Review: Tantus Hookah & Duchess dual-density dildo

Tantus Duchess and Hookah Super Soft girthy bumpy dildo review

Tantus’s recent renais­sance feels sur­re­al to me — fit­ting of the three years since the COVID pan­dem­ic start­ed. The com­pa­ny expand­ed, yet their Super Soft sil­i­cone sen­sa­tions start­ed resem­bling small­er, inde­pen­dent arti­san cre­ations. And I mean that in the best way possible.

Unlike Tantus's toys in 2019, their cur­rent, fleshi­er for­mu­la lives up to the “Super Soft” label. The Tantus Hookah yields to my yon­ic crevasse. The Tantus Duchess feels sur­pris­ing­ly realistic.

In awe upon unbox­ing them, I imme­di­ate­ly opened Instagram to declare my “dis­cov­ery” with a dil­do quasi-​handjob video — after which I was tem­porar­i­ly barred from the app’s Explore page.

And that’s fair. Squeezing the Tantus Duchess’s and Hookah's heads was an erot­ic experience.

Squishing the Tantus Hookah Super Soft in my hands

Tantus Hookah squishy wave texture dildo review

Three bumps cas­cade like repet­i­tive coro­nas slid­ing in and out of me. Imagine insert­ing for the first thrust of inter­course, but again and again. Tantus’s Hookah Super Soft is like that.

Pink highlights and shadows along the Tantus Hookah Super Soft's shaft bumps

Tantus Hookah measurements

Its soft­ness reads as a Shore 3A on my durom­e­ter, a lit­tle firmer than VixSkin (which reg­is­ters as a 2A). And it’s thick. The first of the soft, shim­mer­ing swirls is a gen­tle 1.3” wide, the sec­ond is slight­ly above-​average girth at 1.6” diam­e­ter, and then it swells up to 1.9” at the third bump.

It looks like the bul­bous and tilt­ed tip would be G‑spotty on paper, but in prac­tice, it’s too bendy. Good thing there’s plen­ty of piz­zazz down the shaft to savor — about 5.6” insertable length.

Tantus Hookah Super Soft textures

How does the Tantus Hookah feel?

The fun begins when you move down the shaft; get­ting all the way to the base gives the bot­tom of my cunt more of a stretch.

It almost feels intu­itive to eject the Tantus Hookah since the tight­est part of my vagi­na wants to grab onto the nar­row­est parts of the toy. There’s a sat­is­fy­ing “pop­ping” sen­sa­tion against my front wall — fun to clench around or slight­ly bear down on while push­ing the bot­tom half of the Tantus Hookah in.

The sec­ond bump feels very G‑spotty, but it also takes some effort to cum. My favorite ways to use it are:

  1. To rotate it slight­ly, twist­ing it, and let­ting the bot­tom edges of each bump press against my G‑spot
  2. By drilling the last “coro­na” and feel­ing that girthy stretch in the bot­tom third of my vagina
Tantus Hookah Super soft squish

Closing thoughts on the Tantus Hookah

The Tantus Hookah Super Soft’s domi­cile is in those shal­low­er areas. With 5.6” of insertable length, it’s not entire­ly my type. However, it’s fan­tas­ti­cal­ly spe­cial­ized for those who need tex­tures at the vagi­nal open­ing. If it’s the inter­nal cli­toral pres­sure and broad, struc­tur­al bumps you crave, the Tantus Hookah’s thick­ness might feel like a trip to won­der­land. To quote Tantus themselves:

Its swirls and bumps take you down a plea­sur­able rab­bit hole and per­mit you to expand your self-​knowledge. It’s an adven­ture ride for those who like a feel­ing of full­ness and repeat­ed undu­la­tion. Hookah is a tex­tured treat.

The Tantus Hookah prod­uct page

Tatus Duchess dual-density vibrating dildo in hand

Tantus Duchess dual-density vibrating dildo review

The Tantus Duchess caught my eye from the moment I saw its DayGlo gra­di­ent. Its milky white out­er lay­er encom­pass­es the entire squishy head and some­what moves like skin on the shaft. And yes, its flu­o­res­cent pink core is a splen­did sight under a UV blacklight.

Uberrime Aptus and Tantus Duchess
Uberrime Aptus longer firmer real­is­tic dil­do next to Tantus Duchess dual-density

What makes the Tantus Duchess special?

