Category: Insertable Vibrators

YoYoLemon vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. Fun Factory Tiger 2

YoYoLemon vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. Fun Factory Tiger

I’m always excit­ed to see anoth­er afford­able A‑spotty vibra­tor in Toyland, made for deep pen­e­tra­tion. YoYoLemon’s ribbed mod­el looks famil­iar — but feels juu­u­ust dif­fer­ent enough for me to some­times rec­om­mend this…

Best Thrusting Dildos vs. Gorilla Grip Coochie: 21 Ranked 4

Best Thrusting Dildos vs. Gorilla Grip Coochie: 21 Ranked

This cunt con­sumes colos­sal can-​​sized cocks and cracks fin­gers. The lat­ter abil­i­ty is a haz­ard at times — my walls crush thrust­ing toys like a vise, over­pow­er their func­tion­al­i­ty, and…

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap! 5

This sliding skin dildo is shockingly lifelike AND cheap!

This super soft sil­i­cone dil­do has one of the most fondle-​​worthy, realistic-​​feeling skin lay­ers I have ever tried — and it's super pret­ty with its curved, juicy watermelon-​​pink gra­di­ent tip, too!…

A collection of remote control panty vibrators arranged on holographic background

17 Remote Control Panty Vibrators, Compared & Ranked!

Remote con­trol wear­able vibra­tors unique­ly play with thrill, antic­i­pa­tion, and sur­prise — at least, on paper. In prac­tice, only a few are small but actu­al­ly mighty. Which Bluetooth panty vibrators…

Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator 6

Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator

What’s hot­ter than remote-​​controlling a partner’s panty vibe? Imagine the siz­zling sub­tleties that could lay­er into it, even when you're not around oth­er peo­ple. Never under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of grinding…

BestVibe Phoenix self-thrusting monster cock in hand

BestVibe Phoenix Self-Thrusting Monster Dildo Review

Wobble baby, wob­ble baby, wob­ble baby, wob­ble. Get in there! (Yeah, yeah!) I was not expect­ing the BestVibe Phoenix to move the way it did. Self-​​thrusting? Yes. A big, beautiful,…

Mystique Venus Vibe Review: Rabbit With Flower Petals 7

Mystique Venus Vibe Review: Rabbit With Flower Petals

Calling cli­toral tex­ture fiends! The Mystique Venus Vibe’s flow­er­ing bud and branch­ing “stem” are juu­ust the right soft­ness to press up on my cli­toris with every thrust — deli­cious­ly delicate…