Review: Cybersaur Large by Frisky Beast / Twin Tail

If you're using the Frisky Beast Cybersaur solo and you have a pen­chant for cer­vi­cal orgasms, you may want to keep an extra pil­low near­by to snug­gle after­ward. I also sug­gest obtain­ing a hot piz­za of your favorite kind before masturbating.

Tantus Ringo next to soda can and large Frisky Beast / Twin Tail Creations Cybersaur dildo

Because, once my libido was sati­at­ed and my fin­ger­nails were done threat­en­ing to rip apart every­thing around me, I felt human urges of all oth­er sorts. I was hun­gry AF, ready for water, and one with the bed.

The fact that I used it first thing in the morn­ing before writ­ing this was prob­a­bly a fac­tor. Regardless, don't use the Cybersaur when there's no food or com­fort­able fur­ni­ture around. Or pil­lows to smoth­er the scream­ing, for that matter.

Frisky Beast / Twin Tail Creations Cybersaur dildo next to my forearm

I adopt­ed the Frisky Beast Cybersaur (a.k.a. Mechanical Animal 3.0) from Lunabelle of Ninja Sexology while I was at Woodhull. This par­tic­u­lar Cybersaur's col­or isn't exact­ly the most pho­to­genic, but its length and tapered girth called out to me: 10 inch­es long, with a pointy tip slop­ing into a 9" circumference.

That's 2.86 inch­es wide. For com­par­i­son, the max girth of a soda can is 2.6" wide. Not just the top face.

How the Cybersaur feels in use

"Hold up," some of you are think­ing, "The Cybersaur's tip is quite cen­tered, so wouldn't that hurt your cervix?"

Frisky Beast / Twin Tail Creations Cybersaur dildo in dishwasher next to wine glasses

Indeed, the not-​quite-​as-​massive Tantus Ringo plug proved too aggres­sive for my cervix. However, Tantus's Super Soft Silicone was firm by fan­ta­sy dil­do stan­dards at the time. That toy was also quite cen­tered, ram­ming straight into the cer­vi­cal os.

While I could eas­i­ly fold my stand­ing Cybersaur's shaft in half by push­ing it, the Ringo only bends at the slen­der tip. To be frank, I can bare­ly sense the Cybersaur's fan­ta­sy tex­tures because of the squish. Plus, the inten­si­ty of the deep stretch­ing masks any­thing I feel on the surface.

Luckily, Frisky Beast's /​ Twin Tail Creations' flex­i­bil­i­ty and gen­tle curve allow the Cybersaur to eas­i­ly bend out of my cervix's way. It doesn't hit my cervix direct­ly but slides behind it. That's where the mag­ic happens.

Using the Frisky Beast Cybersaur was a stretch. Painfully and lit­er­al­ly so. But in about two min­utes of gen­tly thrust­ing, my vagi­na hap­pi­ly accept­ed it due to the taper­ing. And in two more min­utes, my then-​boyfriend hand­ed me a pil­low to scream into.

Cybersaur vs. other fat toys in my collection

Vixen Randy single-density next to Frisky Beast / Twin Tail Creations Cybersaur dildo and Tantus Ringo plug

Unlike when using the Randy, I'm not so over­whelmed that I sound like I'm giv­ing birth. The Cybersaur is much squishi­er and more yield­ing when I clench around it. But it gives my pelvic floor mus­cles some­thing to play with: a stretch that's delight­ful to squeeze. To feel the changes in pres­sure as I contract.

The sloped girth also makes it more fun to use long thrusts with, while the Randy is more for sta­tion­ary jig­gling. I can always com­fort­ably take just the Cybersaur's tip if I please. Randy's blunt­ness is more abra­sive to my ure­thra and feels com­par­a­tive­ly all-or-nothing.

And there's mild cervix stim­u­la­tion with the Cybersaur, but not spe­cial­ly tar­get­ed. There's a lot more inter­nal cli­toral pres­sure and just a lit­tle pres­sure against my cervix. The orgasm has the sheer inten­si­ty of using a girthy toy, but the soft and flut­tery heart-​eyes-​emoji feel­ing of deep pen­e­tra­tion. It's like a potent cock­tail of most­ly dopamine and some oxytocin.

Soda can next to Frisky Beast / Twin Tail Creations Cybersaur dildo and Tantus Ringo plug

Go even harder with a firmer soda can thickness dildo

2023 UPDATE: It's been quite a few years since I tried the Cybersaur. I cer­tain­ly have fond mem­o­ries of it, but have amassed a wide range of huge dil­dos, includ­ing one that's sim­i­lar­ly pointy but firmer and off-​center. Many of them are frig­gin' pret­ty, from roy­al blue to swirled poi­so­nous frog col­ors. The orgasms are even more "AAAAAA" and I some­how con­tin­ue to expand my capacity.

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3 Responses

  1. I'm going to try a medi­um Pretzal at some point, I hope it com­pares to this…

  2. Ali says:

    This kind of dil­do fright­ens me. Hard to imag­ine myself work­ing up to that one day but who knows, haha!

  3. Qiu says:

    wow, this one looks thick as hell!

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