CrashPad's Guide to Fisting: lesbian / queer fisting porn review

Lorelei Lee showing Beretta James the hand's position when starting to fist someone

"What made you try fist­ing?" my straight friends asked me.

Frankly, I had always found fist­ing hot. I had fist­ed a woman before. I knew that receiv­ing a fist was some­thing oth­er peo­ple did, but I thought it was a lofty goal for me.

That is, until I lis­tened to a per­son­al account of fist­ing on the Dildorks pod­cast. The first-​person per­spec­tive made it feel like much more of a pos­si­bil­i­ty to me (though try­ing the Vixen Randy def­i­nite­ly helped).

CrashPad's Guide to Fisting, a half-​hour pro­duc­tion by Shine Louise Houston, gives me the same feel­ing; it makes fist­ing look inti­mate, relat­able, and not-​so-​scary. The main word I would use to describe it is "acces­si­ble".

The format of Crashpad's Guide to Fisting

CrashPad's Guide to Fisting cameo of lube packet, glove, and Magic Wand

It starts with the relat­able sce­nario of Lorelei Lee want­i­ng to try fist­ing with Beretta James, who responds, "I don't want to hurt you." They togeth­er sam­ple CrashPad's pre­vi­ous porn clips of fist­ing and give a quick sum­ma­ry of how to do it right, before try­ing it themselves.

It's more or less a porn­cep­tion. You're watch­ing Shine Louise watch­ing porn of Beretta and Lorelei watch­ing three dif­fer­ent CrashPad porn clips. These include Maybelline and Mariah Cherry Christmas Special, Jacqueline Woods and Stefani Special, and Red and Javier.

Lesbians using Hitachi while fisting

It shows safe­ty and enthu­si­asm being sexy instead of just say­ing it.

The receivers tell the givers when to add fin­gers, when to slow down or back off, when to take a break to do some­thing else, and so on.

Lorelei and Beretta use lube and gloves when fist­ing, and a con­dom on their Hitachi Magic Wand.

In one clip, a giv­er tells a receiv­er to relax. In anoth­er, the giv­er kiss­es and caress­es the receiv­er gen­tly before and after an intense fisting.

Even if you might oth­er­wise think that ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion dur­ing sex isn't nec­es­sary, fist­ing isn't the time to be skimp­ing. Crystal-​clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion on both ends is so, so crit­i­cal when it comes to a kink that most of my friends would find extreme or scary.

Hot and wholesome


When I think of fist­ing porn, the first thing that comes to mind is an ama­teur clip of some­one hav­ing fist­ing done to them. If it's a part­ner scene, it's often the receiv­er lying down, being pen­e­trat­ed by a dis­em­bod­ied hand and wrist. And that's not inher­ent­ly bad. I get it: fist­ing is hot, and some­times I just want to get my jol­lies off quickly.

However, fist­ing porn often miss­es the oth­er side of such an inti­mate exchange: the look in the giver's eyes as they see their receiv­ing part­ner get more and more turned on and hav­ing uncon­trol­lable, scream­ing orgasms. I know the look, and I know how hot it is to have a part­ner scream in my mouth while I'm kiss­ing them. I wish more porn empha­sized that desire as a two-​way street.

The cam­era angles real­ly show­case enjoy­ment from all par­ties involved, includ­ing smiles and gig­gles. As edu­tain­ment porn should. In CrashPad's Guide to Fisting, Shine Louise makes fist­ing look whole­some and hot at the same time. That com­bi­na­tion is exact­ly what the world needs more of.


I received a press pass to watch CrashPad's Guide to Fisting from PinkLabel​.tv in exchange for my hon­est, unbi­ased review. All opin­ions expressed are entire­ly my own.

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2 Responses

  1. Kalliopeia says:

    One day. One day, when I am no longer in grad school and have a real job, I will get a CrashPad sub­scrip­tion. (Also, on a shal­low note, DAMN, Beretta James is a beau­ti­ful human.)

  1. June 4, 2018

    […] Write a Review of a film or episode of CrashPadSeries​.com. Here’s an exam­ple of a film, and an episode review by fel­low affil­i­ates. (Don’t for­get to use your affil­i­ate links, and […]

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