Sinclair Inspire review: big, budget-friendly, silicone vibrator for size queens

It's not hard to find an afford­able and non-​porous vibra­tor, but your options dwin­dle when you add "big" or "girthy" to the list of qualifiers.

The girthy, voluptuous Sinclair Inspire vibrator comes in a gorgeous cyan blue

Big insertable vibra­tors usu­al­ly have one of the fol­low­ing drawbacks:

  1. On the prici­er side
  2. Coated in tox­ic jel­ly or oth­er­wise porous, some­times with a bonus of gar­gan­tu­an fake veins
  3. Not what I would per­son­al­ly con­sid­er big; 1.75" diam­e­ter or wider is girthy to me.

The Sinclair Select Inspire vibra­tor sur­pass­es the last thresh­old with a head of 1.75" diam­e­ter taper­ing down to 1.5" and bulging to a big­ger anoth­er bulb of 2". It's 8.35" long total with 7.25" of insertable length. It also ticks the oth­er check­box­es with its sil­i­cone body, price tag, and a decent motor. As a bonus, it's also water­proof and comes with a satin stor­age bag.

All this makes it a good all-​arounder for peo­ple like me: girth lovers who pri­or­i­tize pen­e­tra­tion and con­sid­er pow­er secondary.


The Sinclair Inspire vibrator is slightly asymmetric

It doesn't have a dra­mat­ic G‑spotting curve or angle, but the com­bi­na­tion of bul­bous­ness and girth makes it sur­pris­ing­ly effec­tive at pound­ing and press­ing into my G‑spot. I can eas­i­ly tilt the base back and thrust the tip into my G‑spot with enough tar­get­ed inten­si­ty to orgasm in under a minute.

This ease only applies if I have the tip ori­ent­ed in the cor­rect direc­tion. There is a bare­ly dis­cernible medi­al seam that marks the asym­me­try. With one side of the seam fac­ing the front of my vagi­na, the G‑spot stim­u­la­tion is just right. With the oth­er, I can bare­ly get any at all. The curve at the tip is ever-​so-​slight that you can hard­ly even see it in pho­tographs, but it does make a difference.

I'd say that with the "cor­rect" side fac­ing for­ward, the G‑spot stim­u­la­tion is 65% from thrust­ing in and 35% from the pulling of the out stroke. The thrusta­bil­i­ty is a refresh­ing con­trast to my expe­ri­ences with many G‑spot vibra­tors. The shapes of the JeJoue Uma and Bswish Bwild Bunny chiefly pull on the G‑spot and don't work for me. The BMS Factory Swan Wand is most­ly some­thing to stretch and clench around, with only resid­ual G‑spot stim­u­la­tion. The Sinclair Inspire, mean­while, is easy and intu­itive for me to aim at and thrust into my G‑spot.


This vibrator's rum­ble is espe­cial­ly respectable for run­ning on sep­a­rate bat­ter­ies. With C‑cell bat­ter­ies, it's rum­bli­er than most (not all) AA- or AAA-​powered toys. The low to medi­um set­tings are also qui­et enough to use under a blan­ket with­out any­one else hearing.

When I use the Sinclair Inspire's low to medi­um set­tings cli­toral­ly, I eas­i­ly main­tain the plateau where I come back-​to-​back. Even on days where I'm not that aroused, the vibrator's speed range is broad enough that I can still get the first few orgasms from mod­er­ate set­tings and turn up the speed as need­ed. The high­est set­ting is buzzy, as expect­ed, so I pre­fer not to use it unless I'm about to orgasm and briefly want some "oomph" to push me over the edge.

Sinclair Inspire review: big, battery-operated vibrator

The vibra­tions are con­trolled by a dial at the base. You can turn the dial a bit ini­tial­ly with­out start­ing the vibra­tions, so it's unlike­ly to turn on acci­den­tal­ly when car­ried in a trav­el bag. The con­trol isn't a per­fect esca­la­tion. When speed­ing up in the high end of the spec­trum, the tran­si­tion to the absolute fastest speed is abrupt, going from 1–2‑3–4‑5–6‑7 straight to 10. Some users may want more sub­tle gra­da­tions between the fast speed set­tings. However, it doesn't both­er me per­son­al­ly because I most­ly stay out of the upper range.


The Sinclair Select Inspire vibra­tor is a sol­id sex toy with a mod­est price tag for how big and effec­tive at hit­ting my G‑spot it is. This com­bi­na­tion is hard to find. While it doesn't have a recharge­able motor or any­thing par­tic­u­lar­ly fan­cy, it just does well every­thing it needs to do.


TooTimid​.com sent me the Sinclair Select Inspire vibra­tor in exchange for an hon­est review. I do receive a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you if you clear your cook­ies and click a link to buy a toy from an affil­i­ate. However, all opin­ions expressed are my own.

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2 Responses

  1. G says:

    Your posts are such a joy to read!!

  2. Kalliopeia says:

    This isn't the prod­uct for me, but I *love* the color.

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