre­ci­ate that you include so many inex­pen­sive items for review!!

  5. Trix says:

    I nev­er liked slim­lines, but this looks excellent!

  6. adriana says:

    Oh man, I wish I would have known about spec­trum the last time I was in Detroit; although, I don't think I was in the right com­pa­ny to visit

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