Luzarte Thrust Clear Polka Dot Vibrating Dildo Review

The LuzArte Thrust is a showstopping art piece!

It derives traits from the Luna butt plug, Jollet dil­do, and the Jollie vagi­nal plug. Most laypeo­ple wouldn't rec­og­nize it as a dil­do, but as the Thrust 's name sug­gests, it fea­tures a loooong, swoop­ing shaft for thrusting.

Luzarte Thrust Clear Polka Dot Vibrating Dildo Review 1

Oh, and did I men­tion that you can fill LuzArte's translu­cent sil­i­cone toys with prac­ti­cal­ly any­thing you want? Mine has tiny pom-​poms in it for a strik­ing rain­bow pol­ka dot effect, but you can get glit­ter, bits of laven­der, con­fet­ti, and the like.

Since the dec­o­ra­tions affect the silicone's sta­bil­i­ty, there are some lim­i­ta­tions, but feel free to request small things. If you can't resist adding some­thing big­ger, con­sid­er a cus­tom Jollet instead. Just check out LuzArte's selec­tion and email the mak­er about what you had in mind.

Key characteristics of the LuzArte Thrust dildo

Let's start with the LuzArte Thrust's most con­spic­u­ous fea­tures, from top to bottom:

  • Its curve is a hybrid of the Jollet and Luna.
  • A hole allows for a more com­fort­able grip or adding a bullet. 
    • Turn it into a rabbit-​style vibrat­ing dil­do, if you wish.
  • There's a har­ness­able flared base!
LuzArte Jollet, Luna, and Thrust

Like all of LuzArte's toys, the Thrust's sil­i­cone is dense; no squish here! But since the toy is rel­a­tive­ly thin, it's quite springy, allow­ing it to accom­mo­date a wide range of clit-​vag gaps — if you're using it as a dual stimulator.

Also worth not­ing is that it's not com­plete­ly round at the bot­tom of the shaft. If you're har­ness­ing the LuzArte Thrust, con­sid­er a sil­i­cone O‑ring for some flex­i­bil­i­ty, instead of metal.

Overall, it's an exotic shape that has (understandably) made my Twitter followers wonder, "But what is that thing?"

If you're using the LuzArte Thrust vagi­nal­ly, the hump can press against your G‑spot while the tip slides against behind your cervix.

And it's butt-​safe so that you can insert it anal­ly, as well. The Thrust's sib­ling, the LuzArte Luna, was designed to fit snug­ly in the bends of the rec­tum, after all. The dil­do rotates itself to "lock" into the right orientation.

LuzArte Thrust flared base
Consider the LuzArte Thrust a bendier Jollet or a longer Luna!

LuzArte Thrust dildo measurements

  • 8.25" total length
  • 6.75" insertable
  • 3" of shaft before the "hump" starts
  • 1.4" max­i­mum diameter
  • Bullet cav­i­ty takes a stan­dard 0.8" mini-vibe
  • Accommodates clit-​vag gap up to 2.25"
  • Harnesses with 1.5" sil­i­cone O‑ring
    • A lit­tle big­ger if you're using metal

How the LuzArte Thrust feels in use

What I enjoyed about the LuzArte Thrust

I don't often use dual stim­u­la­tors, but I love it when they can stim­u­late my cervix and cli­toris at the same time! Kudos to LuzArte for mak­ing some­thing that does that.

LuzArte rainbow polka dot dildo next to rainbow sprinkle pancakes!
LuzArte Thrust with pink We-​Vibe Tango bul­let and rain­bow sprin­kle pancakes!

It's hard to go wrong with the pow­er­ful We-​Vibe Tango in a bul­let cav­i­ty — and it's even bet­ter when I can feel the rum­ble against my exter­nal bits! As with most "rab­bit" vibes, though, the LuzArte Thrust is best for small, grind­ing motions.

What I didn't like — but others might appreciate!

For one, many of LuzArte's toys are designed for sta­tion­ary stim­u­la­tion, any­way, so squeez­ing around the firm sil­i­cone is still arous­ing AF! Just be aware that the exter­nal bump might not stay in con­tact with the cli­toris if you're mak­ing long thrusts.

But also, the LuzArte Thrust is more yield­ing than the Jollet. Aiming the Thrust in front of or behind the cervix is doable, but not near­ly as pre­cise. If you're sen­si­tive there (in a bad way), keep that in mind.

One last thing to think about is whether you like exter­nal rub­bing against your butt. When aim­ing the LuzArte Thrust for­ward towards my G‑spot and A‑spot, the bendy base tilts back­ward and some­times does that. You might enjoy exter­nal anal play, espe­cial­ly with the vibra­tions, but that's not everyone's thing.

Dildo, dual stimulator, or triple stimulator?

In a sense, you could also con­sid­er the LuzArte Thrust a triple stim­u­la­tor when insert­ed vagi­nal­ly. Used anal­ly, it cer­tain­ly has the poten­tial for simul­ta­ne­ous prostate and exter­nal mas­sage. As always with all-​in-​one toys, though, it heav­i­ly depends on your anato­my. Don't be afraid to measure.

Luzarte Thrust Clear Polka Dot Vibrating Dildo Review 2

My verdict on the LuzArte Thrust

The most adven­tur­ous play­ers can appre­ci­ate every­thing the LuzArte Thrust offers. Its flexibility-​to-​firmness ratio isn't 100% ide­al for me — I'd like a bit more sta­bil­i­ty — but it's close:

  • Flexible to press against many users' exter­nal anatomy
  • Firm enough for ample front wall pressure

For those who just want some­thing G‑spotty to clench around, the LuzArte Thrust is an entic­ing­ly less girthy alter­na­tive to the Jollet and Jollie. And it's just as beau­ti­ful! Ultimately, choos­ing between a Thrust and the oth­ers comes down to whether you want a Jack of All Trades or a mas­ter of one.

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2 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    I must admit being first drawn to this by how col­or­ful it is but it seems it might also serve as a very adapt­able addi­tion to my collection.

  2. G says:

    it real­ly is such a joy to read all your articles.

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