Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand

Thuddy AF thumping competing with the gold standard of rechargeable wands
Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen oscillating clitoral massager with Pulse Plate Technology™

Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen com­bines wand-​level pow­er with a point for more focused pussy-​pounding. Rather than using the typ­i­cal spin­ning weight, its motor puls­es back and forth for seis­mic sen­sa­tions that throb and shake the exter­nal and inter­nal cli­toris.

It's undoubt­ed­ly made for rum­ble roy­al­ty — but to what extent?

The Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen reigns its sub­sec­tor of strong vibra­tors and right­ful­ly lives up to its lux­u­ry label — indeed, it's one of the best vibra­tors I've ever tried.

Think of it as occu­py­ing its right­ful ter­ri­to­ry rather than out­right over­throw­ing the likes of:

Pulse Queen Shape, Scope, and Size

Think of the Pulse Queen as an upgrade to the Hot Octopuss Queen Bee. In addi­tion to the potent Pulse Plate Technology™, the Pulse Queen's sil­hou­ette strik­ing­ly stands out from full-​sized wand massagers:

  • Its cushy sil­i­cone head con­verges to a dis­tinct peak, like a hill
  • It's more com­pact, mea­sur­ing just over 7 inch­es long by 2 inch­es wide 
    • Memories of hair­brush han­dles, anyone?
  • It's super light­weight, at just over six ounces
  • The stur­dy back edge makes it great for light strad­dling and hands-​free humping

How Does the Pulse Queen Feel In Use?

Its oscil­la­tion is over­whelm­ing — the focused apex digs right into my clit effort­less­ly, like a mis­sile of mass seduc­tion. Vibration doesn't even begin to describe it!

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Oscillation Quality

Again, "pound­ing" is the more accu­rate term, push­ing back and forth with the speed of a machine and almost the depth of fin­gers against a doorbell.

I'm cum­ming again and again on the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen. And yet, I'm in con­trol if I want to be — its but­tons allow more straight­for­ward nav­i­ga­tion of the speed set­tings than most vibra­tors I've tried. And plen­ty of options are avail­able for when I'm feel­ing sensitive.

So yes, it pum­mels my pussy — if I want.

The Pulse Queen more than pleas­es this pil­low princess — it rock­ets me to anoth­er sov­er­eign state of ela­tion. (I hope "cum king­dom" isn't overused yet!)

What's the Downside to the Pulse Queen?

Despite its cunt-​commanding pres­ence, it's not perfect.

It's hard to com­pare the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen to oth­er wands because — like many oth­er cli­toral thumpers — it's so sen­si­tive to pres­sure. Wand mas­sagers will damp­en but gen­er­al­ly keep on keep­ing on when you crush it against you. Meanwhile, the Pulse Queen will stall and some­times stop mov­ing entirely.

That draw­back is not enough to both­er me; there's a super sur­plus of pin­point pow­er to over­whelm me — with­out that much pressure.

But if you're the type to expect opti­mal per­for­mance under duress, don't get the Pulse Queen. And yes, you can ride it — but don't low­er much of your weight on it.

If you're still think­ing, "GIMME GIMME MORE POWER," take the next sec­tion with a grain of salt.

Strength Comparison to Other Wands

I'm com­par­ing the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen with mod­er­ate pres­sure to the oth­er mas­sagers at the max­i­mum com­fort­able pres­sure for me. It's only fair — if you're get­ting a wand, you might be doing things that it can han­dle, but the Pulse Queen can't.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen waterproof rechargeable pulsing wand

Here's how the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen mea­sures up:

  • Its high­est speed is just a hair above the Magic Wand Rechargeable's 3rd speed out of 4
  • It's about a 3 out of 5 com­pared to the Fun Factory Vim at max­i­mum pressure
  • It's way rum­bli­er than the Doxy Die Cast but can't mea­sure up in absolute strength

(Bear in mind that the Magic Wand Rechargeable's inten­si­ties are more spaced apart — the Fun Factory Vim's high­est speed is just below the Magic Wand Rechargeable's.)

Vibrator Strength vs. Rumbliness Levels

And that brings me to anoth­er rea­son it's so hard to quan­ti­fy which wand-​style mas­sager is more pow­er­ful — their vibra­tion qual­i­ties all feel very different!

