Dee's Big Daddies Diedrich & Duncan XXL Dildo Review

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich huge silicone dildo next to silicone beer bottle

If you want to be stuffed to the brim, any of Dee's Big Daddies can remix your guts.

Both Diedrich and Duncan by Dee's Big Daddies tow­er over a soda can like girthy Goliaths.

But they ulti­mate­ly spe­cial­ize in serv­ing and stim­u­lat­ing dif­fer­ent hot spots.

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich and Duncan XXL huge silicone dildo head shapes

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich huge silicone dildo side view next to silicone beer bottle

How Big Daddy Diedrich XXL Feels In Use

How deep is your love?

Diedrich romances my cervix, and my deep spots crush hug its round­ed, swoop­ing head right back. I eager­ly envel­op every vein I can along the shaft, con­sum­ing almost every inch.

(Why do I con­tin­ue to be sur­prised at how much can fit inside me?)

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich huge silicone dildo base of shaft next to silicone beer bottle neck and top

It hugs my lim­its and slams my ceil­ing. Just when I thought I was done cum­ming, I'd thrust it anoth­er one, two, three times and start shak­ing again, my cunt cradling cock and cos­mos in oneness.

My ecsta­sy expands when I hold Diedrich in place as deep as I can take con­sume it. The light­est graze added against my clit takes me from fer­al to docile, groan­ing like I can't get enough cock and whim­per­ing like it's too much, all in the same session.

Yes, please, more.

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich and Duncan XXL huge silicone dildos

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich XXL Measurements

  • 10" total length
  • 9" insertable length
  • 6” cir­cum­fer­ence around the head
  • 7.5" cir­cum­fer­ence around the shaft
  • Fits 2.5” O‑rings

Just when I thought I was done cum­ming, I'd thrust it anoth­er one, two, three times and start shak­ing again, my cunt cradling cock and cos­mos in oneness.

Dee's Big Daddies XXL silicone dildos next to silicone beer bottle and average-sized silicone cock
Shown next to an average-​sized sil­i­cone dil­do and sil­i­cone beer bot­tle for size comparison 

Customize Your Huge Silicone Dildos

Diedrich is avail­able in five sizes (Medium/"Wee" to XXXL), two sil­i­cone soft­ness­es, and with or with­out a Vac-​U-​Lock hole.

The Vac-​U-​Lock port can be used to attach your dil­do to a fuck­ing machine, insert a vibrat­ing bul­let, or adapt into a suc­tion cup dil­do.

Get Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich or shop all of Dee and Dolores's huge sil­i­cone dil­dos.

Dee's Big Daddy Duncan XXL in hand and Diedrich XXL

How Big Daddy Duncan XXL Feels In Use

“Standard MLB baseball bat diameter” sits in my browser history because of Duncan.

Apparently, this dil­do is just above the max­i­mum diam­e­ter allowed in Major League Baseball and weighs about the same as a typ­i­cal base­ball bat.

This blunt bludgeon's shaft swells at the top half, all but visu­al­ly eclips­ing the edge of the coro­na. No part of Duncan should be under­es­ti­mat­ed, however.

Dee's Big Daddy Duncan XXL huge silicone dildo head shape and corona

Mindlessly, my pussy grips around Duncan on entry. The tight­est part com­press­es Duncan's squishy shaft, forc­ing the head's sharp rim against my G‑spot. There's no ignor­ing it — nowhere else for this mer­ci­less mon­stros­i­ty to go but to expand my entrance and shove my front wall.

Dee's Big Daddy Duncan XXL Measurements

  • 10” total length
  • 9” insertable length
  • 7.75” head circumference
  • 8.5” mid­dle shaft circumference
  • 7.5” base of shaft circumference
  • Fits 2.5” O‑rings
Dee's Big Daddy Duncan XXL huge silicone dildo head shape and corpus spongiosum underside

“Standard MLB base­ball bat diam­e­ter” sits in my brows­er his­to­ry because of Duncan.

Dee's Big Daddy Duncan XXL huge silicone dildo in hand

Other Dee's Big Daddy Dildos to Love

I've reviewed quite a few colos­sal cocks from Dee's Big Daddies in the past, and while they all fuck me well, some cer­tain­ly feel more tai­lored to me than others.

Big Daddy Dallas XL

For one, my com­ments on Big Daddy Dallas XL were even more erot­ic than usu­al.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL huge silicone dildo with balls in hand

Neither par­ty is the aggres­sor here. I'm not tak­ing nor con­sum­ing this cock, but a secret third thing: syn­er­giz­ing and merg­ing with it.

Something about the cur­va­ture and the tip's swoop­ing fits me just right.

There's min­i­mal drag once the lube has spread, but I found myself reap­ply­ing before instinc­tive­ly pulling my legs up to my chest as if I could beck­on it like a part­ner to go deeper.

In short, Dallas XL puts much of what I love about Diedrich XXL on steroids. They have sim­i­lar heads, and Dallas is more dra­mat­i­cal­ly curved for effort­less eros.

Dee's Big Daddies Dante curved XL silicone dildo

Big Daddy Dante XL

My review of the lean­er Big Daddy Dante XL was also quite smutty:

Think less knock­ing on the door, more tap­ping on the ceil­ing, and the "I can have anoth­er orgasm, and anoth­er, and anoth­er…" loop. Repeat until dazed and star­ing at the ceil­ing, think­ing, "What decade is it? How long have I been gone from this planet?”

Did I pant with my tongue stick­ing out while tex­ting a friend, “Once again seek­ing con­sent to send some audio of me moan­ing”? Yes. Did anoth­er friend ask, “How the hell did all that fit inside you?” Also yes. My height is about 14% vagi­na, after all. …

Simultaneously bend­ing the shaft to bash my cervix and grind against my cli­toris is divin­i­ty deployed. …

My pussy clenched again just think­ing about it.

Dee's Big Daddy Diedrich XXL huge silicone dildo next to silicone beer bottle

Shop Dee's Big Daddies huge sil­i­cone dil­dos. And if mon­ster dongs aren't your thing, Dee and Dolores also stock "Dee's Wee Daddies," which are about average-​sized dicks.

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