Category: How-To & Health

How to Have Clean Anal Sex: 4 Considerations 3

How to Have Clean Anal Sex: 4 Considerations

Shit hap­pens. We all know that the anus's pri­ma­ry pur­pose is that of an exit. Understandably, clean­li­ness is among the biggest con­cerns about anal sex. It's only sec­ond to per­haps picking…

5 Easy Ways to Have Better Sex 5

5 Easy Ways to Have Better Sex

Partnered sex is one of the most com­pli­cat­ed things we're expect­ed to teach our­selves. Some parts come nat­u­ral­ly, while oth­ers are less intu­itive at first. Here are some small adjustments…

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them 6

STIs & What I Wish More People Knew About Them

[Content warn­ing: this post con­tains rec­ol­lec­tion of sex­u­al assault. If that's a hard top­ic for you, skip #5.] I wish we talked about chlamy­dia the way we talk about strep…

Fun with foreskin: tips, techniques, and .GIFs! 7

Fun with foreskin: tips, techniques, and .GIFs!

American cock vs. European cock: have you ever won­dered the dif­fer­ence? Or had aspi­ra­tions to trav­el the world and, maybe in the process, hook up with lovers of dif­fer­ent cultural…

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" Is BULLSHIT 9

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" Is BULLSHIT

Even the most sup­port­ive friends can have mis­con­cep­tions. "I don't know how you still have sen­si­tiv­i­ty," I often hear when I talk about my We-​​Vibe Tango. "Don't vibra­tors numb you? I mean,…

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics. 10

The G-Spot Exists. Cut the Pedantic Semantics.

The G‑spot is the area of, for many peo­ple, sen­si­tive tis­sue on the front wall of the vagi­na, near where the pubic bone recedes. It's nick­named such because Gräfenberg coined…

Blow job glitch art

4 Tips For Basic Blowjob Troubleshooting

An anony­mous fol­low­er asked this ques­tion about oral sex: Hello, when I give blowjobs to my boyfriend, some­times he shakes and quiv­ers but recent­ly he has stopped doing that. He also…