Category: Kink & Banter

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What? 1

I'm Ready to Start Dating. Now What?

I went on dates with 22 peo­ple with­in 13 months between rela­tion­ships. People get exhaust­ed, just hear­ing that sta­tis­tic. While meet­ing peo­ple to date is often sim­ple, it’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly easy — I don’t want to min­i­mize the time and ener­gy it…

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear 2

5+ Worn or Used Sexy Things to Sell — Beyond Underwear

Selling used panties and bed­room props is a legit way to earn some extra spend­ing mon­ey, espe­cial­ly if you're an attrac­tive woman. I briefly touched on the prac­tice in my pre­vi­ous post about sexy side hus­tles (beyond reviews), but this…

4 Shitty Dating Advice Marketing Ploys I'm Sick of Seeing 4

4 Shitty Dating Advice Marketing Ploys I'm Sick of Seeing

I'm grossed out by preda­to­ry online mar­ket­ing towards women deal­ing with con­fu­sion and heartache. I get that, when you're strug­gling, a quick web search here and there can be ther­a­peu­tic for know­ing you're not alone. But it doesn't take long…

5 Characteristics of the Best Sex Shops 11

5 Characteristics of the Best Sex Shops

I've worked with many great sex shops over the years, and many shit­ty ones. It's no mys­tery: the retail­ers I link to over and over again are the ones who give back to their work­ers, shop­pers, and com­mu­ni­ty. Find out…

7 Ways to Create a More Realistic Masturbation Experience 12

7 Ways to Create a More Realistic Masturbation Experience

I get to live at the same time as auto­mat­ed fuck­ing machines and VR porn — doo­dads that peo­ple in past decades only dreamt of. My boyfriend can stick his dick in a mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve that auto­mat­i­cal­ly strokes up and…

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist) 14

The Polite Way to Break Up (With Your Therapist)

It's not easy to share your dark­est thoughts with some­one and trust that they'll under­stand — let alone advise with a har­mo­nious bal­ance between accep­tance and growth. And when a ther­a­pist doesn't hear you out, it takes only a minute…

How to "Date Yourself" 15

How to "Date Yourself"

After British Vogue inter­viewed Emma Watson, the media fix­at­ed on the 20 sec­onds where she talked about being sin­gle and "self-​​partnered." It was a con­ver­sa­tion where she spoke about men­tal health, her place in the world as an activist, history…

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers 16

4 Common Misconceptions About Sex-Positive Bloggers

When I reveal that I'm a sex toy review­er, I some­times hear vari­a­tions of "Really?! But you're so quiet/wholesome/[insert anoth­er syn­onym for demure]!" On a bad day, I might clap back, "I'm sor­ry— I didn't real­ize that intro­ver­sion meant not…

How to Cast a DIY Silicone Dildo at Home 17

How to Cast a DIY Silicone Dildo at Home

If you're a reg­u­lar read­er of my blog, you prob­a­bly already agree that dil­dos can be high­ly col­lectible pieces of art. They're func­tion­al tools, but it sure as hell helps me get excit­ed when I find a dil­do aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleasing.…

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!) 18

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!)

In the cur­rent gig econ­o­my, you've prob­a­bly heard Millennial femme friends joke about sug­ar baby­ing, finan­cial dom­i­na­tion, or sell­ing used panties to pay off stu­dent loans. Or just for extra spend­ing mon­ey. It's not a myth— there's no short­age of…