Category: Kink & Banter

Hack your horny head­space with 🖤 cere­bral and car­nal knowl­edge of kink — dive deep­er into dom­i­na­tion, sub­mis­sion, and the sub­con­scious 🖤 super sex-​positive cul­tur­al com­men­tary 🖤 per­son­al updates and light­heart­ed lis­ti­cles 🖤 and more!

COME TOGETHER Book Review: Reignite Intimacy and Desire 1

COME TOGETHER Book Review: Reignite Intimacy and Desire

Unlocking the Science of Long-​​Term Attraction with Insights from Come Together by Emily Nagoski I was hooked from the start: yes, research backs cer­tain keys to “keep­ing the spark alive” long-​​term, but no, they aren't about fre­quen­cy or nov­el­ty or…

Making Money Lewd & Nude Modeling: The Grind Behind It 2

Making Money Lewd & Nude Modeling: The Grind Behind It

“$140 an hour?!” a guy friend exclaimed when I men­tioned a mod­el­ing gig. “For that kind of mon­ey, I'd do what­ev­er they told me to.” It's easy for men from the out­side look­ing in to assume that mod­el­ing is easy for…

How Many Mistresses Can One Man Handle? 3

How Many Mistresses Can One Man Handle?

Celebrate Locktober and No Nut November with a chasti­ty enthu­si­ast who pushed his lim­its to answer the ques­tion: how much servi­tude is too much? Follow this man on his exper­i­ment of pleas­ing five mis­tress­es — what excit­ed him and what he…

L'Acier Capo stainless steel dildo with bullet cavity / vibrator slot and removable finger loop

READER RAVE: L’Acier Capo = Intense Orgasms All Over

Cervical and G‑spot orgasms are near­ly effort­less for me with the Capo stain­less steel dil­do by L’Acier. It’s pre­cise­ly my type for deep dick­ing, with a gen­tle curve for front wall mas­sage and a swoop­ing head for slip­ping behind my…

7 Ways Animal Mating Is Like Human Dating 4

7 Ways Animal Mating Is Like Human Dating

…and 1 way it (hope­ful­ly) isn't! When you think of human mat­ing rit­u­als, what comes to mind? Is it the pre-​​date primp­ing? Verbal spar­ring? Fooling around in a movie the­ater because you want safe pseudo-​privacy? Dr. Carin Bondar’s book Wild…

Flashy, bold, fun color sex toys

Sex Toys for Every Star Sign & Pleasure Persona: A Gift Guide

Toys for your zodi­ac sign, from auda­cious Aries to poet­ic Pisces This stel­lar shop­ping guide pairs sex-​​positive prod­ucts with astrology-​​inspired arche­types — div­ing into the sym­bol­ism and Hellenic plan­et ruler­ship to match your erot­ic ener­gy. Non-​​believer? No prob­lem! You'll likely…

Red G-string thong-style used panties

Why Do Men Buy & Jack Off to Women’s Used Panties?

What kind of man buys and sniffs used panties? Is he a per­vert? A los­er cuck? A fetishist, or kinky, or just some­one being a reg­u­lar wank­ing dude? He could be any or all of the above — it’s in the…

3 Emotional Needs of Sext Chat & Femdom Enthusiasts 5

3 Emotional Needs of Sext Chat & Femdom Enthusiasts

"I work with men's men­tal health" is how I'd euphem­ize my work as a pro-​Domme. And it's the truth. When a client is com­pelled to spend thou­sands of dol­lars a month to talk to me, it's not (just) because he…

Carnal Confessions from the Kinky Congregation 6

Carnal Confessions from the Kinky Congregation

I am Superior Trask, head of penance, here to dis­close the sins of the con­gre­ga­tion. Punishment and spir­i­tu­al cleans­ing shall be con­duct­ed amid your sin­ful souls; the rosary will also be prayed for your bro­ken, kinky minds. For this super…

Glass tentacle dildos

Dildos vs. "The Real Thing": Which One I'd Rather Have

A dil­do isn’t going to dance with one arm around my waist and the oth­er hand pulling my hair, tilt­ing my head for a kiss. Sex toys don’t have juicy, part­ed pil­low lips and tongues that “Yes, and” — kiss­ing me…

Domina Decoded: 5 Femdom Principles for Male Obedience 7

Domina Decoded: 5 Femdom Principles for Male Obedience

Master female dom­i­nance and male sub­mis­sion, rule over him, and have him eat­ing out of your hand. Men's myr­i­ad moti­va­tions for sex go beyond the phys­i­cal release — even with the slight­est graze under the psyche's sur­face. Just a few reasons…