Boobs vs. Butts & Bisexual Lighting
"In the end, boobs are nothing more than fake asses. And if I had to choose between the original and the imitation, of course I would choose the original."
— Kangoku Gakuen / Prison School Ch. 68

So much of perceived beauty and a "great body" is luck — both in terms of your actual features and being born into a culture that appreciates them.
You could be considered "perfect" by one decade's standards and less desirable the next. Or at least, that's how media trends seem to turn around, faster than you can say "Kate Moss."
Maybe I'm lucky that Gens Y & Z are more ass and leg men than boob men.
Or maybe, with experience, I became more aware that my lack of boobage and body fat literally never translated to a lack of options for me.
Some people strongly prefer big boobs, some strongly prefer small boobs (even if they aren't as obnoxiously vocal), and most don't really care all that much because they're captivated by other body parts.
It doesn't mean that I never get in my head about my chest. After all, you can easily capture a face selfie with cleavage in the shot, but butts aren't quite like that. And that's kind of a (hah) bummer when you're an NSFW content creator.
But I'm not going to operate as if my worth revolved around two sacks of fat on my chest.
Regardless of what features and body parts people focus on or what lifestyle changes I've experienced, my body's worth does not change. It simply just is. It stayed with me when Rihanna called her fluctuating body a "pleasure" to have and said that she simply dressed however best fit her figure at the time.
Well, I actually have had the pleasure of a fluctuating body type […] I really pay attention every day when I go into the closet about what’s working for my body that morning.
To me, sex is an experience where the focus is how I (the subject) feel — not a performance focused on how I (as the object) look. If the latter is what you want, look elsewhere. I'm here to have fun — not to be a docile decoration.
Yes, I'll be posting pictures of myself on my blog more often, as some are too racy for Instagram for my comfort. I'm not trying to get my account taken down. 🙂
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You do have a beautiful bottom, perfectly captured here. I’m still waiting for the deathly pale look to come back into fashion — so I know what you mean in this post. Thank you for sharing.
Missy x
I am so exciting and happy to see you joining in with Sinful Sunday. I hope you enjoy being part of the community and I am very excited to see what other images you create in the future.
As for your image this week.… it is absolutely stunning. I love the top shot and how it shows off the curve of your hip and swell of your bum.
I love this! Delightfully gorgeous images with brilliant insight on body image. Brava. Thanks for sharing!
Everything about this post, image and words alike, is spectacular. Thanks for linking up with #LiFE
I am a huge fan of bisexual lighting, it’s so pretty but then I may also be biased!
And the bum vs boobs thing always used to worry me when I was in my 20s. Some of my weight gain has definitely gone on my boobs now but even at the time it didn’t prevent the opportunities arising.
Wonderfully insightful and gorgeous colours. Sexiness is so very subjective, though being content with what just "is" is harder than people think. Great post
Delighted to see you taking part in image memes, SSC <3 This is rather epic — that lightning is super cool and your bum! Wow! <3 x
"So much of perceived beauty and what it means to have a “great body” is luck — both in terms of your actual features and being born into a culture that appreciates them. You could be considered “perfect” by one decade’s standards and less desirable the next."
I never really thought about that before but you are so right! I am not sure any of my features would ever be considered perfect or desireable, unfortunately. You are gorgeous though.