SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review

Even though I review a lot of BIG toys here, I can still appre­ci­ate going back to basics.

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review 1

A petite and budget-​friendly G‑spot vibra­tor has mass appeal, espe­cial­ly for those who feel over­whelmed by the sheer num­ber of prod­ucts on the market.

Today, we're look­ing at the SVAKOM Coco. It's, in essence, the "lite" ver­sion of my favorite suu­u­per cheap G‑spot vibra­tor: the gener­i­cal­ly named Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7". The Coco is a bit cheap­er, but the cost-​to-​quality ratio is about the same.

Similarities & differences between the SVAKOM Coco and Cloud 9 G-Spot Slim 7"

What's the same?

Some specifications
  • 7" total length
  • Mostly seam­less silicone
  • Curved and not-​too-​flexible neck
  • USB recharge­able
  • 2 hours of charge and 4 hours of play
  • Waterproof
  • Fantastic vibra­tions for the price!
A‑spot exploration

Depending on how much room your hands need, you may be able to insert either vibe up to 6" inside. Most G‑spot vibra­tors have dis­tinct han­dles that start halfway down the total length, but not the SVAKOM Coco!

As such, I can thrust hard­er and deep­er; read­ers new to pen­e­tra­tion can explore their deep­er eroge­nous zones, like the A‑spot/​anterior fornix and maybe the cervix.

More on that later.

What's different?


The SVAKOM Coco mea­sures about 0.8" across the tip — about the size of a bul­let vibra­tor — and 0.5" at the shaft. Cloud 9's G‑Spot Slim 7" is 1.25" across the widest point and fea­tures a more volup­tuous swell.


The G‑Spot Slim 7" takes a pin charg­er in the mid­dle of the shaft, the SVAKOM Coco has a small plas­tic cap that unscrews to expose the charg­ing port.

Dual-​motor vs. single-motor

The SVAKOM Coco has one motor, while the G‑Spot Slim 7" has two independently-​controlled motors — one in either end. The lat­ter was explic­it­ly designed to be a double-​ended insertable.


There are five steady speeds on the Coco; the G‑Spot Slim 7" has three, along with five patterns.

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review 2

How the SVAKOM Coco feels in use

This G‑spot dil­do is pin­point for what it is, focus­ing on a small area at a time. It's only a lit­tle wider than one of my fingers.

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review 3

Yet, thanks to the silicone's opti­mal firm­ness, the neck's curve isn't too yield­ing. Though the pres­sure is not as intense as with the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim, my noto­ri­ous­ly picky G‑spot gets along with the SVAKOM Coco well.

If you have vagin­is­mus, pelvic floor dys­func­tion, or are get­ting used to pen­e­tra­tion, this vibra­tor is per­fect for you.

It's a lit­tle… well, lit­tle for cervix mas­sage. I pre­fer firmer stim­u­la­tion there, but if you're just start­ing, you can swirl the SVAKOM Coco around the cer­vi­cal os (in the for­nices) to explore it. It's a great size to get com­fort­able with; some peo­ple have less space around the cervix than I do, and I respect that.

Either way, the SVAKOM Coco's length and cur­va­ture can smooth­ly and pre­cise­ly go deep­er on the front wall against the A‑spot.

If you like nip­ple or cli­toral vibra­tions, the SVAKOM Coco's size is ide­al for that, too. You could think of it as a small G‑spot vibra­tor or as a bul­let with a long han­dle. Regardless, the sen­sa­tion is a steal for the price.

I'll say the same thing as I did about the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim's vibra­tions: yeah, they're a lit­tle buzzy, but they're bet­ter than some expen­sive toys I've tried.

My verdict on the SVAKOM Coco

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review 4

If you're new to sex toys and want a com­pact and cheap vibra­tor for inter­nal and exter­nal explo­ration, it's hard to go wrong with the SVAKOM Coco. It's all about the ratios and bal­ance with this toy:

  • Quality vs. cost
  • Firmness vs. flexibility
  • Versatility vs. specialization

The SVAKOM Coco is like Goldilocks' "juu­u­ust right."

Hey, this post was sponsored!

That doesn't affect my opin­ion of the SVAKOM Coco, though. And, as always, I write every­thing you see here.

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1 Response

  1. Prudence says:

    Thank you for review­ing less expen­sive toys. Everyone should have access to high qual­i­ty toys, even on a lim­it­ed budget.

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