Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators

Deliciously basslike vibra­tions in 3 petite packages!

Je Joue Amour heart-shaped and Vita spoon-shaped bullet vibrators

What do the fol­low­ing have in common?

  • A heart-​shaped leaf, like part of a clover
  • A teeny-​tiny, round mea­sur­ing spoon
  • Studding like a calla lily’s spadix stalk

They’re all whim­si­cal but func­tion­al shapes among Je Joue’s new bullets!

Not only are they cute, but they pack a punch — some recur­ring fea­tures come to mind when I think of Je Joue sex toys as a whole:

  • Decadent and deep vibra­tion quality
  • Luxuriously mat­te sil­i­cone fin­ish­es with lit­tle drag
  • And, espe­cial­ly more recent­ly, plush sil­i­cone coating

Je Joue vibra­tors, as with many oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers’, start­ed on the firm end with hard plas­tic shells and just enough sil­i­cone to encase the entire unit. Then came a lit­tle cush­ion­ing at the Mimi Soft’s tip, then a lit­tle more on atop their Classic and G‑spot bul­lets.

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 1

Shoppers want­ed more, and Je Joue oblig­ed with their recent releas­es, from their goddess-​inspired G‑spot vibra­tors to their lat­est gen­er­a­tion of thick­er, even cushi­er bullets.

Let’s look clos­er at the Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita.

First impressions of the Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita

These bul­let vibra­tors’ shapes offer a wide range of sen­sa­tions, from flut­tery to focused. Let’s start with what makes them sim­i­lar before dis­sect­ing their differences.

How squishy is the silicone, really?

For one, while the sil­i­cone is flex­i­ble and softer than ABS plas­tic, it’s nowhere near marshmallow-​like. When I mea­sure it with a Shore durom­e­ter, a read­ing of 15 A comes up — quite firm for a mid-​sized dil­do but still pli­able on such a small scale.

Just don’t antic­i­pate any­thing like VixSkin (which mea­sures 2.5 A), Pelle (which reg­is­ters as a 0), or the gel-​filled Iroha vibra­tors. I think Je Joue’s sil­i­cone firm­ness was a clever choice since it trans­mits vibra­tions well.

What else to expect from the second-​gen Je Joue bullets

There are a few oth­er com­mon­al­i­ties among these mini-vibes:

  • Again, the sil­i­cone is suu­u­per vel­vety against the skin
  • They’re big­ger than the orig­i­nal Je Joue bul­lets, mea­sur­ing about an inch in diam­e­ter at the “stem”
    • That makes them too bulky to fit in most bul­let cavities
  • Micro-​USB charg­ing ports with sil­i­cone caps for con­ve­nience and sub­mer­sion (say, in the bathtub)
  • Yummy, rumbly vibra­tions (I’ll dis­cuss the motors in a lat­er section)

Beyond the shared cores and guts, though, these bul­lets do vary quite a bit.

How these Je Joue bullet shapes feel in use

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 4

Je Joue Amour

The Je Joue Amour is aes­thet­i­cal­ly the show­stop­per of the three. It’s shaped like a heart! It comes in emer­ald green, a rar­i­ty in the sex toy world! And its tip flits and flick­ers, adding nov­el­ty to an already-​sturdy package.

For starters, it can make me cum using just the flap­ping edge with the heart’s cen­tral cusp against my nip­ple. I’m small and sen­si­tive, though. If the user wants more focused pres­sure, they have not one but two pointy tips along the Amour’s sides.

That’s because the Je Joue Amour’s pil­lowy por­tion ramps down from its full, 1‑inch diam­e­ter at the stem to a mere mil­lime­ter at the “leaf.” It doesn’t hap­pen instant­ly; there’s about 0.6” of length where­in the sil­i­cone grad­u­al­ly reach­es its apex­es. And the part juu­u­ust before it flat­tens into a sheet is where the more intense mag­ic happens.

In short, the Je Joue Amour is a mar­vel inside and out — it’s a daz­zling choice for alter­nat­ing between “wham-​bam” and soft sen­sa­tions.

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 5

Je Joue Duet

The Je Joue Duet is a clas­sic bul­let shape with added squish and stud­ding. Its tex­tures serve two main purposes:

  • It feels frickin’ fan­tas­tic when tip drilling, giv­ing my vagi­na tac­ti­cal­ly placed resis­tance to grab onto.
  • The dots are raised enough to give me mul­ti­ple focus points in addi­tion to the cen­ter crest.

There’s about 4.5” of total length, 1.3” of which is bend­able sil­i­cone. The rest is rigid chas­sis with just a bit of sup­ple skin. It’s with­in the realm of penis sizes and great for gen­tle insertion.

If you don’t like it rough, rest assured: the Je Joue Duet’s nodes only cov­er part of the sur­face. You can use the smooth side exter­nal­ly. For vagi­nal inser­tion, you can also posi­tion the plain side against the sen­si­tive front wall and the bumps fac­ing the back.

