Honey Play Box Pomi powerful mini wand massager review

Small. Mighty. The Honey Play Box Pomi mini wand mas­sager packs a punch, imping­ing on the icon­ic Magic Wand Mini’s territory.

Honey Play Box Pomi mini wand massager in deep rose red

While Pomi hasn’t entire­ly usurped the throne, there are at least four rea­sons to love it more:

  • More pow­er­ful vibra­tions (I’ll elab­o­rate on that later)
  • Fully water­proof and submersible!
  • More pat­tern options
  • A small­er price tag

Of course, raw strength isn’t the only thing that mat­ters. Whether the Honey Play Box Pomi's vibra­tion qual­i­ty is suit­able for your body will also be a cru­cial point of discussion.

Why try a mini-wand?

Mini wand vibra­tors offer a few perks over their full-​sized relatives:

  • Lightweight and poten­tial­ly eas­i­er to hold
  • They take up less vul­va real estate, com­bin­ing broad-​ish vibra­tion with fist­ing and huge insertions
  • …or just com­bine a mini-​wand with mis­sion­ary vagi­nal inter­course. I guess that’s a more com­mon usage.
Honey Play Box Pomi vs. Magic Wand Mini

That does, how­ev­er, come with some drawbacks:

  • They also have a short­er bat­tery life don't tend to be usable while plugged in
  • Mini-​wands only con­tain so much room inside for motors and bat­ter­ies, so they’re less potent on aver­age than full-​sized wands

Luckily, the Pomi’s strength-​to-​size ratio is still stellar.

My first impressions of the Honey Play Box Pomi

Unboxing my Honey Play Box Pomi was like admir­ing a high-​end hair straightener.

The metal­lic accents and sparkling pig­ments give the illu­sion of anodized alu­minum and chrome plat­ing. Also, it’s dense! The Honey Play Box Pomi’s heft caught my atten­tion. While it’s small­er than the Magic Wand Mini, it feels stur­dy and sub­stan­tial for its size.

Also includ­ed is a USB mag­net­ic charg­ing cord and stor­age pouch, plus the box itself is sturdy. 

A black sil­i­cone head tops the shim­mery red plas­tic han­dle. Still, there are oth­er col­or options:

  • Deep grey han­dle with black head
  • White han­dle with pink head
  • Pink all over
Honey Play Box Pomi mini wand packaging, charging cord, and storage bag

Honey Play Box’s Pomi is an itty-​bitty qt patootie petite spec­i­men, but don’t under­es­ti­mate its power.

Honey Play Box Pomi shape and size

Unlike most oth­er mini-​wands on the mar­ket, the Pomi’s head is spher­i­cal rather than slight­ly cylin­dri­cal. It mea­sures 1.9” across, ever-​so-​slightly thick­er than the Magic Wand Mini.

I appre­ci­ate Pomi’s neck’s firm­ness since I get to apply more pres­sure to my clit with less effort. If you need firm cli­toral pres­sure, con­sid­er that a blessing.

Other specs where the Pomi devi­ates from the Magic Wand Mini include:

  • Length (6.7” vs. 9.7” long)
  • Weight (161.5 vs. 276.3 grams)
  • One but­ton control
Honey Play Box Pomi vs. Magic Wand Mini vs. Love Not War Koi mini wand
Top to bot­tom: Magic Wand Mini, Honey Play Box Pomi, and Love Not War Koi

Overall, Honey Play Box’s Pomi is way small­er and more straight­for­ward. On the one hand, you won’t have as much of a han­dle for reach. On the oth­er, it’s more com­pact for tak­ing it on the go with­out sac­ri­fic­ing much power.

Honey Play Box Pomi vibration quality

Pomi’s first speed is about lev­el with the Magic Wand Mini’s sec­ond inten­si­ty. And once you get to the Pomi’s high­est set­ting, that’s about lev­el with the Magic Wand Mini's top speed.

It’s strong but has a lot of buzz — even the Pomi’s bot­tom speed is rel­a­tive­ly high-​pitched, at 103 Hz (then 108 and 111). Like, my hands HURT when I held them to com­pare vibra­tion strength. It’s also quite loud to match the mechan­i­cal ener­gy it emits.

While the Magic Wand Mini has more rum­ble, I find the Honey Play Box Pomi just a hair stronger.

How the Honey Play Box Pomi feels in use

Do not expect sub­tle­ty with the Honey Play Box Pomi. I tend to use it through under­wear and sweat­shorts; work-​from-​home life does be like that. And even then, I some­times need to rub myself with my fin­gers first for a warm-up.

Honey Play Box Pomi mini wand vibration quality

That could be a good or bad thing for you. Again, I’m pret­ty sen­si­tive from a cold start, and it can be too much imme­di­ate­ly after orgasm.

I wish the Pomi had more speeds on the low end or more but­tons to reduce the inten­si­ty, but I can’t com­plain, con­sid­er­ing the price. Plus, unlike the Magic Wands, it’s ful­ly water­proof and submersible.

Settings, controls, and charging

One but­ton con­trols the Honey Play Box Pomi’s 10 set­tings — 3 steady speeds and 7 patterns:

  1. A stac­ca­to rhythm
  2. Longer puls­es
  3. Even longer pulses
  4. 3 short buzzes and a long one (1–2‑3–44444444)
  5. Pulses increas­ing in length (111–222222-3333333333–4444444444444)
  6. High-​low speed alternation
  7. 9 short puls­es then one long pulse

I usu­al­ly don’t like pat­terns, but the more con­sis­tent ones on this mini-​wand (1–3 men­tioned above) can take the edge off a little.

Honey Play Box Pomi mini wand neck flexibility firmness

Long press to turn the mini-​wand mas­sager on, short press to cycle through the set­tings, and long press again to turn it off.

Closing thoughts on the Honey Play Box Pomi

The Honey Play Box Pomi’s vibra­tion tim­bre is a double-​edged sword. Do not get it if you want sub­tle­ty or rum­ble. But if you don’t mind a bit of bite, its price for 3 stroooong steady speeds is pret­ty great.

Use it in the bath, with an insertable, with a part­ner — this wand’s diminu­tive frame makes it ver­sa­tile for posi­tion­ing while still car­ry­ing big wand strength.

This post was spon­sored by Honey Play Box. Opinions expressed are my own.

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2 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    All around this seems like a great toy. Love the review!!

  2. B R says:

    This is one I've looked at. my lady's parts don't like super strong vibra­tions, so I'll have to keep looking…

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