Review: Uberrime Happy (Boner) Snowman Dildo

This snow­man dil­do loves warm (and snug) hugs and won't melt away inside. Its mis­placed “car­rot” bon­er and bux­om booty make it a func­tion­al and fun dis­play piece — why not both?!

Uberrime Happy Snowman dildo with carrot boner and textured detailing

The Happy Snowman’s pen­chant is pen­e­tra­tion, with just the lit­tlest bit of clit titillation.

Every time I looked at this dil­do, its detailed form became fun­nier and fun­nier to me. And yet, the more I used it, the more fan­tas­tic it felt.

The Uberrime Happy Snowman features a lil red hat, smiling face, and scarf, over three graduated "snowball" bulbs

What I love about the Uberrime Happy Snowman dildo

Here’s what I savor, start­ing from the top:

  • The sub­tle tex­tur­ing across the “face” for twist­ing on my front wall
  • Gripping the G‑spotty, swelling sec­ond bulb. It pulls at my pubic bone’s dip, espe­cial­ly if I’m already horny
  • The thick­ness near the base — about 2.3” diam­e­ter across the third and widest bulb, stretch­ing the mouth of my vagi­na on repeat
  • The sur­pris­ing­ly effec­tive (for me) exter­nal stimulator
Uberrime Happy Snowman dildo in hand for size comparison. This dil is quite thick!

How the Happy Snowman dildo felt in use

Yep, its bon­er “car­rot” por­tion is spaced about 1” away from the insertable por­tion, lin­ing up with my clit once I retract­ed my hood. While it’s quite flex­i­ble, it works for me because I don’t gen­er­al­ly like direct cli­toral fric­tion unless it’s super gentle.

I already savored the stretch when pound­ing my pussy all the way with it. And once the “car­rot” was in con­tact with my clit, it pushed me over the edge; I insta-​came and went woozy-​faced way quick­er than expected.

Uberrime Happy Snowman dildo second face on the base
There's a sec­ond "face" at the base loll

The diam­e­ter is in part to thank for that!

Uberrime Happy Snowman measurements

Here’s how the Happy Snowman dil­do mea­sures up:

  • Head diam­e­ter: 1.51”
  • Mid ball diam­e­ter: 1.91”
  • Bottom ball diam­e­ter: 2.30”
  • Usable length: 4.5”
  • Total length: 6”
  • Density: soft and squishy Shore 0050
Snowman dildo butt

Pros and cons

Uberrime’s Happy Snowman isn’t for every­body, between the girth and how sub­tle the exter­nal sen­sa­tions are, but this limited-​run piece weird­ly feels like it was made for me and my diva of a clit. I love its beads and bulbs at the shal­low­est sec­tions of my vagina.

(Then again, I like beads and bulbs any­where inside my vagina.)

Uberrime Happy Snowman with carrot boner dildo

But the triple tiers felt like a jour­ney — I had so much fun explor­ing the land­marks that every step of the way felt like a nat­ur­al progression.

Before I knew it, I was over the edge of orgasm with the light­est cli­toral caress.

Closing thoughts on the Happy Snowman

I would hard­ly ever rec­om­mend a rab­bit vibra­tor with a bendy or sub­tle exter­nal prong like this one. But the Happy Snowman by Uberrime isn’t your run-​of-​the-​mill dual stim­u­la­tor — it’s thiiiiiick.

The rotund ramp­ing of girth is plen­ty of pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion on its own — some­times against my G‑spot, some­times focus­ing on the mouth of my vagina.

If you’re size roy­al­ty like me, you might also find the Happy Snowman worth melt­ing for.

Get it this win­ter before it’s gone for the year — or shop around for big­ger, bold­er cre­ations from Uberrime’s arti­sanal dil­do stu­dio!

Want tiered booty beads a bit more basic? Try the Tantus Severin, 3 Scoops, or Buck instead.

Springing and about to "boing" the Happy Snowman's carrot boner dildo on a dildo

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed and writ­ten here are my own, as always!

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