YoYoLemon vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. Fun Factory Tiger

I’m always excit­ed to see anoth­er afford­able A‑spotty vibra­tor in Toyland, made for deep penetration.

YoYoLemon ribbed vibrator for G-spot

YoYoLemon’s ribbed mod­el looks famil­iar — but feels juu­u­ust dif­fer­ent enough for me to some­times rec­om­mend this white-​label1 knock­off of a knockoff.

It’s deriv­a­tive of the Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine, which is a copy of Fun Factory’s Tiger. Notably, both the YoYoLemon G‑spot vibra­tor and Yummy Sunshine cost about $90 less. That dif­fer­ence is noth­ing to scoff at if you’re most­ly crav­ing the pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion — or, for that mat­ter, silky mat­te silicone.

Fun Factory Tiger vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. YoYoLemon ridged G-spot vibrator

These insertable vibra­tors share some drool-​worthy features:

  • Ridges and tex­tures galore grip my walls
  • A shal­low curve for hit­ting my favorite inter­nal hot spots
  • An acces­si­ble, easy-​to-​grab fin­ger loop design
  • Waterproof con­struc­tion for enjoy­ing in the bath

But two fea­tures that make YoYoLemon’s insertable vibra­tor dif­fer­ent — the flex­i­bil­i­ty and flare near the base of the shaft — car­ry trade-​offs. They’re bet­ter for some uses and not-​so-​great for oth­ers com­pared to the Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine and Fun Factory Tiger.

Fun Factory vs. Satisfyer vs. YoYoLemon vibrator finger loop handles

YoYoLemon Dildo/Vibrator Features & Comparison

Fun Factory’s Tiger and Satisfyer’s Yummy Sunshine fea­ture flex­i­ble sil­i­cone through most of the shaft and tip, while YoYoLemon’s is:

  • Mostly firm, bend­ing at only one point
  • More defined at the corona
  • Relatively straight-​shafted

G‑Spotty? A‑Spotty?

What does that mean in use for G‑spotting and A‑spotting?

Satisfyer vs. YoYoLemon G-spot vibrator shaft shapes

In short, the YoYoLemon G‑spot dildo/​vibrator:

  • Is less pre­cise in aim­ing but firmer for rock­ing against the A‑spot — deep pen­e­tra­tion against the front wall
  • Is less for­giv­ing and might be less com­fort­able for a user with a sen­si­tive cervix
  • Mild for G‑spotting com­pared to the Yummy Sunshine’s curv­ing tip
  • More notice­ably G‑spotty than the Fun Factory Tiger
  • Either way, will still get the job done for my shal­low hot spots — espe­cial­ly if I’m already aroused!

The Shaft’s Shape

The Fun Factory Tiger — the orig­i­nal — has a bulge near the base, meant to mas­sage the cli­toris dur­ing pen­e­tra­tion. It only sticks out 0.6” from the shaft, mean­ing it’s not qui­i­i­ite a rab­bit vibra­tor unless you’re specif­i­cal­ly bend­ing it to grind your clit against it.

Fun Factory vs. Satisfyer vs. YoYoLemon vibrator clitoral stimulation bumps and finger loop handles

With each round of repeat­ed copy­ing, this bump was smoothed out:

  • Fun Factory’s Tiger’s bump is quite defined
  • Satisfyer’s ramps up less abruptly
  • YoYoLemon’s is bare­ly even a bump

Instead, YoYoLemon’s vibra­tor has the slight­est slop­ing of the shaft’s girth. It’s not even a non­com­mi­tal cli­toral mas­sager, but rather a grad­ual stretch for the mouth of the vagi­na — and you might be into the 2‑inch diam­e­ter near the base!

The sub­tle swell also means more insertable length to work with:

YoYoLemon ribbed and tapered vibrator for G-spot

(And yes, I’d rec­om­mend it for vagi­nal use only since — unlike with the oth­er two mod­els — it’s too slight to serve as a stop­per for anal use.)


Here’s an overview of how YoYoLemon’s G‑Spot Dildo/​Vibrator mea­sures up:

  • Total length: 9.2”
  • Insertable length: 5.8”
  • Diameter across head: 1.5”
  • Diameter at mid-​shaft: 1.4”
  • Diameter near base: 2.0”

Settings & Controls

YoYoLemon’s G‑Spot Dildo/​Vibrator has:

  • 3 steady speeds
  • 6 pat­terns
  • 2 but­tons
    • One for on/​off
    • One for cycling through the settings

In con­trast, Fun Factory’s Tiger and Satisfyer’s Yummy Sunshine have three but­tons: one for on/​off, and the oth­er two for nav­i­gat­ing the set­tings menu. They also have more grad­ual incre­ments and a wider range of 6 steady speeds.

Fun Factory vs. Satisfyer vs. YoYoLemon vibrator control panels and buttons

As far as vibra­tion qual­i­ty goes:

  • Fun Factory’s G5 motor is the rumbliest
  • Satisfyer’s Yummy Sunshine is still sol­id but mid-​grade buzzy
  • YoYoLemon’s G‑Spot Dildo/​Vibrator is buzzi­er but fair for the price

Should You Get a YoYoLemon Vibrator, Yummy Sunshine, or Tiger?

Get the orig­i­nal, the Fun Factory Tiger, if you:

  • Are a tex­ture slut and loooove the more rugged feel
  • Care about cli­toral grind­ing and coital align­ment technique
  • Crave bassy, purring vibrations
  • Want pre­cise con­trols and options galore
  • Are will­ing to spend a lot more for qual­i­ty and eth­i­cal labor practices
Fun Factory Tiger vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. YoYoLemon ridged G-spot vibrator

Get the Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine if you:

  • Want a more curved and defined hook for G‑spotting
  • Prefer but­tery mat­te silicone
  • Still want some flex­i­bil­i­ty and versatility
  • Are on a bud­get and will­ing to cut some cor­ners2

Get YoYoLemon’s G‑Spot Dildo/​Vibrator if you:

  • Again, are on a bud­get for your sex toys
  • Prefer a straighter, firmer shaft
  • Want more insertable length
  • Don’t plan on using it for butt stuff
  • Relish a more grad­ual girth increase at the vagi­nal entrance
YoYoLemon vibrator for G-spot with ridges and finger loop

Ultimately, I think the YoYoLemon ver­sion is worth it com­pared to the orig­i­nal if you’re look­ing for an A‑spotty begin­ner vibra­tor that won’t break the bank. There’s a trade-​off here: do you want a more intense pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion, or do you want more com­fort and precision?

Pick your penchant.

This post was spon­sored by YoYoLemon, mean­ing I was paid for my fair review. Opinions expressed here are my own!

  1. White-​label means a prod­uct is gener­i­cal­ly mass-​manufactured and rebrand­ed under a shop’s name — hence the odd word choice of “YoYoLemon Dildo Vibrator” here. A rose by any oth­er name would smell just as sweet, maybe? ↩︎
  2. There is no eth­i­cal con­sump­tion under cap­i­tal­ism, and I under­stand that expen­sive lux­u­ry sex toys aren’t acces­si­ble to every­body. It’s not a black-​and-​white issue. ↩︎

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