Review: LELO Elise 2 Dual Motor Luxury Vibrator

The LELO Elise 2 vibra­tor reminds me of a more idyl­lic time for LELO ⁠— before the likes of the dick tux.

LELO Elise 2 double motor rechargeable vibrator review

In the ear­ly 2010s, their focus was revamp­ing vibes for female plea­sure. The Elise 2 roared with 200% more pow­er than the orig­i­nal ver­sion, LELO claimed.

LELO was once the dar­ling of the sex toy review world. Their vibrators:

  • Are recharge­able (up to 2 hours of play­time with the Elise 2)
  • Come in sleek packaging
  • Feature smooooooth sil­i­cone surfaces
  • Include bomb-​ass con­trol pan­els with speed set­tings and pat­terns galore

And most impor­tant­ly, the vibra­tions were among the most pow­er­ful rel­a­tive to the mar­ket back then. That com­bi­na­tion of beau­ti­ful design ele­ments was uncom­mon in Toyland.

How Do I Feel About the LELO Elise 2 Now?

I still con­sid­er the Elise 2 a sol­id innie vibe — with caveats regard­ing who should or shouldn’t buy it.

LELO Elise 2 vibrator in eggplant purple color top view

The LELO Elise 2’s claims to fame are the following:

  • A shape that I love for cervix mas­sage and deep penetration
  • Strong and mod­er­ate­ly rumbly vibra­tions — def­i­nite­ly note­wor­thy for when it was released
  • A com­pre­hen­sive, 4‑button con­trol pan­el with 10 inten­si­ties and 7 rhythms
  • Two motors  ⁠— one in the tip and near the base of the shaft

LELO Elise 2 Shape, Size, and Sensation

The LELO Elise 2 is an insertable vibra­tor with a rigid but slight curve. As a result of the firm­ness and size, it’s pre­cise enough to slide behind or in front of my cervix, mas­sag­ing those deep­er hot spots.

It also con­tains 2 motors for rever­ber­a­tions dur­ing both shal­low and deep pen­e­tra­tion. Its shape isn’t quite defined enough for my G‑spot, but if you like tip drilling, you’ll like­ly love pair­ing that with the zingy vibrations.

LELO Elise 2 dual motor vibrator side view curvature

How big is the LELO Elise 2? It mea­sures 9” long, with an insertable por­tion that’s quite aver­age: 5” of insertable length and 1.5” max­i­mum diameter.

Most of this vibra­tor is encased in lux­u­ri­ous­ly mat­te sil­i­cone. Buttery doesn’t quite cov­er it, and silky almost sounds too corny, but there’s nary any drag nor tack­i­ness. As always with LELO sex toys, I want to fon­dle the Elise 2.

LELO Elise 2 Vibration Quality

Here’s why I’d call the LELO Elise 2’s vibra­tion qual­i­ty “zingy.” It def­i­nite­ly has vroom for its size and is more than enough to use cli­toral­ly. When you dip it in water, it does splash some droplets here and there.

LELO Elise 2 control panel and charging port

This vibe’s fre­quen­cy is on the moderate-​to-​high-​pitched side, peak­ing at 100 Hz. The low­est inten­si­ty is real­ly gen­tle, excel­lent for turn­ing up and down for edg­ing or when sen­si­tized after orgasm.

However, If you want a lower-​frequency, sub-​bass purr, get the We-​Vibe Rave, Fun Factory Tiger, or Hot Octopuss Kurve instead. While the LELO Elise 2 is robust, I don’t think its vibra­tion strength alone makes it stand out.

It’s also the unique, throb­bing pat­terns with rapid pul­sa­tion back and forth between the tip and shaft motors. The word “gestalt” comes to mind for me; it’s about the com­bi­na­tion and per­ceived sense of move­ment between the two.

It’s not often that I say if there were more pat­terns, I’d more read­i­ly rec­om­mend peo­ple buy this vibra­tor, but here we are. I wish there were more of those alter­na­tion settings.

LELO Elise 2 plum purple rechargeable matte silicone luxury vibrator

LELO Elise 2 Control Panel and Settings

One of my favorite things about lux­u­ry vibra­tors is the con­trol pan­els. The LELO Elise 2 comes with 10 near-​continuous inten­si­ties, so you can select the speed with great pre­ci­sion. Its four but­tons are super intu­itive and do the following:

  • + on/​increase intensity
  • - decrease intensity/​off
  • ^ and v click through the dif­fer­ent patterns

To increase or decrease the speed more quick­ly (or to turn it off), hold the + or—buttons, respectively. 

LELO Elise 2 vibrator control panel with 4 buttons

The con­trol pad is raised and tex­tured, mak­ing it easy to nav­i­gate by feel­ing alone. To add to the ease of use, the handle’s gen­tle curve eas­i­ly fits in the palm’s cur­va­tures, and the but­ton place­ments just make sense for where my thumb would nat­u­ral­ly be.

As for the pat­terns them­selves, here’s a summary:

  • Both motors vibrate steadily
  • The tip motor only vibrates steadily
  • The base motor vibrates steadily
  • Alternation between base and shaft in long-​ish pulses
  • Similar to the pre­vi­ous but faster, stac­ca­to alter­nat­ing pulses
  • Tip motor ramps up slow­ly, then restarts from 0
  • Tip motor inten­si­ty oscil­lates up and down in a slow wave
  • Chaos: both motors are random-ish

That last set­ting espe­cial­ly is fun for edging.

LELO Vibrator Packaging and Presentation

As with all LELO vibra­tors, the Elise 2’s pre­sen­ta­tion is quite ele­gant. It comes in a stur­dy black box with a small win­dow and min­i­mal gold text.

LELO Elise 2 packaging and vibrator storage box

Inside the box are:

  • The vibe itself
  • USB charg­ing cord
  • Storage pouch
  • Lube sam­ple
  • Warranty reg­is­tra­tion card
  • User man­u­al

I could do with­out the sil­ver accent band on the LELO Elise 2’s han­dle, but it is pret­ty and does make it stand out more visually.

LELO Elise 2 Review Closing Thoughts

While the LELO Elise 2’s pro­file and vibra­tion qual­i­ty aren’t exact­ly the most unique, plen­ty of oth­er fea­tures make it stand out. The motors are strong and rumbly enough, and the con­trol pan­el is fan­tas­tic. Most impor­tant­ly, if you like pat­terns and straight pen­e­tra­tion, you’ll love the LELO Elise 2.

LELO Elise 2 vibrator control panel and handle metallic accent close-up

Get the LELO Elise 2.

Or, if you want to keep shop­ping around, check out my oth­er lux­u­ry vibra­tor reviews:

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed here are hon­est and my own.

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