There's vibra­tion strength, and then there's rum­ble. If I had to define the dif­fer­ence, it's that:

  • Rumbly vibra­tors feel deep­er with more weight — often with­out rely­ing on speed as much 
    • Think of a low wob­ble bass's reverberation
  • Strong vibra­tors can feel intense with vary­ing com­bi­na­tions of depth and speed
  • A shal­low, fast vibra­tor is what we call "buzzy," like a tee­ny mos­qui­to in one's ear

Ultimately, vibra­tion strength and rum­bli­ness are up to per­son­al pref­er­ence. For the absolute pow­er sluts, I'll com­pare the top speeds here. And for those who want some sub­tle options, I'll dis­cuss the set­tings and con­trols in a lat­er section.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen splashing in water

Strength and Rumble Rankings

If I had to rank my strongest vibra­tors by absolute intensity:

  • The Doxy Die Cast is the strongest
  • The Magic Wand Rechargeable is a far second
  • Fun Factory's Vim is a close third
  • Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen is still suu­u­u­u­per strong, but not as much as the others

Their rum­bli­ness rank­ings are reversed:

  • The Pulse Queen is the rumbliest
  • Fun Factory's Vim is up next
  • Then, the Magic Wand Rechargeable
  • Then, the Doxy Die Cast's high­er frequencies 
    • It's still way bet­ter than the Magic Wand Original, though!

Again, with the Pulse Queen, you're get­ting less absolute inten­si­ty but more depth and focus — which might feel over­whelm­ing­ly, orgasm-​forcingly pow­er­ful all the same!

Controls, Settings, and Charging

Though Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen out­right ham­mers my clit at its high­est set­ting, you can still ramp up a leisure­ly journey.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen control panel

This lux­u­ry mas­sager features:

  • Nine speed set­tings, from "I just nut­ted and need to turn this way down" to "WHAM-​BAM!"
  • Seven vibra­tion pat­terns — enjoy your edg­ing experience
  • Three but­tons for easy con­trol, what­ev­er mood you're in
  • Up to 40 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous play­time on 150 min­utes of charging

If you're into the "Morse code" type set­tings, here's a summary:

  • Patterns 1–3: three options for rhyth­mic puls­es of vary­ing lengths
  • Pattern 4: three short puls­es and one long pulse — 1–2‑3–444444‑1–2‑3–4444
  • Pattern 5: two short puls­es fol­lowed by a pause — 1–2‑pause‑1–2‑pause
  • Patterns 6 and 7: low-​to-​high-​to-​low thrums of dif­fer­ent lengths

I'd use the steady speeds the most by far and mix it up with pat­terns 1, 2, 3, and 6.

Which Rumbly Vibrator Should You Get?

There's no such thing as a per­fect vibra­tor — but you can get the per­fect one for your pref­er­ences. Here's a recap of the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen's pros and cons and a few oth­er pow­er­ful vibra­tors to consider.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen oscillating pulsing clitoral massager

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Pros and Cons

Here's what I love about the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen, in a nutshell:

  • It's super rumbly with its per­cus­sive pound­ing — feel­ing deep­er than most wands
  • It's pow­er­ful, with more pin­point focus on my clit or a partner's frenu­lum than a wand
  • The 3 but­tons make it easy-​breezy to click through and cus­tomize your orgas­mic journey
  • Nine speed set­tings, from "I just nut­ted and need to turn this way down" to "WHAM-​BAM!"
  • It's light­weight and easy to maneu­ver and position
  • Unlike most wands, it's water­proof and submersible!

What you might not love about the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen is:

  • It stalls eas­i­ly under pres­sure, as with most puls­ing vibrators
  • Because of the pre­vi­ous point, you can't place much weight on it when riding
  • You won't get to mas­sage your whole vul­va with it
  • It's not quite as strong as full-​on wand vibrators

But its inten­si­ty is def­i­nite­ly up there, and if it's rum­ble you're after, the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen is more than enough! It also costs less than full-​on wands, with the trade-​off of more thud for less versatility.

Use code SUPER for 10% off at Betty's Toy Box.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen top view

Or read on if you'd pre­fer to get some­thing else.

Fun Factory Vim vs. Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen

Get the Fun Factory Vim if you:

  • Want more pow­er­ful vibra­tions but still love rum­ble and pressure
  • Prefer mas­sage your whole vul­va with a broad­er, rounder wand head
  • Still care about com­pre­hen­sive con­trols and gen­tle set­tings — Vim has a micro-​adjustable con­tin­u­ous speed range!
  • Love edg­ing with jour­neys that grad­u­al­ly ramp up
  • Want to mount your massager

Vim costs a bit more than the oth­ers, but it's worth it. Consider also wait­ing for a sale!