For one, it has two lay­ers for a semi-​realistic feel­ing. The firm inner core is about a Shore 20A, while the squishy out­er lay­er reg­is­ters as a Shore 2.5A — just a morsel more firm than VixSkin.

On the less rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al side, Tantus’s Duchess also has a bul­let cav­i­ty to vibrate the whole dong. It’s a dual-​density vibrat­ing dil­do, and you don’t see the com­bo of squish and vibra­tion often. By default, every Tantus dil­do with a hole in the base comes with an itty-​bitty N‑cell bat­tery bul­let. I have no com­plaints about its zip­py zing since Tantus bul­lets were among my first vibra­tors and pin­point enough to fin­ish me. However, I looooove swap­ping it out for a rum­bli­er We-​Vibe Tango!

Tantus Duchess dual-density dildo with We-Vibe Tango X slotted into the base

Tantus Duchess measurements and shape

In 2014, when I first start­ed col­lect­ing sex toys, I prob­a­bly would have con­sid­ered the Tantus Duchess suu­u­u­per girthy and maybe even got­ten sore from it. Here’s how it mea­sures up:

  • 6.5” insertable length
  • 1.6” diam­e­ter shaft
  • 1.8” max­i­mum diam­e­ter at the head

There’s a slight mush­room tip and edge where the coro­na flares out. Some small, styl­ized sul­ci span the frenu­lum area. Otherwise, the shaft is quite smooth.

Tantus Duchess dual-density dildo squishy silicone head

How does the Tantus Duchess feel in use?

With the Tantus Duchess, I can get to the point of pant­i­ng with my tongue stick­ing out, but if I’m flushed and sweaty, it’s maybe 30% because of the focus and vig­or­ous thrust­ing it took to get to those orgasms.

My default modus operan­di with a straight-​shafted dil­do is to go for cer­vi­cal orgasms. The Duchess’s head shape isn’t defined enough to dig into my G‑spot any­way. But what hap­pens when I go in deep?

I hold back my thrust­ing tem­po because I sub­con­scious­ly think I’ll run out of insertable length, try­ing to bot­tom myself out. Cue a flash­back to the Uberrime Supero dildo.

So how do I make it work for me?

  1. Tilt so that the edge of the base bumps up against my clitoris.
  2. The vibra­tions also feel yum­my when I slow­ly grind the shaft against my exter­nal junk, like the coital align­ment tech­nique.

However, these tech­niques only work for those with short clit-​vag gaps; mine is about an inch. They won’t work for every­one since that dis­tance dif­fers from per­son to person.

My verdict on the Tantus Duchess

It feels quite lux­u­ri­ous com­pared to Tantus’s orig­i­nal for­mu­la or even their for­mer O2 dual-​density Shore com­bi­na­tion. Still, the Tantus Cush O2’s insertable length did way more for my cervix and A‑spot.

I’ll keep the Tantus Duchess vibrat­ing dual-​density dil­do around as a nov­el­ty for slow, deep thrusts with lots of exter­nal grind­ing against the flex­i­ble shaft and slot­ted bul­let. It can work for me, but only with more con­scious effort than I’d like.

Your mileage may vary. You might enjoy the Tantus Duchess more than I do if:

  • You want a gen­er­al stretch that’s soft at the tip but easy to thrust
  • You love A‑spot stim­u­la­tion but have a lower-​set cervix than I do (remem­ber: the Tantus Duchess’s insertable length is about 6.5”)
  • A 1.8” thick dil­do head is still a nov­el stretch for you
Tantus Hookah Super Soft in Azure blue and Tantus Duchess Dual-Density Dildo in Rose Quartz UV glow pink

Meanwhile, I know I have a type when it comes to dil­dos: those made for my mus­cu­lar walls and high ceil­ing.

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3 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I hadn’t kept up with Tantus late­ly, but the Hookah looks intrigu­ing indeed!

  2. D. Dyer says:

    The hookah is such a delight, i’ve had it for a while, but haven’t used it as much as I would like so this review was a good reminder to pull it out of the toy chest.

  3. L says:

    I've been eye­balling the Hookah for ages because of the unique shape but nev­er realised it was so bendy. Too much flex to be g‑spotty is real­ly use­ful info for me.

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