YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex

It's been half a decade since Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure went viral — and for good rea­son. The suck­ing, lick­ing, and vibrat­ing mas­sager seemed to do it all.

YoYoLemon pussy pump with licking tongue next to Cal Exotics Empowered Queen and Pipedream Her Ultimate Pleasure
Left to right: YoYoLemon's lick­ing and vibrat­ing pussy pump, California Exotics' Empowered Smart Pleasure Queen, and Pipedream's Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure

Then came Cal Exotics’ yas­si­fied girl­boss-brand­ed ver­sion with bet­ter controls.

Naturally, stripped-​down knock­offs popped up. YoYoLemon's Vibrating Pussy Pump offers a taste of the expe­ri­ence with a trimmed-​down price tag.

Here's what you can expect from it — where the fluff was cut, when to save, and when to splurge.

Licking Pussy Pumps at a Glance

We're com­par­ing and con­trast­ing three pussy pumps with up-​and-​down lick­ing tongues:

What do these toys have in common?

  • They're pussy pumps with one-​way suc­tion, cov­er­ing the whole vul­va and increas­ing cir­cu­la­tion to the area for enhanced sen­si­tiv­i­ty and slight swelling.
  • They each fea­ture a sil­i­cone “tongue” that flits up and down on the cli­toral glans — or nip­ples, or what­ev­er you put the suc­tion attach­ment on
  • You can con­trol the suc­tion and lick­ing motors independently
  • Their gen­er­al con­struc­tion for­mu­la fol­lows: sil­i­cone han­dle, sil­i­cone tongue, hard plas­tic cup, sil­i­cone rim for com­fort and seal­ing against the vulva

Overall Pump Shapes

YoYoLemon's vibrat­ing pussy pump more close­ly fol­lows CalEx's exter­nal stimulation-​only lead here. The main dif­fer­ence is that YoYoLemon's is more com­pact and cov­ers less sur­face area. Both, how­ev­er, have round, stout handles.

White label vibrating licking sucking pussy pump

In con­trast, Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure has a longer and slim­mer hilt for pen­e­tra­tion, with about 5.2 inch­es of insertable length, which:

  • Can be a plus if you're new to sex toys and want to try a wide range of sensations
  • Can be a minus if you know you need deep­er pen­e­tra­tion — I found myself hold­ing back, not want­i­ng my juices to col­lect in the con­trol panel's seams.

I could just not use that end, but pay­ing more for that fea­ture would be a waste. Still, there are rea­sons to love each of these three vibrat­ing, lick­ing pussy pumps.

Which One Is the Best?

Despite these three mod­els’ sim­i­lar appear­ances, all of the fol­low­ing met­rics have clear winners:

  • Which one's suc­tion feels the best?
  • Which one has the best controls?
  • Which one licks the fastest (and strongest)?

They each offer some­thing a lit­tle different:

Let's com­pare them based on set­tings, ease of clean­ing, and versatility.

Cal Exotics Empowered Queen licking sucking pussy pump and YoYoLemon's model

Pussy Pump Suction

We'll start with the suc­tion set­tings. To quote my past Empowered Queen vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure com­par­i­son:

Both of these toys have pow­er­ful aspi­rat­ing motors, and both can make me damn near insta-​cum. But how they feel in use is quite different.

The Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure’s suc­tion set­tings are all pat­terns with waves of suck-​release times (for exam­ple, 4 sec­tions of suc­tion, 1 sec­ond of rest). It’s a tease.

In con­trast, the Empowered Queen allows the user to keep the suc­tion steady until they “freeze” it in place or quick-​release it. Once they’re hap­py with the “base­line” vac­u­um inten­si­ty, they can add a pat­tern on top of that if they wish.

The Empowered Queen’s stac­ca­to pat­terns rhyth­mi­cal­ly pull air in one way. Puff, puf, puf, puf, puf, puf. Like a mouth might.

Review: Empowered Queen Tongue-​Flicking Vibrator by Cal Exotics

How Does YoYoLemon's Suction Compare?

YoYoLemon's suc­tion gives you options for steady suc­tion and suck-​release patterns:

  • Holding down the suc­tion but­ton draws air in
  • Pressing it clicks to the fol­low­ing setting
  • There are three suc­tion options
  • The high­er set­tings pull in the air faster
  • The high­er set­tings also have slight­ly longer suc­tion phas­es between paus­es — but nowhere near as long as the Her Ultimate Pleasure. 
    • YoYoLemon's low­est: about 45 puls­es of suc­tion per minute
    • Middle: 42 per minute
    • Highest: 33 per minute
Vibrating licking sucking pussy pump

Remember: in this case, few­er puls­es mean less time paus­ing and more time suck­ing — and, in turn, more inten­si­ty. However, it's still fast enough for the “puff, puff, puff” feel­ing, rather than “Puuuuuff. Puuuuuuff. Puuuuuuff.”

What Does That Mean For the User?

And how do these three pussy pumps’ aspi­ra­tion func­tions com­pare in use?

  • Cal Exotics’ Empowered Queen is, hands-​down, the most com­pre­hen­sive for more hard­core pussy pumpers. It has options for all of the following: 
    • Steady suc­tion
    • “Freezing” the vac­u­um to latch on
    • Rhythms and patterns
    • Quick release
  • Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure's suc­tion cadence is a bit more relaxed. Use it for teas­ing or pair it with the flick­ing tongue for best results.
  • YoYoLemon's pussy pump suck-​and-​release cycles have quick­er rhythms.

Takeaway: any of the three can make me orgasm quickly.