Magic Wand Rechargeable vs. Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen

Get the Magic Wand Rechargeable or Plus if you:

  • Want more pow­er­ful vibra­tions and don't mind a bit of bite at high­er speeds
  • Would rather mas­sage your whole vul­va most times — and some­times use the edge near the top for juu­ust a bit more focus
  • Jam your junk with high pres­sure against your vibrators
  • Don't care that much about hav­ing gen­tler speeds
  • Want the option to use it while plugged into the wall
  • Would enjoy a wide range of attach­ments for tex­tures and squishiness
  • Want to mount your mas­sager — try the Liberator Wanda
Top view of the Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell's pulse plate and Cal Exotics' Ovation Acclaim

Playboy Ring My Bell vs. Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen

Get Playboy's Ring My Bell if you:

  • Enjoy shal­low pen­e­tra­tion or need it to cum
  • Want to pum­mel your clit while slight­ly stretch­ing via tip drilling
  • Would pre­fer some­thing com­pact and submersible
  • Have a clit-​vag gap of about 1 inch, mak­ing you a prime buy­er for many mass-​manufactured rab­bit vibrators
  • Don't care about hav­ing lots of but­tons — just one to click through three steady speeds is fine
  • Don't need a lot a lot of pressure
  • Are on a bud­get — its pow­er is still va-​va-​voom for the price!

Summary & Closing Thoughts

If you're the kind of per­son who appre­ci­ates a rumbly vibra­tor and you don't need to total­ly crush it against your cunt, then this is the vibe for you.

Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen pulsing oscillating vulva massaging wand

The Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen is a pow­er­ful vibra­tor with a unique puls­ing motor, offer­ing oscil­la­tions in a league all its own. It also stands out for its:

  • Lightweight, com­pact design
  • Easy-​to-​use controls
  • Nine speed set­tings and sev­en vibra­tion patterns

However, if you press too hard, it might stall, and it's less ver­sa­tile than full-​sized wand mas­sagers. However, its next-​level inten­si­ty means that I'd nev­er actu­al­ly push that hard any­way. Despite the draw­backs, its deep oscil­la­tions are a game-​changer for its soul­mate user.

Use code SUPER to take 10% off sex toys at Betty's Toy Box. Get this unique and extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ence.

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6 Responses

  1. EJ says:

    Thank you for this review—and for the (albeit brief) mention—of its poten­tial for use on the penile frenulum.

    BIG TIME Vim fan here (I bought two after read­ing your super­heat­ed review!) so I could always have one ful­ly charged up for those extend­ed prostate edg­ing sesh’s) and use Vim most­ly for per­ineal and exter­nal but­t­hole stim, which sends my prostate into a quiv­er­ing, pul­sat­ing cum-​squirting frenzy.

    I not­ed your advis­ing cau­tion for those want­i­ng to sit on the PQ, some­thing of a “bum­mer” for my intend­ed use case, though as I’ve tak­en to using a foam “seat cush­ion” with a hol­lowed out cen­ter, which pro­vides a good dip allow­ing thigh-​supported butt rocking/​riding, 🤞🏻in the hope that this would keep weight-​induced stalling of the PQ to a minimum.

    Whaddya think?

    • A seat or some sup­port­ed ele­va­tion could cer­tain­ly help if you get it just right! Totally up to you how much you'd want to finesse and refine posi­tion­ing. I per­son­al­ly wouldn't, though.

  2. Aiden says:

    Hoooly shit. I've nev­er found a "too much" in rum­ble. The Vim is my favourite vibe ever, but I nev­er go past speed 3. Also this is the best colour. I don't think I've ever decid­ed to buy a toy this fast in my life. Hoping it'll just posi­tion itself in my pants, because I gen­er­al­ly don't take them off, but if I can man­age that with the Vim in skin­ny jeans, I can make any­thing work lol

  3. morsik says:

    HOLY SHIT I WANT THIS THING. I was hes­i­tat­ing buy­ing the Vim because it's so huge, and i rarely get my Doxy Original out because i don't usu­al­ly need the whole vul­va mas­sage (+it's huge), and i don't need much pres­sure. Damn. These gifs where you put it against water lit­er­al­ly made me gasp.
    The only thing. May i ask how do you find it's loud­ness against the Lovense Domi 2? It seems like the size is pret­ty sim­i­lar and the sound of Pulse Queen is a lit­tle bet­ter (not as high-pitched\screeching like domi), but i'm not sure if it's fair to judge from just the video lol.

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