Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review

Yes, BDSM can be slow and sensual!

Sliding rope and drip­ping wax against a partner's body can make a pas­sion­ate scene on its own — or it can lead up to some­thing more explosive.

Woman dripping white candle wax on her thigh for sensation play

Do you have the patience and imag­i­na­tion for jute rope's versatility?

Here, I've tied up a sex doll in a hip har­ness, with the naughty bits exposed and some dec­o­ra­tive leg wrapping.

Basic shibari rope BDSM hip harness with happy knot

Shibari jute rope bondage BDSM happy knot against clit close-up

In this post's pho­tos, I used Passion Craft Store's jute rope and low-​temperature can­dle on a sex doll and myself, respec­tive­ly. You can get them as a kit or sep­a­rate­ly, with cus­tomiza­tion options galore! My set con­tained three pieces of con­di­tioned jute rope and an unscent­ed paraf­fin candle.

What is jute shibari rope?

Jute is a nat­ur­al fiber that's rough in its entwined form — think of burlap sacks. As such, jute rope is quite strong and doesn't stretch as much as cot­ton does. For bondage pur­pos­es, jute is often con­di­tioned to make it soft­er and eas­i­er to work with.

Shibari BDSM jute rope hip harness and leg wrap ties on sex doll

The "how" is up to the user's pref­er­ence, but you can coat it with beeswax to smooth out the tex­ture. If it gets dry, add some jojo­ba oil. Also, if you wash your shibari rope, you may want to recon­di­tion it! However, keep in mind that rope los­es ten­sile strength the more aggres­sive­ly you wash it — an essen­tial con­sid­er­a­tion if you ever plan on doing sus­pen­sion ropework.

ADDITIONAL SAFETY REMINDER: If you're new to shibari rope bondage, Autostraddle has a fan­tas­tic 101-​level guide for tops and bot­toms, with safe­ty tips. It's super impor­tant to learn about what pre­cau­tions to take; pay atten­tion to cir­cu­la­tion as you're tying some­one up. You don't want to restrict blood flow. And, as always, have shears at the ready in case you need to undo your rope quickly.

Jute rope texture close-up macro

Jute isn't as scratchy as, say, mani­la, but it still tends to be tac­tile and tex­tured. The "tooth­i­ness" can help main­tain fric­tion for knots to stay put.

In blunt terms, though: if you don't like some­what scratchy sen­sa­tions, this par­tic­u­lar rope isn't for you. Don't drag it too hard or fast against the skin.

Plenty of peo­ple love the sen­so­ry array, though! As far as bal­anc­ing dura­bil­i­ty and soft­ness goes, jute bondage rope is a hap­py medi­um for many.

Jute rope Lark's Head Knot around waist for hip harness

Shibari rope bondage happy knot

(If you want some­thing soft­er, stick to cot­ton rope.)

Paraffin wax play: sensation & melting point

Wax play can­dles have low melt­ing points (com­pared to house­hold can­dles) for safe­ty rea­sons. Low-​melt paraffin's is some­where between 125 and 135 °F (52 to  57 °C). It burns slight­ly hot­ter than soy can­dles I've tried before and strad­dles the thresh­old between "Ooh, that's nice" and pain.

How the wax feels against your skin heav­i­ly depends on how high you hold the can­dle. The high­er it is, the more time you allow it to cool down before land­ing. In con­trast, a low­er drop means the wax is rel­a­tive­ly fresh­ly heated.

Candle drip wax temperature play on woman's butt
You can see me hold­ing the remote in the back­ground. But I doubt that was the FIRST thing you looked at.

You can let the liq­uid wax build up and "pour" a big trail or do tiny dots, one at a time. I like melt­ing the wax along one side and using the oth­er as a "ramp" for added con­trol. Just be mind­ful of your hand place­ment as the flames move upward. For safe­ty rea­sons, keep a bowl of water or a wet tow­el handy.

Cooled paraffin wax drips on skin

For an added sur­prise, try con­trast­ing the hot wax with a cold steel or glass dil­do.

When you're done, cleanup is a breeze — just peel off the hard­ened wax.

Customize your jute rope and wax play candle

My shibari ropes were about 8 meters (26 feet) long and pre-​conditioned and dyed black. Passion Craft Store con­di­tions their rope by boil­ing it and apply­ing min­er­al oil after it's dried — each piece mea­sures about 1/​4" (6 mm) across, with a 3‑ply twist.

Conditioned black jute rope close-up texture

You can get a dif­fer­ent col­or and more length if you wish, though. I rec­om­mend the 12 meters (39 feet) option (or more!) if you're going to do a dec­o­ra­tive chest or hip har­ness. The sex doll I used was on the thin side, and I had juu­u­ust enough rope. By default, the ends come tied in an over­hand knot.

There are also cus­tomiza­tion options for the can­dle. The one I got is white, unscent­ed, and 1.77" (4.5 cm) wide × 5.38"  (13.8 cm) long. You can, how­ev­er, choose a dif­fer­ent col­or, scent, or size. If you have some­thing more spe­cif­ic in mind, get in touch with Igor and Alesya, the mak­ers behind Passion Craft Store.

Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review 1

Closing thoughts on jute shibari rope and wax play

Who said that BDSM had to be all hard-​and-​fast? There's plen­ty of room to keep it seduc­tive­ly sim­mery if that's your play style with bondage rope and sex can­dles. What shibari designs would you like to see me model?

Melted white paraffin candle wax dripping on a woman's legs for sensory play

Again, if you're new to shibari bondage, Autostraddle has a fan­tas­tic guide with info on rope care and safe­ty.

P.P.S. Passion Craft Store spon­sored this post. All pic­tures here are my own, though!

Other BDSM kink toys I've reviewed for Passion Craft Store:

Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review 2

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3 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Jute real­ly is a great choice for a hap­py medi­um in sen­sa­tions, should you ever try any of the scent­ed options in Campbell’s I’d be very inter­est­ed in your thoughts, I often find those are a bit too strong­ly scent­ed for their intend­ed uses.

  2. Trix says:

    The tac­tile aspect of BDSM doesn’t get talked about so much, so this is useful!

  3. August says:

    Fantastic review! I've nev­er thought of using a sex doll to prac­tice rope ties, that's genius.

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