The Je Joue Duet is implic­it­ly designed for inser­tion. Yet, even when it’s only on my cli­toral glans, it leaves me feel­ing more sat­is­fied than most recharge­able exter­nal vibra­tors, thanks to its deeply thrum­ming hardware.

I mean, look at this thing — the lit­tle lump with knobs. It’s ele­gant and car­ries a fun-​to-​size ratio that’s hard to top.

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 6

Je Joue Vita

The Je Joue Vita’s shape is also multi-​purpose for exter­nal use. The round­ed spoon shape gives you options for:

  • Focusing vibra­tions with the edge
  • Diffusing it a lit­tle with the round con­vex surface
  • Cupping the cli­toral glans or nip­ple with the shal­low concavity
  • And, of course, you can use the side of the bullet

Of the three vibra­tors in this review, the Je Joue Vita is the most pli­ant, which you might or might not appre­ci­ate. I tried insert­ing it and thought, “meh.” Vibrations still trans­fer well through it, but the Vita’s not my favorite because the slen­der “neck” makes it super yielding.

I need more pres­sure; this vibra­tor feels the most intense head-​on and per­pen­dic­u­lar to the pubic bone. If you like a ten­der caress and a dain­ty pack­age, you might like the dif­fer­ent ways to play with the Je Joue Vita’s angles.

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 7

Controls, settings, and vibration quality

Je Joue’s vibra­tions are rumbly across the board, car­ry­ing a deep, dis­tinct purr at low­er speeds. Other terms I’ve used to describe the vibra­tion qual­i­ty include “bassy” and “flut­tery.”

Most vibra­tors have one uni­form tone, but not Je Joue’s. Fun Factory’s and Dame Products’ sound like a mild­ly wob­bling dub­step bass, while Je Joue's are more like a tap­ping thrum or (there it is again) a cat’s purr. The set­tings feel more con­ven­tion­al at high­er fre­quen­cies, though.

Je Joue’s bul­lets almost meet the gold stan­dard of the Tango X. How close is it? The former's top speeds are about as strong as the Tango X’s 7th speed out of 8.

They all feel great, but sub­tle dif­fer­ences exist between the bul­let gen­er­a­tions’ strength and timbre. 

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 8

Je Joue Duet vs. Classic bullet

The new ones (Amour, Duet, and Vita) are rum­bli­er with a deep­er pitch and love­ly range of motion, but not as strong in absolute terms as the orig­i­nals (Classic, G‑Spot, and Rabbit). Let’s com­pare the Duet and Classic bul­let since they’re the most sim­i­lar in shape.

Subjectively, I find the fifth set­ting on the Duet is com­pa­ra­ble in strength to some­where between the Classic’s 4th and 5th.

Objectively, the Duet’s five speeds are lower-​pitched than the Classic bullet’s:

  • Duet: 50, 73, 85, 91, and 94 Hertz
  • Classic 62, 88, 100, 111, and 117 Hertz

The Je Joue Classic bul­let is also more com­pact at 3.75” long by 0.85” wide — it can fit in some Vac-​U-​Lock and bul­let cav­i­ties, with lube and effort.

Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 9

Their size dif­fer­ence is due to the thick­er sil­i­cone coat­ing on the Amour, Duet, and Vita. Even along the cylin­der walls, my fin­ger­nails have slight­ly more to sink into.

Additional settings

Three but­tons con­trol 5 speeds and 7 pat­terns on the Je Joue bul­lets. One turns up the inten­si­ty, and the oth­er turns it down, and the mid­dle but­ton cycles through the rhythms:

  • Quickly esca­lat­ing waves
  • Slower waves up and down
  • Escalation, pause, escalation
  • Quick-​ish thrumming
  • Moderate thrum­ming
  • Morse code dash­es and pauses

Closing thoughts on the Je Joue bullets

Yeah, as far as stand­alone bul­let vibra­tors go, Je Joue is the cream of the crop. They’re almost as strong as the We-​Vibe Tango X while still main­tain­ing a rich tim­bre — and come in a wider vari­ety of fun shapes.

The vibra­tions feel super deep, leav­ing me sat­is­fied even from exter­nal stim­u­la­tion alone. That’s a rare feat for this pen­e­tra­tion princess.

My top picks among the new Je Joue bul­lets are the Duet, Amour, and Vita, in that order:

  • The Duet is ver­sa­tile for inter­nal and exter­nal use
  • The Amour can be del­i­cate and dif­fuse or super-focused
  • I could take or leave the Vita, even though its motor is still strong. It just deliv­ers less pressure.
Review: Je Joue Amour, Duet, and Vita rumbly bullet vibrators 10

Je Joue has some­thing sen­sa­tion­al for just about every vul­va own­er who loves rumbly and tar­get­ed vibra­tions. Which of the bul­lets caught your eye?

Further reading

Want to see what makes some bul­lets rum­bli­er than oth­ers from the inside? See my dis­sec­tion of dif­fer­ent brands’ vibra­tor motors!

This post con­tains bonus images, added to a rerun of a review I orig­i­nal­ly wrote for Spectrum Journal. Find even more of my writ­ing there!

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