Velvet Prime Lewis: Uncut & Thick Thruster Attachment

Meet Lewis, Velvet Thruster's thick, curved, uncut cock attach­ment for front-​wall bliss — one of the most ver­sa­tile real­is­tic thruster attach­ments in their lineup.

Lewis attachment mounted on Velvet Prime thruster base

Pop it atop the Velvet Prime for up to 136 thrusts per minute — long, deep, and hard, if you're into that. Velvet Thrusters are dang deli­cious for those who real­ly fuck­ing love penetration.

Ready to dive in? Shop the Thruster and take 25% off with code SUPER25 — oth­er­wise, let's get into this uncut thrust­ing dil­do attach­ment review.

Velvet Thruster Prime Lewis Specs

What makes Lewis dif­fer­ent is the shape and size:

  • 8” insertable length
  • 1.8” across the head
  • 1.6” just under the head
  • 1.9” across the base of the shaft
  • An uncut tip with a slight tilt
  • Stylized veiny ridges that grip the walls
  • 15A sil­i­cone firm­ness with mat­te finish
  • Swelling head and curved shaft (great for broad G‑spotting!)
  • Can press into the G‑spot and A‑spot in one stroke

Lewis hits that sweet spot between Edward's pre­ci­sion and Sammie's stretch — pack­ing 1.8" of girth into a curved, uncut shaft that wor­ships both G‑spot and cervix in one stroke.

Side-by-side comparison of Velvet Prime Lewis, Edward, and Sammie attachments showing size differences
Top to bot­tom: Sammie, Lewis, Edward

Lewis vs. Other Velvet Thruster Attachments

How does it com­pare to the oth­er real­is­tic Velvet Thruster Prime top­pers?

The Prime Lewis real­is­tic thruster attach­ment stands out as…

  • …longer and thick­er than the straight-​shafted Jackie
  • …thick­er than but the same length as Edward
  • …curved and not as thick or heav­i­ly tex­tured as Sammie

Consider Lewis the inter­me­di­ate between Edward and Sammie.

Edward's long, lean build was made for div­ing deep into the pock­ets in front of and behind the cervix. While Lewis can do that, Edward is much more focused.

(Check out my com­plete Velvet Prime top­pers guide for more.)

Where the Prime Lewis Excels

As a pre­mi­um thrust­ing dil­do attach­ment, Lewis's claim to fame is breadth. The bulged head, the dip in girth just beneath it, and the veiny shaft push and pull all along the front wall. If you love girthy inserta­bles that tilt toward the G‑spot, it's a must-​have. Use a lot of lube with Lewis. It's intense whether I'm mas­sag­ing my cervix or tip drilling, both in terms of pound­ing pres­sure and tac­tile textures.

Velvet Prime Lewis, Edward, and Sammie realistic dildo attachment undersides showing girth comparisons

The bulged head, dip in girth, and veiny shaft push and pull aaaaal­l­l­ll along the front wall — it's a must-​have if you love girthy inserta­bles that tilt toward the G‑spot.

I pre­fer Lewis with slow­er thruster set­tings, while Edward is more for going hard.

Sammie, mean­while, is an even big­ger brute, going straight in and show­ing the walls less mer­cy — just “WOOAAAAHHHHHHHH” all around. Texture sluts will love both Lewis and Sammie. It depends on whether you crave a curved shaft or more absolute thickness.

Who is the Prime Lewis For (or Not For)?

Velvet Thruster's Prime Lewis might be for you if:

  • You want some­thing ver­sa­tile for shal­low penetration
  • You love the length for deep penetration
  • You crave grip­py ribbing
  • A real­is­tic 3‑inch stroke length sounds appeal­ing to you
  • Your G‑spot is eas­i­ly wowed by a real­is­tic cock's curve

Convinced Lewis is your match? Build your Velvet Prime here and choose your attachment(s).

Close-up of Lewis attachment's uncut tip and curved shaft design

Lewis might not be for you if any of the fol­low­ing applies:

  • You seek some­thing intense­ly hooked and focused — con­sid­er the Velvet Prime Nanci or Teddy GS instead for G‑spotting
  • You crave some­thing slick­er — Edward is rel­a­tive­ly smooth, but its curve still dicks deep
  • You'd rather have some­thing soft and squishy

While the sil­i­cone com­pris­ing Lewis is softer than the oth­er Prime attach­ments, it's still quite stiff by indie sil­i­cone stan­dards. Thankfully, we have more options for uncut thrust­ing dil­dos than before!

Fucking Machine Compatibility

Velvet Thruster Prime Lewis vs. Other Machines

Those seek­ing some­thing more pli­able to clench around might prefer:

  • Requesting a Vac-​U-​Lock port on a squishy real­is­tic dil­do from an arti­san maker 
    • Consider Uberrime or Dee's Big Daddies
    • Also love­ly for more col­or options, as the Prime Lewis is cur­rent­ly only avail­able in one skin tone!
  • Slotting the Vac-​U-​Lock dil­do onto the Velvet Thruster Mini Universal if: 
    • The attach­ment is mid-​sized — noth­ing too huge or heavy
    • They enjoy a short­er stroke length of 1.5”
  • Slotting the dil­do onto a big­ger fuck­ing machine like the Power Banger
    • Great for adding more oomph all around
    • Supports big­ger dildos
    • Thrusts a 2.4" stroke length — about the same as the Velvet Thruster Prime with the steel screw upgrade (more on that in the next section)
Velvet Thruster Prime with nylon screw vs. steel screw on Auto-Solo
Velvet Thruster Prime base unit

Velvet Thruster Prime Accessories

Deciding whether to get a Velvet Prime fuck­ing machine?

If you're set on get­ting a Velvet Prime, con­sid­er the fol­low­ing accessories:

Changing the bar­rel cam screw from nylon to steel gives you a slight­ly short­er stroke length (2.5” vs. 3”) in exchange for hard­er thrust­ing (chug­ging along more smooth­ly when there's resis­tance) and longevi­ty (get­ting more use out of your Velvet Thruster for years to come).

Velvet Thruster Prime fucking machine accordion pleats and base

Velvet Prime Lewis Review: Quick Take

Lewis is a sweet spot between Edward's pre­ci­sion and Sammie's soul-​shocking stretch and wall-​wrecking rubbing.

This thick, uncut, self-​thrusting cock packs 1.8” of girth with a broad and beefy, bulging curve for G‑spot wor­ship and cervix bash­ing. It's firm as far as real­is­tic dil­dos go — all the bet­ter for size roy­al­ty to savor the vas­cu­lar tex­tures and ver­sa­tile depth play. Lewis packs it all into a sub­stan­tial but sleek (and scream-​inducing) unit.

Where to Buy a Velvet Prime Lewis

Velvet Thruster Prime Edward vs. VixSkin Colossus vs. Prime Sammie vs. Prime Lewis
Left to right: Velvet Thruster Prime Edward, VixSkin Colossus, Prime Sammie, and Prime Lewis

We used to put the VixSkin Colossus exten­sion sleeve on the old Velvet Thruster Jackie or Teddy XL to make it thick­er and squishi­er. There's no need for that any­more, now that we have more options for girthy Velvet Thruster attachments. 🙂

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