Cute Cruelty Indigo Deep A-Spot Dildo Review

This deli­cious­ly deep-​dicking sweet treat won’t dent your wal­let. I thank it for its ser­vice for my cervix.

8-inch purple realistic silicone dildo on measurement grid

Cute Cruelty’s Indigo A‑spotting dil­do has a love­ly length of 8 insertable inch­es — about 8.3” total if you include the suc­tion cup base — and 1.6” diam­e­ter. And! The sil­i­cone is mod­er­ate­ly soft and springy.

These mea­sure­ments make it ide­al for finess­ing the cervix and the spaces around it. “I am a pant­i­ng pud­dle of sweat and tears,” I once again texted my friend from my bed after:

  1. Pounding my pussy
  2. Losing track of how many times I came because it was so easy to have anoth­er one and anoth­er and anoth­er with just a few thrusts
  3. Opening up my phone gallery and see­ing the last pic­ture I looked at — a pic­ture of my crush, which I mas­tur­bat­ed to again for the 3475983475th time this week
  4. Fucking myself some more
Cute Cruelty Indigo Deep A-Spot Dildo Review 1

If you’re con­tem­plat­ing Cute Cruelty’s Indigo dil­do and you love straight jack­ham­mer­ing, get it already. Seriously, save your­self some time read­ing. (Unless you want to read about sex toy indus­try his­to­ry — I would too. Be my guest!)

My Verdict on the Cute Cruelty Indigo

While it’s not 100% my type in that I pre­fer my dil­dos to have a slight curve, I have noth­ing neg­a­tive to say about the Cute Cruelty Indigo.

To recap what I love about this dildo:

  • It’s long — about 8” of insertable length.
  • It’s squishy enough to feel some­what realistic.
  • It’s a good girth that’s not too intim­i­dat­ing — 1.6” across.
  • Its suc­tion cup is strong, not to men­tion har­ness­able for strap-​on play.
  • It makes me melt when I fuck myself deep with it
  • …and all for $26?!

Blush Novelties' Neo Elite lines fea­tures some stel­lar sub-$35 options, though they tend to be on the small­er side. I love see­ing oth­er afford­able and acces­si­ble options for plea­sure products!

Cute Cruelty Indigo silicone dildo suction cup base

If you’re con­tem­plat­ing Cute Cruelty’s Indigo dil­do and you love straight jack­ham­mer­ing, get it already. Seriously, save your­self some time reading.

Get the Cute Cruelty Indigo and take 10% off with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

What Does the Trend Say About the Industry?

In 2018, I thought the Blush Avant dil­do line was a fuck­ing steal, with the more promi­nent mem­bers like the Avant D4 and D5 retail­ing for around $55. And we’re now at the point where:

  • Totally body-​safe sil­i­cone toys are abundant
  • Squishy sil­i­cone sex toys are abundant
  • Squishy and afford­able sil­i­cone sex toys are abundant
  • Squishy and afford­able and girthy sil­i­cone sex toys are abundant

It wasn’t always that way, even when I start­ed col­lect­ing toys!

Cute Cruelty Indigo silicone dildo flexibility

The vet­er­ans of the adult nov­el­ties indus­try watched the trends shift right in front of their eyes; it’s easy for new­bies to take for grant­ed what’s avail­able to them.

While mass man­u­fac­tur­ers place pres­sure on inde­pen­dent arti­sans to keep inno­vat­ing and bring­ing some­thing new to the table, it’s also rad that con­sumers can expect safer and high­er qual­i­ty at low­er prices than before.

Where Have I Seen This Design Before?

If you’re feel­ing deja vu, there’s a reason.

Blush Novelties' Avant D5 is a dildo with red, black, and white stripes.

The Cute Cruelty Indigo was inspired by the mold for Blush Novelties’:

  • Real Nude Rollo
  • Avant D5/​D6
  • Neo Elite Glow Marquee

Features of Blush's rec­og­niz­able sil­hou­ette include:

  • Subtly slop­ing head shape (more on that in a bit)
  • Stylized, rel­a­tive­ly min­i­mal veins
  • Thin suc­tion cup and flared base
  • Angled ramp down and back up in cir­cum­fer­ence near the bottom
Silicone dildo suction cup

The main dif­fer­ences between the Cute Cruelty Indigo and Blush mod­els are that the Indigo A‑spot dildo’s:

  • … head is juici­er and more round­ed — and thank good­ness, because that mod­i­fi­ca­tion puts pres­sure on my cervix just right!
  • … veins are suu­u­per sub­tle and bare­ly dis­cernible. They are to tex­tures what LaCroix is to fla­vor. And while the Avant D5’s shaft tex­tures were fun to twist, they’re far from make-or-break.
  • … sil­i­cone is in one sol­id col­or — which dri­ves down the price — and just a bit squishi­er — which my cervix also loves!

In short, while it’s very dif­fer­ent, I rec­og­nize the over­lap enough to see where the core design ele­ments came from.

Purple semi-realistic dildo

How Did the Differences Feel in Use?

I’d still call the Cute Cruelty Indigo medium-​firm, but its tip is more pli­able between my fin­gers than Blush’s single-​density striped version.

My past, less-​experienced self blamed the Blush Avant D5’s soft­ness for how it evad­ed my cervix, but now I real­ize that it’s more about the way the head shape is sloped — a real­iza­tion I came to when try­ing a dif­fer­ent dil­do that pre­sent­ed the same prob­lem for me.

Your mileage may vary, and you might not care so much about the slope, but my cer­vi­cal fornix­es do!

The Cute Cruelty Indigo head is still a lit­tle styl­ized but plumper and round­ed just right for resis­tance against my cervix and mas­sag­ing it with every thrust.

A purple toy in a tiny porcelain bathtub

And I love that out of white-​label man­u­fac­tur­ing came a somewhat-​copied cock that diverged from the pre­vi­ous mod­el juu­u­u­ust enough to work bet­ter for me.

This post was spon­sored! The writ­ing and opin­ions expressed here are my own.

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