Category: External Vibrators

Fluttering rose vibrator in hand

BestVibe Fiona Fluttering Tongue Vibrator Review

Fiona is for fans of flut­tery flo­rals and light lap­ping. This double-​​ended, rose-​​shaped lick­ing vibra­tor fea­tures a slen­der “blade” of a tongue that flits back and forth for a pinpoint…

Review: Rock Candy Refined Sweetensity Mini-Wand 2

Review: Rock Candy Refined Sweetensity Mini-Wand

Rock Candy’s Sweetensity isn’t for the faint of cli­toris. It’s for those who want to gasp, “Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh,” cum­ming over and over again — per­haps with…

Magic Wand Micro size comparison to keys and hand

Magic Wand Micro Review: Pocket-Sized Power or Hype?

The Magic Wand has a long-​​standing lega­cy of pow­er through its full-​​sized and icon­ic iter­a­tions. Does the itty-​​bitty cutie patootie Magic Wand Micro live up to that? This pocket-​​sized spec­i­men has…

Fun Factory Laya III Review: Rumbly & Versatile AF! 5

Fun Factory Laya III Review: Rumbly & Versatile AF!

The Fun Factory Laya(spot) aged like fine wine — its third gen­er­a­tion, now called Laya III, rocks rum­bli­er vibra­tions in an icon­i­cal­ly body-​​hugging sil­hou­ette. Legendary. Venerated. Genius. These are words…

A collection of remote control panty vibrators arranged on holographic background

17 Remote Control Panty Vibrators, Compared & Ranked!

Remote con­trol wear­able vibra­tors unique­ly play with thrill, antic­i­pa­tion, and sur­prise — at least, on paper. In prac­tice, only a few are small but actu­al­ly mighty. Which Bluetooth panty vibrators…