YoYoLemon's is a great start­ing point if you're not super com­mit­ted to the cli­toral suc­tion sen­sa­tion — but my favorite is the Cal Exotics Empowered Queen.

Tongue Licking Size & Speed

The Empowered Smart Pleasure Queen also licks the fastest.

YoYoLemon vs. Cal Exotics vs. Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure vibrating licking sucking pussy pumps

For com­par­i­son to the others:

  • Her Ultimate Pleasure licks up to 100 times per minute
  • YoYoLemon's vibrat­ing pussy pump licks up to 100 times per minute
  • The Empowered Queen licks up to 150 times per minute

I say “up to” because, as often with uncon­ven­tion­al mas­sager motors, these toys do stall with pressure.

Here are more fast facts about the tongue-​flicking motors:

  • The Empowered Queen can with­stand more force, and YoYoLemon less.
  • YoYoLemon's tongue is the small­est, Pipedream's just a lit­tle longer, and CalEx's is quite a bit broad­er and longer.
  • YoYoLemon's tongue move­ments trav­el the longest dis­tance, CalEx's in the mid­dle, and Pipedream the short­est flicks.

In short:

  • CalEx's Empowered Queen oscil­la­tions are the strongest and fastest
  • YoYoLemon's are longer but not as strong
  • Pipedream's flick­ing is more focused

Suction Cone Size

There's also the breadth of suc­tion to consider.

Cal Exotics Empowered Queen vs. Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure pussy pump suction cups

Cal Ex's cups fit the broad­est sur­face area

  • 6.0 x 8.5 cm
  • 6.5 x 9.4 cm

Pipedream's is some­where in between

  • 5.0 x 5.0 cm (total­ly round with flat rim)
  • 4.5 x 6.8 cm

YoYoLemon's is the smallest

  • 4.8 x 6.0 cm

The Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure's curved cup is the best fit for me, but I'm petite, so take that with a grain of salt. If you're on the big­ger side, you might like the Empowered Queen's suc­tion cones more.

Ultimately, though, all of the curved cups work for my vul­va. If you want to adapt a pussy pump for nip­ple suc­tion, too, I'd sug­gest Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure for its two cone options.

Care & Cleaning

Cal Exotics’ and Pipedream's lick­ing pussy pump cups pop on and off for adapt­abil­i­ty and clean­ing. You can more eas­i­ly get into the crevass­es around the motor­ized “tongue.”

YoYoLemon's clear plas­tic cone doesn't screw off. However, as with the oth­er two mod­els, the sil­i­cone rim is remov­able. Use a small brush with soap and water to get into the nooks and crannies.

All three have sil­i­cone tongues, mak­ing them non­porous for prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es and hygienic.

Teal vibrating licking pussy pump with silicone rim

(Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure does have a ther­mo­plas­tic sleeve to make the “tongue” soft­er and more cushy, but I threw that part away since it's not as easy to clean. Stick with the body-​safe sil­i­cone core.)

As always with sil­i­cone toys, use them with water-​based lube for best results.

Who is Each Licking Pussy Pump For?

The Empowered Queen's Ideal User

  • Cares a lot about tight con­trol of the suc­tion function
  • Mostly wants to use the suc­tion cup attach­ments over their whole vulva
  • Wants the flick­ing tongue vibra­tor to deliv­er more pressure
  • Know what kinds of sen­sa­tions they like
  • Simply want great cli­toral suc­tion and licking

Her Ultimate Pleasure's Ideal User

  • A more gen­er­al explorer
  • Intends to use suc­tion and lick­ing on many dif­fer­ent body parts
  • Enjoys slow teas­ing with the suc­tion patterns
  • Down for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion with a no-​frill insertable vibe
Vibrating licking sucking pussy pump in hand

YoYoLemon's Licking Pussy Pump

This bud­get oral sex simulator's ide­al user:

  • Prefers short, quick pat­terns rather than long, teas­ing ones
  • Doesn't crave steady suc­tion or tight controls
  • Likes lighter, longer licks
  • Is intim­i­dat­ed by pussy pumps and wants built-​in safe­ty features
  • Is on a bud­get, will­ing to cut some fea­tures to save money

Get YoYoLemon's vibrat­ing pussy pump.

Other Top Picks

Maybe one-​way suc­tion isn't your thing, and you'd rather have back-​and-​forth air puls­es focused on just the cli­toral glans. In that case, check out my mega-​comparison of pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors.

Closing Thoughts

For broad suc­tion, all three lick­ing pussy pumps make me cum quickly.

Each oral sex sim­u­la­tor offers a unique expe­ri­ence, but it's up to you how deep you want to go down the pussy pump rab­bit hole.

YoYoLemon Vibrating Pussy PumpHer Ultimate PleasureEmpowered Smart Pleasure Queen
Strokes per minuteUp to 100Up to 100Up to 150
Tongue size3.5 x 1.5 cm3.5 x 1.8 cm4.5 x 2.3 cm
Flicking range of motion2.5 cm1.5 cm2.1 cm
Suction settings3 patterns3 patternsContinuous steady suction, 6 patterns
Flicking settings3 steady, 6 patterns3 steady, 4 patterns3 steady, 3 patterns
Suction cup opening sizes4.8 x 6.0 cm5 x 5 cm
4.5 x 6.8 cm
6.0 x 8.5 cm
6.5 x 9.4 cm
Handle shapeEgg-shapedSlightly curved, phallicEgg-shaped
Charger headMagneticMagneticPin

This post was spon­sored by YoYoLemon, but the opin­ions expressed and writ­ten here are my own. I want you to find the best pussy pump for your plea­sure map and budget!

Want to work with me? See my col­lab­o­ra­tion poli­cies!

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