Category: Hard Material Dildos

Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo 2

Fucking Myself With Luscious Playthings' 8" Glass Dildo

Slick, smooth, sub­lime sen­sa­tions for my slit and cervix. I love it deep, and I was enchant­ed when Luscious Playthings cus­tomized this glass dil­do to my spec­i­fi­ca­tions for stroking my…

njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo 3

njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo

Magic mir­ror on my fin­gers, let the orgasms loop and linger! I rel­ished my reflec­tion on the njoy Disco's flat­tened facet before it dis­ap­peared between my lips. Its pol­ished stain­less steel…

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 & 87 Glass Dildo Review 6

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 & 87 Glass Dildo Review

Glass dil­dos make eye-​​catching dis­play pieces. It’s hard not to drool over the Pipedream Icicles No. 39 and 87’s light-​​reflecting, obsid­i­an undu­la­tions. These two glass dil­dos offer very dif­fer­ent profiles…

Amazing Glow-In-The-Dark Dildos under blacklight

7 Radiant Glow-in-the-Dark Dildos to Try!

Stuck in a sex toy sea of pink, pur­ple, and cadav­er beige? Fuck that. Nix the gen­dered mar­ket­ing and stroll through my sex toy col­lec­tion: the lush dil­do for­est where teals,…